1999 California Academy of Sciences
skeleton shrimp and young
Dmitry A. Sidorov, Andrey A. Gontcharov, Dmitry M. Palatov, Steven J. Taylor, Alexander A. Semenchenko
Subterranean Biology
Figure 5.Zenkevitchia yakovi sp. n.: holotype, male (10.0 mm), X43382/Cr-1613-FEFU. A Maxilliped, ventral view B, C Enlarged outer and inner plates of maxilliped, ventral view D Enlarged inner plate of maxilliped, dorsal view E Left maxilla 1, dorsal view F Enlarged outer plate of maxilla 1 G Palp of right maxilla 1, dorsal view H Maxilla 2, dorsal view.
Figure 4.Elasmopus yucalpeten sp. n., holotype male, 6.6 mm, CYMX-1-EY; paratype female, 6.2 mm, CYMX-2-EY; Yucalpeten harbor, Yucatan, Mexico. Scale bars represent 0.3 mm.
Figure 5.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n.: gpI 1st gnathopod; gpII 2nd gnathopod; ppIII–ppIV, ppVI–ppVII 3rd to 7th pereopods; ppV-b – ppVII-b bases of 5th to 7th pp; ppV-d – ppVII-d distal part of 5th to 7th pp; plp 2nd pleopod; upI and up II 1st and 2nd uropod; upIII-f 3rd uropod of female; upIII-m 3rd uropod of male; cxI-cxVII 1st to 7th coxal plate. Remarks: shadow colour was used to emphasise of important character. Not drawn to scale.
This view shows pereonites 3 and 4 closer up (the end of pereonite 2 with ghathopod 2 is visible to the right). On each of pereonites 3 and 4 a small, 1-article vestigial pereopod can be seen projecting from near the front of the article and a leaflike gill projects from farther back. Note the large dorsal, forward-directed spine on both pereonite 3 and 4.
Corophium; Slijkgarnaal.
Caprella horrida maleCaprella horrida maleSpecimens from: National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 25905; (NMNH) 112832; Series-Loubyrne; Hudson Bay; Trawl;
Dmitry A. Sidorov, Andrey A. Gontcharov, Dmitry M. Palatov, Steven J. Taylor, Alexander A. Semenchenko
Subterranean Biology
Figure 6.Zenkevitchia yakovi sp. n.: holotype, male (10.0 mm), X43382/Cr-1613-FEFU. A, C, E, G, I Pereopods 3–7, lateral views B, D, F, H, J Enlarged dactyli of pereopods 3–7, lateral views.
Figure 1.Elasmopus yucalpeten sp. n., holotype male, 6.6 mm, CYMX-1-EY; Yucalpeten harbor, Yucatan, Mexico. Scale bar for H represents 1 mm; scale bars for G1 and G2 represent 0.3 mm; scale bars for AF and T represent 0.1 mm.
Figure 6.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n. neonate: A general view B head and anterior part C 1st and 2nd uropods D basal segment of 7th pereopod E 2nd pleopod F 3rd uropod G 2nd gnathopod (Photo: I. Hudec). Not drawn to scale.
In this lateral view of the head and antennae 2, the long setae on antennae 2 can be seen. The next to last article of antenna 2 is about 6x as long as wide and has setae at least 2x as long as the article is wide. Notice also the large, single dorsal spine on the head and the small first gnathopods at the anterior end of pereonite 1. The large first antennae are extending upward out of the picture.
Foto Fitis, www.fotofitis.nl
Jassa falcata; Jassa.
Caprella horrida gnathopods 2Caprella horrida gnathopods 2Specimens from: National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 25905; (NMNH) 112832; Series-Loubyrne; Hudson Bay; Trawl;
Dmitry A. Sidorov, Andrey A. Gontcharov, Dmitry M. Palatov, Steven J. Taylor, Alexander A. Semenchenko
Subterranean Biology
Figure 7.Zenkevitchia yakovi sp. n.: paratype, female (8.5 mm), X43383/Cr-1614-FEFU. A Gnathopod 1, medial view B Enlarged palmar part of gnathopod 1 C Gnathopod 2, medial view D Enlarged palmar part of gnathopod 2 E Metasome and urosome, lateral view F, G Uropods 1 and 2, dorsal views H Uropod 3, ventral view I Telson, dorsal view.
Figure 2.Elasmopus yucalpeten sp. n., holotype male, 6.6 mm, CYMX-1-EY; Yucalpeten harbor, Yucatan, Mexico. Scale bars represent 0.1 mm.
Figure 7.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n. – male: ontogenetic transformation of upI (6–8), upIII (1–5) with detail of endopodite (3–1, 4a1, 5–1) and presence of black-brownish callus (▼) after extraction and wounding of extremities, or after a bite (4–2) 1, 6 neonate 2–3 juvenile 4, 7 adult 5, 8 postreproductive male 9 gpII of neonate (Photo: I. Hudec). Not drawn to scale.
This dorsal view of the head shows more clearly the first and second antennae.
Caprella unica/Caprella grahami maleCaprella unica maleSpecimens from: National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 305797-8; (NMNH) 1110829 (labeled C. grahami)
Figure 2.Habitus of Synurella odessana sp. n., left side (preserved specimens): A male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU B female, 9.0 mm, paratype X42025/Cr-1542-FEFU.
Figure 3.Elasmopus yucalpeten sp. n., holotype male, 6.6 mm, CYMX-1-EY; Yucalpeten harbor, Yucatan, Mexico. Scale bars represent 0.3 mm.