Echeveria pulidonis. A slow growing Echeveria from the State of Puebla, Mexico. Has been in cultivation since the 1960s. Will eventually offset. Easily propagated from cuttings. The plant photographed is a recent purchase by my wife.
Echeveria pulidonis. Nascent offset pictured. A slow growing Echeveria from the State of Puebla, Mexico. Has been in cultivation since the 1960s. Will eventually offset. Easily propagated from cuttings. The plant photographed is a recent purchase by my wife.
Echeveria pulidonis. A slow growing Echeveria from the State of Puebla, Mexico. Has been in cultivation since the 1960s. Will eventually offset. Easily propagated from cuttings. The plant photographed is a recent purchase by my wife.
Echeveria pulidonis. A slow growing Echeveria from the State of Puebla, Mexico. Has been in cultivation since the 1960s. Will eventually offset. Easily propagated from cuttings. The plant photographed grows in a private garden in Berkeley, CA.
Echeveria pulidonis. A slow growing Echeveria from the State of Puebla, Mexico. Has been in cultivation since the 1960s. Will eventually offset. Easily propagated from cuttings. The plant photographed grows in a private garden in Berkeley, CA.
Native to southern California and northern Baja California. San Diego Botanical Gardens.
Orinda, California, United States
2010.09.05 Lower Austria, Bruck/Leitha - Hainburg (limestone rock cliff south of Hainburg, Hundsheimer Berge, ca. 340 m AMSL).Flowering from july till october; quite rare.German name: Kurzhaarige Kugel-Fransenhauswurz (Donarsbart).ID: Fischer & al., Exkursionsflora A/FL/SdT (2008 3rd); here I am not quite sure about subspecies - my ID source Fischer notes that in this region "Jovibarba globifera subsp. glabrescens" is native (but without giving a description, and leaving unsaid whether J. g. subsp. hirta is native in this specific region too, or not).Looking at
www.biolib.cz/en/taxonimage/id14428/?taxonid=730201&t... however I think that this here is the subspecies referred to as either
Jovibarba globifera subsp. glabrescens (Fischer) or
Jovibarba globifera subsp. hirta var. glabrescens (biolib.cz).
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Whiting Bay. Arran. NS036249
Sedum spathulifolium 'Campbell Lake'"Cambell Lake" Pacific stonecrop. A cultivar discovered by the late Jenny Fleming., one of the founding members of the California Native Plant Society and long-time volunteer at Regional Parks Botanic Garden. Photographed in Katherine Greenberg's Garden. Katherine Greensberg is a past president of Friends of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden as well as the Mediterranean Garden Society and Pacific Horticulture Society. She is also co-author of Growing California Native Plants (2nd edition, UC Press, 2012).
Washington, United States
A native of central Mexico, displayed at the UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens.
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States
Orinda, California, United States