
Import Log for Global Biotic Interactions

  • Started: April 16, 2024 17:41
  • Completed: 10:05:13
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 10:05:13 (ends) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:177:in `by_resource'> Complete
  • 10:05:13 (ends) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:176:in `by_resource'> TOTAL TIME: 16.4h
  • 10:05:11 (starts) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:163:in `by_resource'> TraitBank::Denormalizer.update_resource_vernaculars
  • 10:05:11 (starts) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:163:in `by_resource'> Running
  • 10:04:43 (starts) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:161:in `by_resource'> Resource#fix_native_nodes
  • 10:04:43 (starts) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:161:in `by_resource'> Running
  • 10:04:43 (warns) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:207:in `rescue in publish_traits_with_cleanup'> Trait Publishing failed: At https://eol.org/data/Globi/publish_metadata_chunk_21.csv @ position 17010961 - Missing end for quote (") which started on line 64578 FROM /gems/ruby/2.7.0/bundler/gems/neo4j-ruby-driver-fe5438fb945d/ffi/neo4j/driver/internal/handlers/response_handler.rb:38:in `check_summary_failure' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:533:in `merge_triple' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:418:in `block in load_csv_where' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:418:in `each' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:418:in `load_csv_where' << /app/lib/trait_bank/slurp.rb:296:in `block (2 levels) in load_csv'
  • 10:04:43 (warns) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:535:in `rescue in merge_triple'> Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::DatabaseException) FROM: #merge_triple QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://eol.org/data/Globi/publish_metadata_chunk_21.csv' AS row WITH row WHERE (row.sex IS NOT NULL AND TRIM(row.sex) <> '') MATCH (metadata:MetaData { eol_pk: row.eol_pk }) MATCH (sex:Term { uri: row.sex })}
  • 10:04:43 (warns) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:571:in `rescue in autocommit_query'> Exception (Neo4j::Driver::Exceptions::DatabaseException) QUERY: {USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://eol.org/data/Globi/publish_metadata_chunk_21.csv' AS row WITH row WHERE (row.sex IS NOT NULL AND TRIM(row.sex) <> '') MATCH (metadata:MetaData { eol_pk: row.eol_pk }) MATCH (sex:Term { uri: row.sex }) MERGE (metadata)-[:sex_term]->(sex)} MESSAGE: At https://eol.org/data/Globi/publish_metadata_chunk_21.csv @ position 17010961 - Missing end for quote (") which started on line 64578
  • 10:04:24 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_21.csv
  • 09:34:18 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 30 minutes for the part 21 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 09:34:18 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 2560000
  • 09:33:28 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_20.csv
  • 09:03:23 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 30 minutes for the part 20 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 09:03:23 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 2432000
  • 09:02:33 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_19.csv
  • 08:32:27 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 30 minutes for the part 19 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 08:32:27 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 2304000
  • 08:31:38 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_18.csv
  • 08:01:31 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 30 minutes for the part 18 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 08:01:31 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 2176000
  • 08:00:42 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_17.csv
  • 07:30:37 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 30 minutes for the part 17 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 07:30:37 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 2048000
  • 07:29:46 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_16.csv
  • 06:59:41 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 30 minutes for the part 16 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 06:59:41 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 1920000
  • 06:58:53 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_15.csv
  • 06:28:48 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 30 minutes for the part 15 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 06:28:48 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 1792000
  • 06:28:01 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_14.csv
  • 05:59:56 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 28 minutes for the part 14 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 05:59:56 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 1664000
  • 05:59:10 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_13.csv
  • 05:33:06 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 26 minutes for the part 13 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 05:33:06 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 1536000
  • 05:32:17 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_12.csv
  • 05:08:13 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 24 minutes for the part 12 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 05:08:13 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 1408000
  • 05:07:25 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_11.csv
  • 04:45:22 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 22 minutes for the part 11 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 04:45:22 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 1280000
  • 04:44:36 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_10.csv
  • 04:24:33 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 20 minutes for the part 10 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 04:24:33 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 1152000
  • 04:23:45 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_9.csv
  • 04:05:43 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 18 minutes for the part 9 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 04:05:43 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 2980194; Traits: 2979072; MetaData: 1024000
  • 04:04:55 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_8.csv
  • 03:48:53 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 16 minutes for the part 8 of 24 to be added to neo4j.