Found in a sample from the Bering Sea taken by Diane Stoecker.
The species was described by Haeckel in 1873 based on specimens collected from off Messina, Italy. The specimen shown appears to have cococcoliths on the lorica.
Specimen from the Eastern Med
This specimen stuck a variety of different coccoliths and the 'shell' of a dinoflagellate (Thoracosphaera heimii) on its lorica. The species of coccolithophores and the dinoflagellate were identified by Jeremy Young. The specimen from the Bay of Villefranche was collected by Charles Bachy and the SEM done at the Institut de Minéralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condensés, Université Paris 6.
These cells, all from the same sample, found themselves stuck to the glass - so here are Tintinnids trying to get away!
These cells, all from the same sample, found themselves stuck to the glass - so here are Tintinnids trying to get away!
Condonellopsis gaussi from Station 84 (Antarctica) of the Tara Oceans Expedition
Composite image compliled from 42 images using Helicon Focus. Specimen from a Bouin's-fixed sample provided by Eun Jin Yang
Codonellopsis gaussi from the Amundsen Sea. Image using a 20x objective. Bouin's-fixed specimen, sample courtesy of Eun Jin Yang.
Codonellopsis gaussi from the Amundsen Sea. Bouin's-fixed specimen imaged using a 40X objective. Sample couretesy of Eun Jin Yang.
Codonellopsis gaussi maybe. Specimen from the Amundsen Sea. Bouin's-fixed sample imaged using a 40 x objective. Sample courtesy of Eun Jin Yang.
Codonellopsis gaussi from the Amundsen Sea. Bouin's-fixed specimen imaged using a 40X objective. Sample courtesy of Eun Jin Yang.
Codonellopsis gausii from the Amundsen Sea. Bouin's-fixed specimen imaged using a 40x objective, sample courtesy of Eun Jin Yang.
Codonellopsis gaussi from the Amundsen Sea. Boui's-fixed specimen from a sample courtesy of Eun Jin Yang
Codonellopsis gaussi morphotype or developmental stage
Morphotype (variety or developmental stage) of Codonellopsis gaussi
Variety or developmental stage of Codonellopsis gaussi
Tiny Tintinnid from Tara Oceans Expedition Station 67
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Jan.