Figure 24.Orthalicus species A–B, ii Orthalicus lividus Martens, 1864, syntype ZMB 4458 (H = 79.4) C–D, i Orthalicus ponderosus ponderosus Strebel in Strebel and Pfeffer, 1882, syntype of Zebra miles Strebel, 1909 ZMB 101830 (H = 71.0).
Figure 19.A–C Liguus fasciatus (Müller, 1774) A, v Probable syntype of Achatina blainiana Poey, 1853 ZMB 117781 (H = 39.0) B, i Paratype of Liguus fasciatus archeri Clench, 1934 ZMB 78796 (H = 51.9) C, ii Paratype of Liguus crenatus barbouri Clench, 1929 ZMB 74876 (H = 46.3) D–E, iii Orthalicus elegans Rolle, 1895, lectotype ZMB 47655 (H = 61.2) F–G, iv Orthalicus nobilis Rolle, 1895, lectotype ZMB 47656 (H = 58.8).
Figure 18.A–D Corona species A–B, i Corona pfeifferi (Hidalgo, 1869), syntype of Corona pfeifferi cincta Strebel, 1909 ZMB 101856 (H = 55.0) C–D, ii Corona perversa (Swainson, 1821), holotype of Orthalicus (Laeorthalicus) reginaeformis Strebel, 1909 ZMB 101824 (H = 46.9) E–H Hemibulimus species E–F, iii Hemibulimus excisus (Martens, 1885), holotype ZMB 101837 (H = 43.1) G–H, iv Hemibulimus dennisoni (Reeve, 1848), probable syntype of Porphyrobaphe (Myiorthalicus) dennisoni pallida Strebel, 1909 ZMB 117782 (H = 55.0).
Figure 26.Orthalicus species A–D Orthalicus uhdeanus Martens, 1893 A–B, i syntype ZMB 4995 (H = 39.3) C–D syntype ZMB 4996 (H = 54.3) E–F, ii Orthalicus varius Martens, 1873, syntype ZMB 101835a (H = 47.2).