Fire Effects Information System (USDA)
The Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) provides up-to-date information about fire effects on plants, lichens, and animals. It was developed at the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory in Missoula, Montana. The FEIS database contains literature reviews, taken from current English-language literature of about 900 plant species, 7 lichen species, about 100 wildlife species, 17 Research Project Summaries, and 16 Kuchler plant communities of North America. The emphasis of each review and summary is fire and how it affects species. Background information on taxonomy, distribution, basic biology, and ecology of each species is also included. Reviews are thoroughly documented, and each contains a complete bibliography. Managers from several land management agencies (United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service) choose the species included in the database. Those agencies funded the original work and continue to support maintenance and updating of the database. FEIS data on EOL include invasiveness status.
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- May 31, 2021 18:50 Completed: 05-31 18:50:42.000 Status: completed
- May 31, 2021 17:37 Completed: 05-31 17:37:45.000 Status: completed
- July 22, 2020 10:11 Completed: 07-22 10:11:11.000 Status: completed
- July 22, 2020 10:10 Completed: 07-22 10:11:11.000 Status: stopped
- July 10, 2020 16:23 Completed: 07-10 16:23:04.000 Status: completed
- July 10, 2020 16:22 Completed: 07-10 16:23:04.000 Status: stopped
- July 10, 2020 15:29 Completed: 07-10 15:29:23.000 Status: completed
- July 10, 2020 15:28 Completed: 07-10 15:29:23.000 Status: stopped
- July 10, 2020 14:28 Completed: 07-10 14:28:25.000 Status: completed
- July 10, 2020 14:27 Completed: 07-10 14:28:25.000 Status: stopped
- December 02, 2019 10:18 Completed: 12-02 10:18:11.000 Status: completed