Somatic kineties

Strobilidium caudatum (FROMENTAL, 1874) FOISSNER, 1987, a spirotrich ciliate. Synonym of S. gyrans.The cell body is goblet shaped with a complete circular (closed type) wreath of membranelles at the anterior end. The adoral zone of membranelles is well seen in this image. Unlike Strombidium, there is no posterior lorica. There are five very reduced rows of somatic cilia which converge at the posterior end of the cell to form a tight spiral as seen in this image.Three of these are seen in this image (red arrowheads).The posterior terminus of the cell secretes a mucus thread allowing attachment to the substrate. Once attached the cell moves back and forth in pendulum fashion for a time then breaks free to swim away very rapidly. The cytostome is eccentrically located within the adoral zone of membranelles. From freshwater pond near Boise, Idaho. Protargol (see Foissner, W. Europ. J. Protistol., 27:313-330;1991).Brightfield.
Included On The Following Pages:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (eukaryotes)
- SAR (Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizaria)
- Alveolata (alveolates)
- Ciliophora (ciliates)
- Intramacronucleata
- Spirotrichea
- Choreotrichia (Choreotrich)
- Choreotrichida
- Strobilidiidae
- Strobilidium
- Strobilidium caudatum
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Source Information
- license
- cc-by-nc
- author
- William Bourland
- provider
- micro*scope
- original
- original media file
- visit source
- partner site
- micro*scope
- ID