Image of Brewer's jewelflower
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Brewer's Jewelflower

Streptanthus breweri A. Gray

Brief Summary

provided by EOL authors
streptanthus breweri occurs on serpentine barrens in chaparral or woodland at elevations ranging from 250 to 1700 meters. The bioregional distribution in California is the southernmost Klamath Ranges, High North Coast Ranges, central and south Inner North Coast Ranges, e San Francisco Bay Area and Inner South Coast Ranges.

With a common name of Brewer's jewelflower, this annual rises to a height not exceeding one meter, branched above or throughout. The glabrous widely ovate or obovate leaves are basal and entire to coarsely dentate. Sepals present as purplish or greenish white; upper petals whitish or purple-veined.
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