Figure 9.A Peltis (syn. Zimioma, Ostoma) grossa B Peltis (syn. Ostoma) ferruginea C Colydiopeltis loebli D Colydiopeltis compactum E Colydiopeltis burckhardti F Parapeltis australicum G Protopeltis viridescens H cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (1–3: three different specimens from the same locality).
Figure 15.A–B Nemozoma elongatum (A cranium with longidutinal groove B detail of elongate punctures) C–D Peltis ferruginea (C elytral apex D antennal club, hooked spur and protarsus with large 5th tarsomere) E–G Phloiophilus edwardsi (E metatarsal claws and empodium F projecting procoxae G ventral surface).
Map 7.A distribution of the tribe Peltini.
Figure 9.A Peltis (syn. Zimioma, Ostoma) grossa B Peltis (syn. Ostoma) ferruginea C Colydiopeltis loebli D Colydiopeltis compactum E Colydiopeltis burckhardti F Parapeltis australicum G Protopeltis viridescens H cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (1–3: three different specimens from the same locality).
Figure 16.A–F Colydiopeltis compactum (A ventral surface B procoxal area C head ventrally D detail of mouthparts E protarsus F apex of metatibia with row of spines) G–H Thymalus limbatus (G antenna H apex of protibia with straight spur).
Map 8.A distribution of the tribe Colydiopeltini.
Figure 9.A Peltis (syn. Zimioma, Ostoma) grossa B Peltis (syn. Ostoma) ferruginea C Colydiopeltis loebli D Colydiopeltis compactum E Colydiopeltis burckhardti F Parapeltis australicum G Protopeltis viridescens H cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (1–3: three different specimens from the same locality).
Map 8.A distribution of the tribe Colydiopeltini.
Figure 3.A Calitys scabra B Larinotus umblicatus C Acalanthis quadrisignata D Calanthosoma flavomaculata E Calanthosoma (syn. Marnia) sipolisi F Egolia variegata G Necrobiopsis tasmanicus.
Map 2.A distribution of the tribe Larinotini.
Map 10.A distribution of the tribe Thymalini including Rentonium-group.
Figure 9.A Peltis (syn. Zimioma, Ostoma) grossa B Peltis (syn. Ostoma) ferruginea C Colydiopeltis loebli D Colydiopeltis compactum E Colydiopeltis burckhardti F Parapeltis australicum G Protopeltis viridescens H cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (1–3: three different specimens from the same locality).
Figure 17.A–B “Rentonellum” loebli (A ventral surface B prosternal intercoxal process) C cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (C ventral surface D pro- and mesothorax ventrally E head ventrally F detail of mouthparts G protibia with tarsus H mesotibia with tarsus).
Map 10.A distribution of the tribe Thymalini including Rentonium-group.
Map 10.A distribution of the tribe Thymalini including Rentonium-group.
Figure 9.A Peltis (syn. Zimioma, Ostoma) grossa B Peltis (syn. Ostoma) ferruginea C Colydiopeltis loebli D Colydiopeltis compactum E Colydiopeltis burckhardti F Parapeltis australicum G Protopeltis viridescens H cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (1–3: three different specimens from the same locality).
Map 10.A distribution of the tribe Thymalini including Rentonium-group.
Figure 9.A Peltis (syn. Zimioma, Ostoma) grossa B Peltis (syn. Ostoma) ferruginea C Colydiopeltis loebli D Colydiopeltis compactum E Colydiopeltis burckhardti F Parapeltis australicum G Protopeltis viridescens H cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (1–3: three different specimens from the same locality).
Figure 17.A–B “Rentonellum” loebli (A ventral surface B prosternal intercoxal process) C cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (C ventral surface D pro- and mesothorax ventrally E head ventrally F detail of mouthparts G protibia with tarsus H mesotibia with tarsus).
Map 10.A distribution of the tribe Thymalini including Rentonium-group.
Figure 9.A Peltis (syn. Zimioma, Ostoma) grossa B Peltis (syn. Ostoma) ferruginea C Colydiopeltis loebli D Colydiopeltis compactum E Colydiopeltis burckhardti F Parapeltis australicum G Protopeltis viridescens H cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (1–3: three different specimens from the same locality).
Figure 17.A–B “Rentonellum” loebli (A ventral surface B prosternal intercoxal process) C cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (C ventral surface D pro- and mesothorax ventrally E head ventrally F detail of mouthparts G protibia with tarsus H mesotibia with tarsus).
Map 10.A distribution of the tribe Thymalini including Rentonium-group.
Figure 9.A Peltis (syn. Zimioma, Ostoma) grossa B Peltis (syn. Ostoma) ferruginea C Colydiopeltis loebli D Colydiopeltis compactum E Colydiopeltis burckhardti F Parapeltis australicum G Protopeltis viridescens H cf. Globorentonium plaumanni, Brazil (1–3: three different specimens from the same locality).