Image of Northern Rosette Grass
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Northern Rosette Grass

Panicum boreale Nash

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Panicum boreale Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 22: 421. 1895
Vernal phase cespitose ; culms erect, or in shaded places sometimes decumbent at base, usually 30-50 cm. high, the nodes glabrous or sometimes with a few hairs; leaf -sheaths often 253
overlapping, ciliate on the margin, glabrous, or the lower sparsely pubescent; blades erect, or in laxer forms spreading, sparsely ciliate at 'the rounded base, otherwise glabrous, 6-12 cm. long, 7-12 mm. wide; panicles loosely rather few-flowered, 5-10 cm. long, hardly as wide, the branches ascending or spreading; spikelets 2-2.2 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, elliptic, subacute, pubescent; first glume one third as long as the spikelet or less; second glume and sterile lemma subequal, the glume scarcely as long as the fruit at maturity; fruit 1.9 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, elliptic, subacute.
Autumnal phase erect, sparingly branched from all the nodes in late summer, the branches erect, the leaves and panicles not greatly reduced.
Type locality : Cairo, New York .
Distribution: Newfoundland to New Jersey, and west to Minnesota.
bibliographic citation
George Valentine Nash. 1915. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora