Mushroom Observer Image 404309: Psilocybe neoxalapensis Guzmán, Ram.-Guill. & Halling
Mushroom Observer Image 220545: Cladonia stipitata Lendemer & Hodkinson
Mushroom Observer Image 312817: Psilocybe allenii Borov., Rockefeller & P.G. Werner
Mushroom Observer Image 730374: Psathyrella bipellis (Quél.) A.H. Sm.
Mushroom Observer Image 137802: Amanita velosa (Peck) Lloyd
Mushroom Observer Image 737483: Agaricus L.
Mushroom Observer Image 508451: Ganoderma oregonense Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 561045: Stropharia rugosoannulata Farl. ex Murrill
Mushroom Observer Image 784211: Phlebia incarnata (Schwein.) Nakasone & Burds.
Mushroom Observer Image 64752: Dendrocollybia racemosa (Pers.) R.H. Petersen & Redhead
Mushroom Observer Image 83780: Heimioporus australis Fechner & Halling
Mushroom Observer Image 830641: Stropharia ambigua (Peck) Zeller
Mushroom Observer Image 1016011: Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata Guzmán & Gaines
Mushroom Observer Image 92338: Niveoporofomes spraguei (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai
Mushroom Observer Image 718453: Entoloma cuboidosporum var. chromostomum
Mushroom Observer Image 824950: Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach.
Mushroom Observer Image 24087: Niebla cephalota (Tuck.) Rundel & Bowler
Mushroom Observer Image 767000: Acarospora schleicheri (Ach.) A. Massal.
Mushroom Observer Image 374701: Macrolepiota Singer
Mushroom Observer Image 270650: Degelia plumbea (Lightf.) P.M. Jørg. & P. James
Mushroom Observer Image 682459: Stropharia hornemannii (Fr.) S. Lundell & Nannf.
Aseroë floriformisThis rather strange looking fungus is a member of the group formerly known as Gasteromycetes. The dark-coloured liquid contains the spores which are dispersed by flies that are attracted by the nasty smell that it produces.
Taken on November 14, 1979
São Sebastião, Sao Paulo, BR