
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Goratelson warroo

DESCRIPTION.—Pereonite 4 short; rostrum large; eyes red in formaldehyde, colorless in alcohol; head with distinct, subquadrate lateral lobe; antenna 1 lacking nasiform process, peduncle thin, article 2 shorter than article 3, accessory flagellum vestigial; antenna 2 with article 3 curving weakly around front of head medially, articles 4–5 subequal to each other in length; epistome unproduced, upper lip bilobate; mandible lacking palp, lacinia mobilis on both sides deeply serrate but left side more so than right; lower lip not studied; palp of maxilla 1 biarticulate, outer plate with 6 spines, inner naked; inner plate of maxilla 2 unproduced; inner plates of maxilliped especially small in relation to other thaumatelsonins, bearing 2 long apical sabre-spines each, palp article 4 with weak distal nail; coxa 4 with concave crescentic lower margin rolled inward, no lateral pit, posteroventral corner bearing weak laterocontiguous cusp in adolescents, its supporting lobe more prominent in adults; pereopod 2 not significantly smaller than pereopod 1; gnathopods with palms fully oblique, gnathopod 2 much larger than 1, palm of gnathopod 1 bearing several stout spines and defined by 2 pairs in tandem of apically truncate spines, dactyl reaching between the sets of spines, article 5 with long lobe bearing 1 truncate and 1 sharp spine; gnathopod 2 with setules on palm, bearing lateral submarginal ridge armed with 3 large truncate spines, palm defined by 2 sets of truncate spines, dactyl failing to reach defining spines, but elongate, article 5 with thin naked lobe (laterally), lobe with better medial development and 2 small truncate spines; article 2 of pereopods 3–5 rectangular but stout in relation to other thaumatelsonins, stouter on pereopods 4–5 than on pereopod 3 and posteroventrally lobate, article 5 of all pereopods with active margin densely tuberculate, all dactyls bearing accessory apical tooth and comb row of pectinations; pleonal epimeron 1 broadly rounded and projecting posteriorly, epimera 2–3 deeply sinuous and epimeron 3 with especially attenuate posteroventral comer; pleonite 3 weakly inflated dorsally, all of pleonites 4–6 coalesced but elongate and fully covered by telson; outer rami of uropods 1–2 short, uropod 3 uniramous, ramus biarticulate; telson huge, broad, and low but fleshy and with rudimentary state of dorsal erection, extending posteriorly and camouflaging uropod 3 so as to appear to be overhanging dorsal process, urosome extending and becoming attenuate under telson for attachment of uropod 3; body covered with weakly developed pits, occasional setules and rarely with rugosities, skin sculpture best developed on dorsal part of pleonite 3 and head.

HOLOTYPE.—WAM, female, 2.6 mm.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—JLB Australia 5, west of Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste, Western Australia, intertidal, wash of algae and rocks, 2 September 1968.

DISTRIBUTION.—Southwestern Australia, intertidal.

Raumahara, new genus

DIAGNOSIS.—Gnathopod 2 chelate, gnathopod 1 with subtransverse palm shorter than posterior margin of hand; mandible lacking palp; palp of maxilla 1 biarticulate; antenna 1 lacking nasiform process; pereopods 3–5 with rectolinear article 2; pereonite 4 elongate; pleonites 5–6 free; telson long but flat, scarcely fleshy, lateral area much smaller than lateral area of pleonite 4, latter normal, pleonite 3 normal.

TYPE-SPECIES.—Raumahara dertoo, new species.

INCLUDED.—Prothaumatelson carinatum Shoemaker (1955); Raumahara rongo J. L. Barnard (in press).
bibliographic citation
Barnard, J. L. and Drummond, M. M. 1978. "Gammaridean Amphipoda of Australia, Part III. The Phoxocephalidae." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-551. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.103

Goratelson warroo ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL

Goratelson warroo is een vlokreeftensoort uit de familie van de Stenothoidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1972 door J.L. Barnard.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Lowry, J. (2012). Goratelson warroo J.L. Barnard, 1972. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=555064
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