
Medusae of world-vol03 fig388 Discomedusa philippina

Image of Discomedusa Claus 1877


Description: Italiano: Discomedusa philippina sp. nova. Disegno dell'autore. Esemplare ottenuto dalla nave a vapore Albratross del U.S. Fishery Bureau, Catigan Bay, Filippine, 20 aprile 1906.English: Discomedusa philippina sp. nova. Drawn by the authore. Specimen obtained by the U.S. Fishery Bureau steamer Albratross, Catigan Bay, Philippines Islands, April 20, 1906. Date: 25 August 1910. Source: Medusae of the world, vol. 3 on Open library. Author: Mayor, Alfred Goldsborough (edited by Ruthven).

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