Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Disruptive Coloration (Spots/Stripes)
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Disruptive Coloration (Spots/Stripes)
#Exemplar: | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Cryptic | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo
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Culaea inconstansCulaea inconstans, Brook sticklebackFrom
Grammistes Orientalis (Oriental Grammistes). Madras, India
Hexagrammos lagocepalus (Pallas).
Spotted jewfish (Promicrops itaiara).
Blennicottus globiceps (Girard).
Lycodes mucosus, from Northumberland Sound.
Irish Lord, Hemilepidotus jordani Bean. Unalaska.
18-spined Sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus (Mitchill). Beasley Point, N. J..
Gennadiy A. Shandikov, Richard R. Eakin
Figure 1.Pogonophryne neyelovi sp. n., holotype (MNKhNU R299), freshly caught male, 355 mm TL, 295 mm SL: a lateral view b dorsal view c ventral view d mental barbel (dorsal view): stem damaged by hook with removed flap of skin. Scale bars 10 mm.
Carole C. Baldwin, D. Ross Robertson
Figure 2.Liopropoma santi sp. n., type series: A USNM 426811, holotype, 116 mm SL, DNA #CUR 13253 B USNM 426813, paratype, 76.2 mm SL, DNA #CUR 13280 C USNM 414824, paratype, 42.0 mm SL, DNA #CUR 12314.
Grammistes sexlineatus (Thunberg).
Etheostoma rex, Jordan & Evermann (fig.9); Etheostoma roanoka, Jordan & Jenkins (Fig.10); Etheostoma pudostemone, Jordan & Jenkins (Fig.11); Etheostoma Vercundum, Jordan & Evermann (Fig.12); Teheostoma swannanoa, Jordan & Evermann (Fig.13).
Serranus Phaeton (Long-tailed Serranus). Habitat Unknown
Pterygotrigla polyommata.
Lates Nobilis (Lates of the Nile). River Nile
Hemilepidotus jordani Bean.
Cottus leiopomus, sp. nov. (Type.). Little Wood River, Shoshone, Idaho
Gennadiy A. Shandikov, Richard R. Eakin
Figure 2.Mental barbel in short-barbeled species of the “Pogonophryne mentella” group, dorsal view, showing processes from various regions of terminal expansion; arrow indicates upper border of terminal expansion: a Pogonophryne tronio, holotype (MKhNU R295, formalin-preserved), male, 295 mm SL b Pogonophryne neyelovi sp. n., holotype (formalin-preserved) c Pogonophryne brevibarbata, female (MKhNU R298, just caught specimen), 262 mm SL d Pogonophryne ventrimaculata, holotype ZMH 46-1985, alcohol-preserved (from Eakin 1987: fig. 4), female, 214 mm SL. Scale bar 1 mm.
Carole C. Baldwin, D. Ross Robertson
Figure 3.Liopropoma santi sp. n., USNM 426811, holotype, 116 mm SL (photographed against a black background).