Acinetactis ist eine Gattung von heterotrophen Amöben, die zu den Cercozoa gestellt wird und alleine eine eigene Familie Acinetactidae bilden. Sie leben frei schwimmend im Süßwasser.
Die Vertreter sind Amöben mit zwei gleich langen Geißeln. Sie besitzen Axopodien von gleichmäßiger Länge, die bewegliche Körnchen beinhalten und von einem Centrosom in der Mitte der Zelle, neben dem Zellkern, ausgehen, allerdings nicht von einer Mulde des Zellkerns.
Die Gattung besteht aus drei Gattungen:
Acinetactis ist eine Gattung von heterotrophen Amöben, die zu den Cercozoa gestellt wird und alleine eine eigene Familie Acinetactidae bilden. Sie leben frei schwimmend im Süßwasser.
Acinetactis is a possible genus of protist first described in 1886 by A.C. Stokes, who also described the type species A. mirabilis.[1] In 1928, Valkanov reported the discovery of a second species, A. arnaudovii.[2] The most recently recorded specimen of A. mirabilis was reported in 1940, no Acinetactis specimens have been reported since.[3]
The validity and classification of this genus is contested. In 1914, Adolf Pascher cast doubt on Acinetactis, suggesting that it was a junior synonym of Dimorpha mutans.[4] Cavalier-Smith classified Acinetactis as a heliomonad in 1993.[5] Bass et al. suggested in 2009 that the genus was a cercozoan in the class Granofilosea.[6]
Acinetactis is a possible genus of protist first described in 1886 by A.C. Stokes, who also described the type species A. mirabilis. In 1928, Valkanov reported the discovery of a second species, A. arnaudovii. The most recently recorded specimen of A. mirabilis was reported in 1940, no Acinetactis specimens have been reported since.
The validity and classification of this genus is contested. In 1914, Adolf Pascher cast doubt on Acinetactis, suggesting that it was a junior synonym of Dimorpha mutans. Cavalier-Smith classified Acinetactis as a heliomonad in 1993. Bass et al. suggested in 2009 that the genus was a cercozoan in the class Granofilosea.