Mediterranean vegetation, Fondachelli Fantina, Sicily

Description: English: brooms in flower in the Patrì river at Fondachelli Fantina, Sicily Italiano: ginestre in primavera nel torrente Patrì a Fondachelli Fantina, Sicilia Français : balais au printemps dans la Fiumara del Patrì à Fondachelli Fantina, Sicile Español: floración escoba en Fondachelli Fantina, Sicilia Deutsch: Besen in Fondachelli Fantina, Sizilien Русский: цветения метлы в Фондакелли-Фантине, Сицилия Nederlands: bloeiende bezem in Fondachelli-Fantina, Sicilië Dansk: blomstring kost i Fondachelli Fantina, Sicily Polski: kwitnienia miotłę w Fondachelli-Fantina, Sycylia Norsk nynorsk: blomstring kost i Fondachelli Fantina, Sicilia 日本語: 開花ほうき,フォンダケッリ=ファンティーナ,シチリア Svenska: blommande kvast i Fondachelli Fantina, Sicilien Suomi: kukinnan luuta Fondachelli Fantina, Sisilia العربية: المزهرة مكنسة في Fondachelli Fantina، صقلية Bahasa Indonesia: Fondachelli Fantina, सिसिली में झाड़ू फूल 中文: 在豐達凱利 - 凡蒂納,西西里島開花掃帚 Čeština: kvetoucích koště v Fondachelli Fantina, Sicílie. Date:. Source: Own work. Author: Nasoallinsu.
Included On The Following Pages:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota
- Archaeplastida (plants)
- Chloroplastida
- Streptophyta
- Embryophytes
- Tracheophyta
- Spermatophytes (seed plants)
- Angiosperms (Dicotyledons)
- Eudicots
- Superrosids
- Rosids
- Fabales
- Fabaceae
- Genista (broom)
- Genista monspessulana (French broom)
This image is not featured in any collections.
Source Information
- license
- cc-publicdomain
- creator
- Nasoallinsu
- original
- original media file
- visit source
- partner site
- Wikimedia Commons
- ID