Photograph by Michael Heithaus
Humpback whale surfacing, taken at the Stone Fence in the Laurentian Channel.
Humpback whale spyhopping, taken off Digby Neck, Nova Scotia
Humpback whale diving, taken off Digby Neck, Nova Scotia
Profile of hump and fin, seen off of Belle Isle.
Beenderen van: 1 – 7. Eudelphinus delphis 8. Eudelphinus fulvo-fasciatus 9. Gewone dolfijn (Eudelphinus tasmaniensis, synoniem van Delphinus delphis) 10 – 11. Eudelphinus longirostris
The picture is taken in June 2006 in the deep Black Sea waters
Short-beaked common dolphins, taken in the Gully Marine Protected Area, offshore Nova Scotia.
Common Dolphin
dorsal view
Alonissos (Greece)
Beenderen van de griend (Globiocephalus melas, synoniem van Globicephala melas).
Pilot whales socializing at surface, taken in the Gully Marine Protected Area, offshore Nova Scotia
Long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas)