Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Scudderia furcata, female. The globule and other material beneath the ovipositor are the remains of a spermatophore and the spermatophylax that accompanied it.
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Scudderia furcata adult. This image is one of a series illustrating the development of this katydid on Singing Insects of North America(, where T.J. Walker (2006) writes: The photographs below document the development of a nymph sent me in early July by John Spooner, University of South Carolina at Aiken. John had obtained the eggs the previous fall from a female from Rapides Parish, Louisiana, sent to him by Steve Shively, Wildlife Biologist, Kisatchie National Forest. John noted that the eggs had been laid in leaves that died back in the winter and that he had placed them on wet filter paper on May 20. The earliest hatch was June 23. John surmised that "eggs can be laid in deciduous leaves which drop to the substrate in the fall/winter, absorb water from spring rains and hatch.
The nymph was reared in a container that John supplied, on lettuce supplemented by bits of dry cereal and catfood. It traveled with me on a month-long camping/collecting trip from Florida to California and back."
Thomas J. Walker/Singing Insects of North America
SINA images
Scudderia furcata, pink/dark female. This individual shows the inadequacy of a color classification system that uses only green, pink, and dark. This female is both slightly pink and slightly dark (but not at all green).