
Import Log for wikipedia русскую Википедию

  • Started: March 05, 2019 16:12
  • Completed: 16:22:33
  • Failed: 16:22:33
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 16:22:33 (ends) Complete
  • 16:22:33 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 9.7m
  • 16:22:33 (errors) I have been attempting to delete meta data for too many iterations. Aborting.
  • 16:22:33 (errors) gem:activesupport-4.2.10/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:240:in `load_dependency'
  • 16:22:33 (errors) gem:activesupport-4.2.10/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:274:in `require'
  • 16:22:33 (errors) bin/rails:4:in `<main>'
  • 16:22:33 (starts) Remove traits
  • 16:16:59 (starts) Fixing counter-culture counts...
  • 16:16:59 (starts) import 840 page contents...
  • 16:16:59 (infos) Batch 81/81...
  • 16:16:58 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:58 (infos) Batch 80/81...
  • 16:16:57 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:57 (infos) Batch 79/81...
  • 16:16:56 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:56 (infos) Batch 78/81...
  • 16:16:56 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:55 (infos) Batch 77/81...
  • 16:16:55 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:55 (infos) Batch 76/81...
  • 16:16:54 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:54 (infos) Batch 75/81...
  • 16:16:53 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:52 (infos) Batch 74/81...
  • 16:16:51 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:51 (infos) Batch 73/81...
  • 16:16:50 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:50 (infos) Batch 72/81...
  • 16:16:50 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:50 (infos) Batch 71/81...
  • 16:16:49 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:49 (infos) Batch 70/81...
  • 16:16:48 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:48 (infos) Batch 69/81...
  • 16:16:47 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:47 (infos) Batch 68/81...
  • 16:16:46 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:46 (infos) Batch 67/81...
  • 16:16:45 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:45 (infos) Batch 66/81...
  • 16:16:44 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:44 (infos) Batch 65/81...
  • 16:16:43 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:43 (infos) Batch 64/81...
  • 16:16:42 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:42 (infos) Batch 63/81...
  • 16:16:42 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:42 (infos) Batch 62/81...
  • 16:16:41 (starts) import 1000 page contents...
  • 16:16:41 (infos) Batch 61/81...