Figure 8.Variability of telson setae of Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n.: A–E, H juveniles (males and females) F adult male G adult female I postreproductive male J postreproductive female K 3rd uropod of female (Photo: I. Hudec). Not scaled.
Tritella pilimana found on eelgrass on March Point, Padilla Bay June 2007. Total length not including antennae = 2.4 cm. (Photo by: Dave Cowles July 2007)
Caprella unica gnathopods 2Caprella unica/ Caprella grahami gnathopods 2Specimens from: National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 305797-8; (NMNH) 1110829 (labeled C. grahami)
Figure 3.Synurella odessana sp. n.: male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU: A head B epimera 1?3 C pleopod 3 D uropod 1 E uropod 2 F uropod 3 G telson. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 4.Elasmopus yucalpeten sp. n., holotype male, 6.6 mm, CYMX-1-EY; paratype female, 6.2 mm, CYMX-2-EY; Yucalpeten harbor, Yucatan, Mexico. Scale bars represent 0.3 mm.
Figure 9.Relative abundance (A) and moving activity (B) of Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n. in relation to temperature gradient in the artificial channel of type locality in 2012. Air and water temperatures were measured during collecting of amphipods (around 2.00pm). Notes: F-eggs = females with eggs, F-embryos = females with embryos. Source, 5 m, 10 m = water temperature at various distances from the spring (source).
Caprella dilatata gnathopod 2Caprella dilatata gnathopod 2Specimen: National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 23208; Received from the Zoo. Sta. Naples, Italy; Acc No 27,047, 1893. Labelled as C. acutifrons
Figure 4.Synurella odessana sp. n.: male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU: A gnathopod 1 B gnathopod 2. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 2.Parelasmopus setiger Chevreux, 1901, A. male, 10.3 mm, UKMMZ-1527; B, female, 9.8 mm, UKMMZ-1528. Pulau Hantu, Singapore. Scale 2 mm.
Caprella dilatata femaleCaprella dilatata femaleSpecimen: National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 23208; Received from the Zoo. Sta. Naples, Italy; Acc No 27,047, 1893. Labelled as C. acutifrons
Figure 5.Synurella odessana sp. n.: male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU: A antenna 2 B antenna 1 C upper lip D lower lip E maxilla 2 F maxilla 1 G mandible, left H mandible, right I mandible, palp J maxilliped. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 3.Parelasmopus setiger Chevreux, 1901, male, (UKMMZ-1527), 10.3 mm. Pulau Hantu, Singapore. Scale for A1 = 0.01 mm; A2 = 0.005 mm; HD = 0.5 mm; G1 = 0.05 mm; G2 = 0.005 mm.
Caprella lilliputCaprella lilliput individuals showing miniature size.Specimens from: National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 305416
Figure 6.Synurella odessana sp. n.: male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU: A pereopod 3 B pereopod 4 C pereopod 5 D pereopod 6 E pereopod 7. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 4.Parelasmopus setiger Chevreux, 1901, male, (UKMMZ-1527), 10.3 mm. Pulau Hantu, Singapore. Scale for P3 = 0.005 mm; P4 = 0.5 mm; P5 = 0.5 mm; P6 = 0.5 mm; P7 = 0.005 mm.
In gammarid amphipods the last three abdominal legs are uropods. This view shows a dorsal view of uropods 1 (lowest) to 3 on the left side of the animal. Above the base of uropod 3 the telson can be seen, then uropod 3 on the right side of the animal is visible at the very top. Uropods 1 and 2 have two similar rami composed of flattened blades with setae along the edges. Uropod 3 has a paddlelike inner ramus (seen on edge on the left, close uropod and from the flat side on the right, far uropod). The outer ramus of uropod 3 is less flattened and has two apical teeth, as seen below.
Caprella andreae maleCaprella andreae maleSpecimen: National Museum of Natural History, Washington DC: (NMNH) 113051
Figure 7.Synurella odessana sp. n.: female, 9.0 mm, paratype X42025/Cr-1542-FEFU: A urosome B antenna 2 C uropod 3 D telson E gnathopod 1, propodus F gnathopod 2, propodus G lateralia. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 5.Parelasmopus setiger Chevreux, 1901, male, (UKMMZ-1527), 10.3 mm. Pulau Hantu, Singapore. Scale for EP = 1 mm; U1 = 0.5 mm; U2 = 0.5 mm; U3 = 0.5 mm; T = 0.025 mm.