
Mulinia lateralis, gray (1); Star-fish about 2 days old, much enlarged, devouring a clam. Outlines of stomach of star-fish can be seen through transparent shell of clam (2): Larva of star-fish, nearly ready to set, in side view; dark bands show position o

Image of unclassified Bivalvia


Mulinia lateralis, gray (1); Star-fish about 2 days old, much enlarged, devouring a clam. Outlines of stomach of star-fish can be seen through transparent shell of clam (2): Larva of star-fish, nearly ready to set, in side view; dark bands show position of vibratile cilia; intestine and stomach shaded; five lobes at lower portion of figure are beginning of the five arms (3); Piece of eelgrass with star-fish larvae just undergoing their transformation; two larvae at sides (4); Small specimens of star-fish from seaweed, about the first of July (5-8); ...Average star found upon eelgrass and seaweed, on July 15 (9); Large specimen from car, July 15 (10); From car, July 18, large specimen, 5 mm (11); From car, July 24, large specimen, 8 mm (12).

Source Information

Freshwater and Marine Image Bank, University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections
Freshwater and Marine Image Bank