

Image of Eutypella quaternata (Pers.) Rappaz 1987


Eutypella quaternata (Pers.) Rappaz, syn.: Quaternaria quaternata (Pers.) J. Schrt., Sphaeria quaternata Pers., Valsa quaternata (Pers.) Fr.DE: Vierfrchtige QuaternariaSlo.: ?Dat.: Oct. 3. 2018Lat.: 46.360883 Long.: 13.702422Code: Bot_1160/2018_DSC3578Habitat: Wood edge, Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Fraxinus ornus and Ostrya carpinifolia dominant trees; slightly inclined mountain slope, southeast aspect; calcareous, colluvial, skeletal ground; average precipitations ~ 3.000 mm/year, average temperature 7-9 deg C, elevation 610 m (2.000 feet), alpine phytogeographical region.Substratum: dead branches of Fagus sylvatica still attached to the tree; branch diameter 9-14 mm.Place: Lower Trenta valley, between villages Soa and Trenta, Na melu place near Trenta 2b cottage, East Julian Alps, Posoje, Slovenia EC. Comments: Eutypella quaternata is a common fungus on dead Fagus branches. This is teleomorph form of anamorph Libertella faginea. In its sexual reproductive stage, it produces spores in fruiting bodies immerged in the barky of the tree in blackish perithecia. A few of them have a common stroma.Spores smooth, allantoid. Dimensions: (11,3) 11,7 - 15,5 (16,6) (2,8) 3,4 - 4,3 (4,7) m, Q = (2,7) 3,2 - 4; N = 30; Me = 13,6 3,8 m; Qe = 3,6; Asci 140 -210/8-10 microns, some with very long 'tail'; Olympus CH20, NEA 100x/1.25, magnification 1.000 x, oil (asci tips); NEA 40x/0.65, magnification 400x (spores, asci), in water, dry material. Novex, Zoom Stereo RZ_Range, Holland (stroma, perithecia), dry material. AmScope MA500 digital camera.Herbarium: Mycotheca and Herbarium of Slovenian Forestry Institute, Vena pot 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Index Herbariorum acronym LJFRef.: (1) www.bioimages.org.uk/html/r159161.htm?7 (accessed Nov. 2.2018)(2) www.mycoquebec.org/bas.php?trie=E&l=l&nom=Eutypel... (accessed Nov. 5. 2018) (3) www.123pilze.de/DreamHC/Download/Quaternaria.htm (accessed Nov. 5.2018) (4) www.ascofrance.com/recolte/4104/sordariomycetes-xylariale... (accessed Nov. 8.2018)(5) www.pilzflora-ehingen.de/pilzflora/arthtml/equaternata.php

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Amadej Trnkoczy
Amadej Trnkoczy
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