హాగ్ చేపలు (Hagfish) సముద్రంలో నివసించే ఎగ్నేతా (Agnatha) తరగతికి చెందిన చేపలాంటి జంతువులు. ఇవి క్రేనియేటా (Craniata) లో మిక్సైన్ ఉపతరగతికి చెందుతాయి. కొంతమంది పరిశోధకులు ఈ మిక్సైని జీవుల్ని సకశేరుకాలుగా పరిగణించరు.[1] ఇవి కపాలం (Skull) ఉండి వెన్నుముక లేని జీవులలో భూమి మీద నివసించే ఏకైన ప్రాణులు.
ఇప్పటివరకు (February 2011) సుమారు 77 జాతుల హాగ్ చేపలు గుర్తించబడ్డాయి. వీటిని 5 ప్రజాతులుగా విభజించారు. వీనిలో చాలా జాతులను ఈ మధ్యకాలంలో లోతైన సముద్ర ప్రాంతాలలో గుర్తించడం జరిగింది.
Eptatretus Cloquet, 1819
Eptatretus alastairi Mincarone & Fernholm, 2010
Eptatretus ancon (Mok, Saavedra-Diaz & Acero P, 2001)
Eptatretus astrolabium Fernholm & Mincarone, 2010
Eptatretus atami (Dean, 1904) (Brown hagfish)
Eptatretus bischoffii (A. Schneider, 1880)
Eptatretus burgeri (Girard, 1855) (Inshore hagfish)
Eptatretus caribbeaus Fernholm, 1982
Eptatretus carlhubbsi (McMillan and Wisner, 1984) (Giant hagfish)
Eptatretus cheni (Shen & Tao, 1975)
Eptatretus chinensis Kuo and Mok, 1994
Eptatretus cirrhatus (J. R. Forster, 1801) (Broadgilled hagfish)
Eptatretus deani (Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907) (Black hagfish)
Eptatretus eos Fernholm, 1991
Eptatretus fernholmi McMillan and Wisner, 2004
Eptatretus fritzi Wisner & McMillan, 1990 (Guadalupe hagfish)
Eptatretus goliath Mincarone & D. J. Stewart, 2006 (Goliath hagfish)
Eptatretus gomoni Mincarone & Fernholm, 2010
Eptatretus grouseri McMillan, 1999
Eptatretus hexatrema (J. P. Müller, 1836) (Sixgill hagfish)
Eptatretus indrambaryai Wongratana, 1983
Eptatretus lakeside Mincarone & McCosker, 2004
Eptatretus laurahubbsae McMillan and Wisner, 1984
Eptatretus longipinnis Strahan, 1975 (Longfinned hagfish)
Eptatretus lopheliae Fernholm & Quattrini, 2008
Eptatretus mcconnaugheyi Wisner & McMillan, 1990 (Shorthead hagfish)
Eptatretus mccoskeri McMillan, 1999
Eptatretus mendozai Hensley, 1985
Eptatretus menezesi Mincarone, 2000
Eptatretus minor Fernholm and Hubbs, 1981
Eptatretus moki McMillan and Wisner, 2004
Eptatretus multidens Fernholm and Hubbs, 1981
Eptatretus nanii Wisner & McMillan, 1988
Eptatretus nelsoni (Kuo, Huang & Mok, 1994)
Eptatretus octatrema (Barnard, 1923) (Eightgill hagfish)
Eptatretus okinoseanus (Dean, 1904)
Eptatretus polytrema (Girard, 1855) (Fourteen-gill hagfish)
Eptatretus profundus (Barnard, 1923) (Fivegill hagfish)
Eptatretus sheni (Kuo, Huang & Mok, 1994)
Eptatretus sinus Wisner & McMillan, 1990 (Cortez hagfish)
Eptatretus springeri (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1952) (Gulf hagfish)
Eptatretus stoutii (Lockington, 1878) (Pacific hagfish)
Eptatretus strahani McMillan and Wisner, 1984
Eptatretus strickrotti Møller & W. J. Jones, 2007 (Strickrott's hagfish)
Eptatretus taiwanae (Shen & Tao, 1975)
Eptatretus walkeri McMillan and Wisner, 2004
Eptatretus wayuu (Mok, Saavedra-Diaz & Acero P, 2001)
Eptatretus wisneri McMillan, 1999
Eptatretus yangi (Teng, 1958)
Myxine Linnaeus, 1758
Myxine affinis Günther, 1870 (Patagonian hagfish)
Myxine australis Jenyns, 1842[2] (Southern hagfish)
Myxine capensis Regan, 1913 (Cape hagfish)
Myxine circifrons Garman, 1899 (Whiteface hagfish)
Myxine debueni Wisner & McMillan, 1995
Myxine dorsum Wisner & McMillan, 1995
Myxine fernholmi Wisner & McMillan, 1995
Myxine formosana Mok & Kuo, 2001
Myxine garmani D. S. Jordan & Snyder, 1901
Myxine glutinosa Linnaeus, 1758 (Atlantic hagfish)
Myxine hubbsi Wisner & McMillan, 1995
Myxine hubbsoides Wisner & McMillan, 1995
Myxine ios Fernholm, 1981 (White-headed hagfish)
Myxine jespersenae Møller, Feld, Poulsen, Thomsen & Thormar, 2005 (Jespersen's hagfish)
Myxine knappi Wisner & McMillan, 1995)
Myxine kuoi Mok, 2002
Myxine limosa Girard, 1859
Myxine mccoskeri Wisner & McMillan, 1995
Myxine mcmillanae Hensley, 1991
Myxine paucidens Regan, 1913
Myxine pequenoi Wisner & McMillan, 1995
Myxine robinsorum Wisner & McMillan, 1995
Myxine sotoi Mincarone, 2001
Paramyxine Dean, 1904 (Note that this genus is considered synonymous with Eptatretus and most species have been moved into that genus with the exception of the following two which are homonyms of current Eptatretus species. Since the current Eptatretus species are junior (i.e., described later) to the two following species, they must be renamed and then the two remaining "paramyxines" will be transferred to Eptatretus.)