
Importer le journal pour BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

  • Started: December 19, 2023 09:48
  • Completed: 09:59:20
  • Failed: 09:59:20
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 09:59:20 (ends) Complete
  • 09:59:20 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 10.4m
  • 09:59:20 (errors) Mysql2::Error: Loading local data is disabled; this must be enabled on both the client and server sides: LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/app/tmp/bio_imgs_dw_bioi_nodes.tsv' INTO TABLE `nodes` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 FIELDS OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' (resource_id,page_id,rank_id,parent_id,scientific_name,canonical_form,resource_pk,source_url,is_hidden,in_unmapped_area,children_count,created_at,updated_at,has_breadcrumb,parent_resource_pk,landmark,harv_db_id)
  • 09:59:20 (errors) gem:bootsnap-1.17.0/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:32:in `require'
  • 09:59:20 (errors) gem:bootsnap-1.17.0/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:32:in `require'
  • 09:59:20 (errors) bin/rails:4:in `<main>'
  • 09:59:20 (starts) #import Node
  • 09:59:20 (starts) Running
  • 09:59:20 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 09:59:20 (starts) #grab_file nodes.tsv
  • 09:59:20 (starts) Running
  • 09:59:20 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids Node
  • 09:59:20 (starts) Running
  • 09:59:20 (warns) MISSING https://content.eol.org/data/bio_imgs_dw_bioi/publish_referents.tsv [404] (8 bytes); skipping
  • 09:59:19 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 09:59:19 (starts) #grab_file referents.tsv
  • 09:59:19 (starts) Running
  • 09:59:19 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids Referent
  • 09:59:19 (starts) Running
  • 09:59:19 (warns) All existing content has been destroyed for the resource.
  • 09:59:19 (infos) Removed 26172 Nodes
  • 09:59:13 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 26172 instances...
  • 09:59:13 (infos) ++ NUKE: Node (26172)
  • 09:59:12 (infos) Updating page node counts...
  • 09:59:12 (infos) Removed 151953 Attributions
  • 09:59:03 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 151953 instances...
  • 09:59:03 (infos) ++ NUKE: Attribution (151953)
  • 09:59:03 (infos) Removed 0 Vernaculars
  • 09:59:03 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
  • 09:59:03 (infos) ++ NUKE: Vernacular (0)
  • 09:59:03 (infos) Removed 26172 Scientificnames
  • 09:59:00 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 26172 instances...
  • 09:59:00 (infos) ++ NUKE: ScientificName (26172)
  • 09:59:00 (infos) Removed 0 Occurrencemaps
  • 09:58:59 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
  • 09:58:59 (infos) ++ NUKE: OccurrenceMap (0)
  • 09:58:59 (infos) Removed 0 Links
  • 09:58:59 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...
  • 09:58:59 (infos) ++ NUKE: Link (0)
  • 09:58:59 (infos) Removed 18082 Articles
  • 09:58:57 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 18082 instances...
  • 09:58:57 (infos) ++ NUKE: Article (18082)
  • 09:58:57 (infos) Removed 128478 Media
  • 09:58:35 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 128478 instances...
  • 09:58:35 (infos) ++ NUKE: Medium (128478)
  • 09:58:35 (infos) Removed 18685 Imageinfos
  • 09:58:33 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 18685 instances...
  • 09:58:33 (infos) ++ NUKE: ImageInfo (18685)
  • 09:58:33 (infos) Removed 0 Referents
  • 09:58:33 (infos) ++ Calling delete_all on 0 instances...