Longitude (deg): -1.2. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 10' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: Berks. Vice county no.: 22. Country: England. Stage: Tree. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: Snow-covered winter tree. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Canon EOS400D dSLR + Sigma 50mm 1:1 macro lens.
2011-02-27 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (Schwechat-Au, 150 m AMSL).The floods did not break this particular tree but they still caused havoc here.German name: Schwarz-Pappel
2010-03-28 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Steingschirr, 190 m AMSL).Flower, male - background: stem/bark.German name: Schwarz-Pappel
2011-08-07 Vienna XXII. district - Lobau heath, bushfire place (155 msm Quadrant 7864/2).Black poplar, already growing new shoots, so obviously on this place damage was only superficial.
About the bushfire see remarks here.
2010-05-14 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Steingschirr, 190 m AMSL).Ripe seed capsules, cracking.German name: Schwarz-Pappel
Klein-Neusiedl, Niedersterreich, sterreich
2010.04.13 Austria, Vienna XXII. district (160 m AMSL).Young leaves.Very common.German name: Schwarzpappel
2010-03-28 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Steingschirr, 190 m AMSL).Flower, male.German name: Schwarz-Pappel
2010-05-14 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Steingschirr, 190 m AMSL).Seed capsules almost ripe - about to crack.German name: Schwarz-Pappel
2011-10-21 Lower Austria, district Schwechat (160 msm Quadrant 7865/1).Native to the habitat (and typical in habitus here) but possibly planted here, as the habitat is man-made:This is the "new" river bed of Schwechat river - the river once flew further west (crossing over to nearby Vienna); when A4 motorway was built the old river bed was cut off and so-called "Kalter Gang" (an old mill stream - side canal of old Schwechat river) was expanded to what is now lower Schwechat river bed. Of course, Populus nigra also could have conquered the new habitat without any help by humans.
2010-05-14 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Steingschirr, 190 m AMSL).Seed capsules almost ripe - shortly before cracking.German name: Schwarz-Pappel
People cut down several giant old poplars which produced a bumper crop of early morels (Verpa bohemica) each year, and there were several chunks of their trunks left in the place. I took these pictures. I hope that these magnificent trees will live on there as root clones.
2010-03-28 Lower Austria, district Bruck/Leitha (Steingschirr, 190 m AMSL).Flower, female.German name: Schwarz-Pappel
2011-02-12 Vienna XXII. district (Lobau national park - Heisslnde = heath, 155 m AMSL).Characteristic aspect of poplar bush heath in Lobau.German name: Schwarz-Pappel
2009.11.01: Austria, Lower Austria (district Bruck/Leitha, 185 m AMSL): habitus, cultivated.The variety growing in pyramidal shape is preferred for parks and avenues; here they're planted in a ring around the circle of the Roman Amphitheatre of Carnuntum (Petronell). The leaves in the foreground also are from P. nigra.German name: Schwarzpappel