Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Maxillary barbels, first ray of dorsal fin, and first ray of pectoral fin extended as long, flat filaments. 1 pair of barbels on chin.
- Recorder
- Grace Tolentino Pablico
Life Cycle
provided by Fishbase
Each male carries not more than 50 eggs in its mouth, usually averaging from 15 to 30 (Ref. 205).
provided by Fishbase
Analsoft rays: 22 - 28
- Recorder
- Grace Tolentino Pablico
Trophic Strategy
provided by Fishbase
This species was known to occur in salinities ranging from 0 to 36 ppt, temperatures from 20 to 32 °C and water transparency from 0.3 to 1.2 m. The primary food of the juveniles is unidentifiable organic matter, the secondary food is fish with smaller amounts from other trophic groups (Ref. 8980).
provided by Fishbase
Mainly marine but enters brackish estuaries with relatively high salinities (Ref. 5217). Opportunistic feeders over mud and sandy bottoms (Ref. 27549). Feeds mainly on small fishes and invertebrates. The dorsal and pectoral fins are equipped with a serrated erectile spine, both of which are venomous. Commonly caught by anglers along bridges, piers and catwalks. Flesh considered good; marketed fresh (Ref. 5217). Minimum depth reported taken from Ref. 57178.
provided by Fishbase
fisheries: commercial; gamefish: yes