Image of <i>Neivamyrmex ndeh</i> Snelling, G. & Snelling R.

Neivamyrmex ndeh Snelling, G. & Snelling R.

Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Figures 118, 132, 143


Male: head and mesosoma blackish brown, gaster reddish brown; head 1.5 × broader than long measured across eyes; smooth and shiny between scattered small punctures; mesosoma blackish brown, entire surface smooth and shining with numerous scattered small punctures, pilosity suberect and dense. Queen and worker unknown.


Male, measurements (mm) (n = 2): HW 0.86 - 0.91 (0.91); HL 0.55 - 0.58 (0.58); SL 0.39 - 0.41 (0.41); SW 0.15 - 0.16 (0.15); EL 0.305 - 0.306 (0.305); EW 0.23 - 0.26 (0.23); OD 0.09 - 0.10 (0.09); OOD 0.15 - 0.175 (0.175); OMD 0.07 - 0.12 (0.12); OVD 0.20; PW 0.70 (0.70); ML 0.40 (0.40); PL 0.62 - 0.70 (0.70). Indices: CI 156 - 158 (158); SI 49 - 57 (57).

Head almost 1.6 × as broad as long. Dorsal margin, in frontal view, concave and rounded at sides; preoccipital carina weak and not forming distinct collar. Free clypeal margin (ventral margin) slightly concave; frontal carina sharp between antennal fossae, but becoming rounded dorsad and curving laterad to form moderate swelling above antennal fossae. Mandible sickle-shaped and acute at apex, about 0.40 mm long. EL 1.3 × EW. OOD about 1.75 × OD. Scape extending to level of upper eye margin, about 3 × longer than broad; subantennal lamella prominent.

Mesosoma smooth and shiny, with numerous scattered small punctures.

Petiole slightly longer than broad; posterolateral corners rounded; dorsal surface shiny, ventral surface less so.

First three segments of gaster smooth and shiny, following segments duller, more distinctly, finely punctate. Subgenital plate longer than broad, somewhat spatulate; apicolateral teeth prominent, median tooth small. Dorsal margin of paramere broadly triangular, margins densely clothed with long flexuous hairs. Volsella with apical fork, dorsal process large and sharp, ventral process blunt and much shorter; inner margin each segment with a minute denticle near fork; numerous long erect hairs along ventral margin. Aedeagus in profile with apically rounded posterodorsal lobe and slightly longer, out-turned sharply pointed posteroventral lobe.

Color: head and mesosoma blackish brown, first two gastral segments similar, following segments becoming reddish brown on posterior segments; wings clear brownish.


This species is named for the Ndeh or Apache people of the southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico; the name pronounced approximately “ in deh ”, accenting the second syllable.


This minute species, currently known only from the two specimens cited above, is close in size only to N. baylori and should be readily identifiable on that basis alone. The holotype was taken in a Malaise trap and the Portal specimen was presumably taken at black light. The worker caste of this distinct species is unknown but is certainly likely to be another minute species; possibly it is N. goyahkla , described above.

Neivamyrmex ndeh is superficially similar to N. microps , but is significantly smaller and with distinctive genitalic features: the crotch of the apical fork of the volsella has only two barely perceptible teeth that are well removed from each other (see discussion of N. microps ).

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Snelling, G. C., 2007, New synonymy, new species, new keys to Neivamyrmex army ants of the United States., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 459-550, vol. 80
Snelling, G. C.
visit source
partner site
Plazi (legacy text)