
Import Log for Global Biotic Interactions

  • Started: April 15, 2024 14:15
  • Completed: 15:19:04
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 11:19:39 (infos) resource.rb:505:in `background_republish'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 11:19:38 (infos) resource.rb:505:in `background_republish'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> /data/Globi/publish_traits_1676047141.tsv: Scheme missing.
  • 11:19:38 (warns) resource.rb:505:in `background_republish'> content_server_connection.rb:112:in `log_warn'> USING wget TO RETRIEVE FULL FILE...
  • 11:19:38 (warns) resource.rb:505:in `background_republish'> content_server_connection.rb:112:in `log_warn'> TRUNCATED RESPONSE! Got 206031215 bytes out of 798115280 from https://content.eol.org/data/Globi/publish_traits_1676047141.tsv
  • 11:19:30 (infos) resource.rb:505:in `background_republish'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 11:19:30 (infos) resource.rb:505:in `background_republish'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> polling for trait diff metadata: /resources/20/publish_diffs.json?since=1713143110
  • 10:58:26 (infos) (pry):2:in `__pry__'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 10:58:26 (infos) (pry):2:in `__pry__'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> /data/Globi/publish_traits_1676047141.tsv: Scheme missing.
  • 10:58:26 (warns) (pry):2:in `__pry__'> content_server_connection.rb:112:in `log_warn'> USING wget TO RETRIEVE FULL FILE...
  • 10:58:26 (warns) (pry):2:in `__pry__'> content_server_connection.rb:112:in `log_warn'> TRUNCATED RESPONSE! Got 268649127 bytes out of 798115280 from https://content.eol.org/data/Globi/publish_traits_1676047141.tsv
  • 10:58:15 (infos) (pry):2:in `__pry__'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 10:58:12 (infos) (pry):2:in `__pry__'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> polling for trait diff metadata: /resources/20/publish_diffs.json?since=1713143110
  • 15:19:04 (ends) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:177:in `ensure in by_resource'> Complete
  • 15:19:04 (ends) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:176:in `ensure in by_resource'> TOTAL TIME: 63.1m
  • 15:18:26 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 14 minutes for the part 7 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 15:18:26 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 0; Traits: 0; MetaData: 0
  • 15:18:00 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_6.csv
  • 15:05:58 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 12 minutes for the part 6 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 15:05:58 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 0; Traits: 0; MetaData: 0
  • 15:05:35 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_5.csv
  • 14:55:33 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 10 minutes for the part 5 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 14:55:33 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 0; Traits: 0; MetaData: 0
  • 14:55:10 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_4.csv
  • 14:47:09 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 8 minutes for the part 4 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 14:47:09 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 0; Traits: 0; MetaData: 0
  • 14:46:42 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_3.csv
  • 14:40:41 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 6 minutes for the part 3 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 14:40:41 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 0; Traits: 0; MetaData: 0
  • 14:40:16 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_2.csv
  • 14:36:15 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:329:in `block in break_up_large_file'> Waiting 4 minutes for the part 2 of 24 to be added to neo4j.
  • 14:36:15 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 0; Traits: 0; MetaData: 0
  • 14:35:50 (infos) each.rb:9:in `each'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_metadata_chunk_1.csv
  • 14:35:50 (warns) fast.rb:334:in `publish_traits'> slurp.rb:308:in `break_up_large_files'> Found 2980195 rows, will break up into 24 of 128000
  • 14:35:49 (infos) fast.rb:334:in `publish_traits'> slurp.rb:592:in `add_metadata'> adding new metadata
  • 14:35:49 (infos) fast.rb:334:in `publish_traits'> slurp.rb:351:in `log_node_count'> Nodes: 0; Traits: 0; MetaData: 0
  • 14:35:49 (infos) fast.rb:334:in `publish_traits'> slurp.rb:275:in `block in load_csv'> Importing 128000 rows from publish_traits_1676047141.tsv
  • 14:35:49 (infos) fast.rb:334:in `publish_traits'> slurp.rb:582:in `add_traits'> adding new traits
  • 14:35:49 (infos) fast.rb:334:in `publish_traits'> slurp.rb:611:in `remove_traits'> not removing any traits
  • 14:35:18 (infos) slurp.rb:20:in `load_resource_from_repo'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 14:35:18 (infos) slurp.rb:20:in `load_resource_from_repo'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> /data/Globi/publish_traits_1676047141.tsv: Scheme missing.
  • 14:35:18 (warns) slurp.rb:20:in `load_resource_from_repo'> content_server_connection.rb:112:in `log_warn'> USING wget TO RETRIEVE FULL FILE...
  • 14:35:18 (warns) slurp.rb:20:in `load_resource_from_repo'> content_server_connection.rb:112:in `log_warn'> TRUNCATED RESPONSE! Got 629584247 bytes out of 798115280 from https://content.eol.org/data/Globi/publish_traits_1676047141.tsv
  • 14:35:01 (infos) slurp.rb:20:in `load_resource_from_repo'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 14:35:01 (infos) slurp.rb:20:in `load_resource_from_repo'> content_server_connection.rb:104:in `log_info'> polling for trait diff metadata: /resources/20/publish_diffs.json?since=1713143110
  • 14:35:01 (starts) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:202:in `publish_traits_with_cleanup'> #publish_traits = TraitBank::Slurp.load_resource_from_repo
  • 14:35:01 (starts) resource.rb:225:in `publish'> fast.rb:202:in `publish_traits_with_cleanup'> Running
  • 14:35:01 (starts) fast.rb:155:in `by_resource'> page_creator.rb:39:in `by_node_pks'> Fixing native nodes...
  • 14:35:01 (warns) fast.rb:155:in `by_resource'> page_creator.rb:32:in `by_node_pks'> Skipping reindexing. You should reindex soon.
  • 14:35:01 (infos) grouping.rb:39:in `block in in_groups_of'> page_creator.rb:26:in `block in by_node_pks'> importing 9 Pages
  • 14:33:42 (starts) fast.rb:155:in `by_resource'> page_creator.rb:5:in `by_node_pks'> create_new_pages