Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 5.SEM, Endoterga of mid-body tergite. A Sphaeromimus titanus sp. n., holotype B Sphaeromimus vatovavy sp. n., holotype. Abbreviations: (1) = inner area with large spines and long setae; (2) = area with cuticular patterns; (3) = outer area with row(s) of marginal bristles and tergite margin.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 6.Sphaeromimus vatovavy sp. n., female paratype, multi-layer photographs. A head with collum and thoracic shield, frontal view B pleurites C underside of anal shield with black locking carina D tarsus of midbody leg. Abbreviations: AS = anal shield; Co = collum (tergite 1); Gr = lateral grooves of thoracic shield; h = head; pl = pleurite; T = tergite; Ta = tarsus; th-sh = thoracic shield (tergite 2); Tib = tibia.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 7.Sphaeromimus vatovavy sp. n., female paratype, SEM. A right antenna, lateral view B antennomere 6 with disc C gnathochilarium, underside D detail of sensory cones on central pad E rudimentary right lateral palpus. Abbreviations: cP = central pads; Hyp = hypopharyngeal area; iP = inner palpus; LP = rudimentary lateral palpus; St = stipites.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 8.Sphaeromimus vatovavy sp. n., female paratype, SEM. Right mandible. Abbreviations: C = condylus; eT = external tooth; iT = combed inner tooth; mp = molar plate; pL = pectinate lamellae.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 9.Sphaeromimus vatovavy sp. n., A–E male holotype, ♀ female paratype, multi-layer photographs. A anterior telopods, anterior view B left anterior telopod, posterior view C left anterior telopod, lateral view D posterior telopods, anterior view E chela of right posterior telopod, posterior view ♀ coxa and prefemur 2 with vulvae. Abbreviations: Cx = coxa; Cx-P = coxal process; EP = external, lateral plate of vulva; IH = inner horns; IL = inner lobes; IP = inner, mesal plate of vulva; O = operculum; Pre = prefemur; syn = syncoxite.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 1.Photographs of living Sphaeromimus. A Sphaeromimus musicus (de Saussure & Zehntner, 1897) from Tsimelahy, upper left to lower left: red colour morph, black colour morph, normal colour morph, the similar looking sympatric Zoosphaerium blandum (de Saussure & Zehntner, 1902) B Sphaeromimus lavasoa sp. n. C Sphaeromimus andrahomana sp. n. cave specimen. Not to scale.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 10.Sphaeromimus lavasoa sp. n., male paraype, SEM, left antenna. A lateral view B detail of disc with apical cones.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 11.Sphaeromimus lavasoa sp. n., A–E male holotype ♀, G female paratype. A left leg 9 B anterior telopod, anterior view C left anterior telopod, posterior view D left posterior telopod, anterior view E chela of left posterior telopod, posterior view ♀ coxa and prefemur 2 with vulvae G female subanal plate with washboard. Abbreviations: Cx = coxa; EP = external, lateral plate of vulva; IP = inner, mesal plate of vulva; O = operculum; Pre = prefemur; St = stigmatic plate. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 12.SEM, Endoterga of mid-body tergite. A Sphaeromimus lavasoa sp. n., paratype B Sphaeromimus andohahela sp. n., holotype from Isaka-Ivondro C specimen from Malio D specimen from Manantantely. Abbreviations: (1) = inner area with large spines and long setae; (2) = area with cuticular patterns; (3) = outer area with row(s) of marginal bristles and tergite margin.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 12.SEM, Endoterga of mid-body tergite. A Sphaeromimus lavasoa sp. n., paratype B Sphaeromimus andohahela sp. n., holotype from Isaka-Ivondro C specimen from Malio D specimen from Manantantely. Abbreviations: (1) = inner area with large spines and long setae; (2) = area with cuticular patterns; (3) = outer area with row(s) of marginal bristles and tergite margin.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 13.Sphaeromimus andohahela sp. n., A, B, D–F female paratype C male paratype, SEM. A right female antenna, lateral view B female antennomere 6 with disc C male antennomere 6 with disc D gnathochilarium, right corner, inner surface E rudimentary right lateral palpus ♀ left mandible, mesal view. Abbreviations: C = condylus; cP = central pads; eT = external tooth; iP = inner palpus; iT = combed inner tooth; LP = rudimentary lateral palpus; mp = molar plate; pL = pectinate lamellae.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 14.Sphaeromimus andohahela sp. n., A–D male holotype E female paratype. A left leg 9 B anterior telopod, anterior view C right anterior telopod, posterior view D left posterior telopod, posterior view E coxa and prefemur 2 with vulvae. Abbreviations: Cx = coxa; Cx-pr = coxal process; EP = external, lateral plate of vulva; IP = inner, mesal plate of vulva; O = operculum; Pre = prefemur; syn = syncoxite. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 20.Maximum likelihood tree obtained from the COI dataset after 1000 bootstrap replicates under the GTR+I+G model. Habitus photograph shows Sphaeromimus andohahela from Manantantely. Colours used to separate species. Green colours = mid-elevation rainforest; Blue & Red colours, littoral and lowland rainforests; Yellow colours = southern spiny forest. See table 1 for more details about sequenced specimens.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 15.Sphaeromimus ivohibe sp. n., holotype. A coxae and prefemora 1 with stigmatic plates B left leg 9 C coxae and prefemora 2 with gonopore and stigmatic plate D right anterior telopod, anterior view E right anterior telopod, posterior view ♀ right anterior telopod, lateral view G left posterior telopod, anterior view H left posterior telopod, posterior view. Abbreviations: Cx = coxa; Pre = prefemur; St = stigmatic plate. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Thomas Wesener, Daniel Minh-Tu Le, Stephanie F. Loria
Figure 16.SEM, Endoterga of mid-body tergite. A Sphaeromimus ivohibe sp. n., paratype B Sphaeromimus saintelucei sp. n., holotype from Isaka-Ivondro C Sphaeromimus andrahomana sp. n., holotype D Sphaeromimus andrahomana cave specimen. Abbreviations: (1) = inner area with large spines and long setae; (2) = area with cuticular patterns; (3) = outer area with row(s) of marginal bristles and tergite margin.