
Import Log for Barcode of Life Data Systems

  • Started: May 18, 2023 17:32
  • Completed: 18:05:24
  • Failed: 18:05:24
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 18:05:24 (ends) Complete
  • 18:05:24 (ends) TOTAL TIME: 33.3m
  • 18:05:24 (errors) undefined method `page_id' for Hash
  • 18:05:24 (errors) gem:bootsnap-1.16.0/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:32:in `require'
  • 18:05:24 (errors) gem:bootsnap-1.16.0/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:32:in `require'
  • 18:05:24 (errors) bin/rails:4:in `<main>'
  • 18:05:24 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/barcode_life_dat_image_info.tsv
  • 18:05:24 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/barcode_life_dat_attributions.tsv
  • 18:05:24 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/barcode_life_dat_media.tsv
  • 18:05:24 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/barcode_life_dat_node_ancestors.tsv
  • 18:05:24 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/barcode_life_dat_scientific_names.tsv
  • 18:05:24 (infos) Removing /app/tmp/barcode_life_dat_nodes.tsv
  • 18:05:21 (infos) Batch 1/534...
  • 18:05:21 (infos) 533271 Media to process (in 534 batches)
  • 18:05:20 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 18:05:20 (starts) MediaContentCreator
  • 18:05:20 (starts) Running
  • 18:05:20 (warns) There were NO new pages, skipping...
  • 18:03:45 (starts) create_new_pages
  • 18:03:43 (starts) PageCreator
  • 18:03:43 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:43 (starts) restoring vernacular preferences...
  • 18:03:43 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:43 (warns) MISSING https://content.eol.org/data/barcode_life_dat/publish_content_sections.tsv [404] (8 bytes); skipping
  • 18:03:43 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 18:03:43 (starts) #grab_file content_sections.tsv
  • 18:03:43 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:43 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids ContentSection
  • 18:03:43 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:43 (warns) MISSING https://content.eol.org/data/barcode_life_dat/publish_references.tsv [404] (8 bytes); skipping
  • 18:03:43 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 18:03:43 (starts) #grab_file references.tsv
  • 18:03:43 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:43 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids Reference
  • 18:03:43 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:40 (starts) #propagate_ids ImageInfo
  • 18:03:40 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:36 (starts) #import ImageInfo
  • 18:03:36 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:36 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 18:03:36 (starts) #grab_file image_info.tsv
  • 18:03:36 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:36 (starts) #import_and_prop_ids ImageInfo
  • 18:03:36 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:22 (starts) #propagate_ids Attribution
  • 18:03:22 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:14 (starts) #import Attribution
  • 18:03:14 (starts) Running
  • 18:03:13 (infos) Connecting to https://content.eol.org/ ...
  • 18:03:13 (starts) #grab_file attributions.tsv