Figures 38–49.Gills of Thalerosphyrus determinatus (38–41), Thalerosphyrus sinuosus (42–45) and Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis (46–49). 38, 42, 46 Gill I 39, 43, 47 Gill IV 40, 44, 48 Gill VI 41, 45, 49 Gill VII.
Gudenå v. Vilholt Mølle
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 6.A–B General outline (A) and micropyle (B) of the egg of Notacanthurus baei Braasch & Boonsoong, 2009 C-D General outline (C) and micropyle (D) of the egg of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus Navás, 1933. Scale bars 20 µm for A and C; 5 µm for B and D.
Figures 1–3.Thalerosphyrus determinatus (Walker, 1853). 1 Habitus in dorsal view 2 Habitus in ventral view 3 Detail of abdominal segments VI–IX in ventral view.
Gudenå v. Vilholt Mølle
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 2.A Ventral view of abdomen of Rhithrogena siamensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2009 B–E lamellae of gills 1 (B), 3 (C), 5 (D) and 7 (E) of Trichogenia maxillaris Braasch & Soldán, 1988 F ventral view of left maxilla of Trichogenia maxillaris Braasch & Soldán, 1988 G bristles on dorsal face of abdominal terga of Trichogenia maxillaris Braasch & Soldán, 1988 H ventral view of left maxilla of Compsoneuria langensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010 I-J abdominal terga (I) and tergum VII (J) of Notacanthurus baei Braasch & Boonsoong, 2009.
Figures 16–22.Mouthparts structure of Thalerosphyrus determinatus (20), Thalerosphyrus sinuosus (16, 21) and Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis (17, 18, 19, 22). 16–17 Hemi-labrum 18 Left mandible 19 Right mandible 20–22 Labial glossa.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 6.A–B General outline (A) and micropyle (B) of the egg of Notacanthurus baei Braasch & Boonsoong, 2009 C-D General outline (C) and micropyle (D) of the egg of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus Navás, 1933. Scale bars 20 µm for A and C; 5 µm for B and D.
Figures 27–34.Mouthpart (27–28) and thoracic (29–34) structures of Thalerosphyrus determinatus (27, 29, 30), Thalerosphyrus sinuosus (31, 32) and Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis (28, 33, 34). 27–28 Apex of superlingua of hypopharynx 29, 31, 33 Bristles on the dorsal face of hind femur 30, 32, 34 Outer margin of hind tibia.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 3.A Right side of thorax of Afronurus namnaoensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010 B–D right side of thorax (B), ventral view of head capsule (C) and ventral view of posterior abdomen (D) of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus Navás, 1933 E–H lamella of gills 3 (E), 4 (F), 5 (G), 6 (H) of Compsoneuria (Siamoneuria) kovaci Braasch, 2006 I–J dorsal view of abdomen (I), lamella of gills 7 (J) of Compsoneuria thienemanni Ulmer, 1939 K–L dorsal view of abdomen (K), lamella of gills 7 (L) of Compsoneuria langensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010.
Figures 38–49.Gills of Thalerosphyrus determinatus (38–41), Thalerosphyrus sinuosus (42–45) and Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis (46–49). 38, 42, 46 Gill I 39, 43, 47 Gill IV 40, 44, 48 Gill VI 41, 45, 49 Gill VII.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 6.A–B General outline (A) and micropyle (B) of the egg of Notacanthurus baei Braasch & Boonsoong, 2009 C-D General outline (C) and micropyle (D) of the egg of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus Navás, 1933. Scale bars 20 µm for A and C; 5 µm for B and D.
Figures 35–37.Posterior margin of abdominal tergite IV. 35 Thalerosphyrus determinatus 36 Thalerosphyrus sinuosus 37 Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 3.A Right side of thorax of Afronurus namnaoensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010 B–D right side of thorax (B), ventral view of head capsule (C) and ventral view of posterior abdomen (D) of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus Navás, 1933 E–H lamella of gills 3 (E), 4 (F), 5 (G), 6 (H) of Compsoneuria (Siamoneuria) kovaci Braasch, 2006 I–J dorsal view of abdomen (I), lamella of gills 7 (J) of Compsoneuria thienemanni Ulmer, 1939 K–L dorsal view of abdomen (K), lamella of gills 7 (L) of Compsoneuria langensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010.
Figures 10–15.Egg structure of Thalerosphyrus determinatus (10–11), Thalerosphyrus sinuosus (12–13), Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis (14–15). 10, 12, 14 Egg in toto 11, 13, 15 Details of the micropyle and chorionic structures.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 6.A–B General outline (A) and micropyle (B) of the egg of Notacanthurus baei Braasch & Boonsoong, 2009 C-D General outline (C) and micropyle (D) of the egg of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus Navás, 1933. Scale bars 20 µm for A and C; 5 µm for B and D.
Figures 4–6.Thalerosphyrus sinuosus (Navás, 1933). 4 Habitus in dorsal view 5 Habitus in ventral view 6 Detail of abdominal segments VI–IX in ventral view.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 9.A Habitus of Asionurus namnaoensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010 B habitus of Asionurus primus Braasch & Soldán, 1986 Chabitus of Compsoneuria thienemanniUlmer, 1939 Dhabitus of Epeorus khayengensis Boonsoong & Braasch, 2010 E habitus of Rhithrogena tonkinensis Soldán & Braasch, 1986 F habitus of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus Navás, 1933.
Figures 16–22.Mouthparts structure of Thalerosphyrus determinatus (20), Thalerosphyrus sinuosus (16, 21) and Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis (17, 18, 19, 22). 16–17 Hemi-labrum 18 Left mandible 19 Right mandible 20–22 Labial glossa.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 2.A Ventral view of abdomen of Rhithrogena siamensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2009 B–E lamellae of gills 1 (B), 3 (C), 5 (D) and 7 (E) of Trichogenia maxillaris Braasch & Soldán, 1988 F ventral view of left maxilla of Trichogenia maxillaris Braasch & Soldán, 1988 G bristles on dorsal face of abdominal terga of Trichogenia maxillaris Braasch & Soldán, 1988 H ventral view of left maxilla of Compsoneuria langensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010 I-J abdominal terga (I) and tergum VII (J) of Notacanthurus baei Braasch & Boonsoong, 2009.
Figures 23–26.SEM (23, 25, 26) and optic (24) pictures of maxillar structure. 23–24 Dentisetae of Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis dp: proximal dentisetae, dd distal dentisetae 25 Scattered setae on the ventral face of the galea-lacinia of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus 26 Comb-shape setae on the crown of the galea-lacinia of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 3.A Right side of thorax of Afronurus namnaoensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010 B–D right side of thorax (B), ventral view of head capsule (C) and ventral view of posterior abdomen (D) of Thalerosphyrus sinuosus Navás, 1933 E–H lamella of gills 3 (E), 4 (F), 5 (G), 6 (H) of Compsoneuria (Siamoneuria) kovaci Braasch, 2006 I–J dorsal view of abdomen (I), lamella of gills 7 (J) of Compsoneuria thienemanni Ulmer, 1939 K–L dorsal view of abdomen (K), lamella of gills 7 (L) of Compsoneuria langensis Braasch & Boonsoong, 2010.
Figures 27–34.Mouthpart (27–28) and thoracic (29–34) structures of Thalerosphyrus determinatus (27, 29, 30), Thalerosphyrus sinuosus (31, 32) and Thalerosphyrus lamuriensis (28, 33, 34). 27–28 Apex of superlingua of hypopharynx 29, 31, 33 Bristles on the dorsal face of hind femur 30, 32, 34 Outer margin of hind tibia.
Boonsatien Boonsoong, Dietrich Braasch
Figure 7.A–B General outline (A) and micropyle (B) of the egg of Compsoneuria thienemanniUlmer, 1939 C–D General outline (C) and micropyle (D) of the egg of Asionurus primus Braasch & Soldán, 1986. Scale bars 20 µm for A and C; 5 µm for B and D.