Flying Heron 2
Flying Heron
Green Winged Teal, taken at the baylands preserve
Cinnamon teal, from Redwood Shores
Cinnamon Teal
Cinnaman Teal, Sacramento Wildlife Preserve
Barrows GoldenEye
Black Skimmer Pair
Black Skimmer in Flight
A Gadwall-Breeding-Plumage2
, native
Jay On A Branch
Tern on a plank 8-26-07
Tern at Lake Cunningham
Lake Cunningham Tern 2
Cedar wax wing in Toyon, PHotographed in the Lake Cunningham Native Garden in San Jose
Bushtit in Coyote Bush
Bald Eagles Mating, taken at Calaveras Resovoir Milpitas CA
Bald Eagles post mating, taken 3-3-2008