
Import Log for iNaturalist

  • Started: July 02, 2018 14:15
  • Completed: 14:27:17
  • Failed: No.
  • Status: completed

Events (most recent first):

  • 14:27:17 (ends) Complete
  • 14:27:17 (ends) END: Move Nodes
  • 14:17:20 (starts) Fixing missing native nodes on 12183 pages...
  • 14:17:19 (starts) Updating nodes counts...
  • 14:17:19 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:18 (starts) import 729 page contents...
  • 14:17:18 (infos) Batch 0/1...
  • 14:17:18 (infos) 23 Media to process (in 1 batches)
  • 14:17:18 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 14:17:18 (starts) MediaContentCreator for 696 pages (starting with 47379198)...
  • 14:17:18 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:16 (starts) import 428 page contents...
  • 14:17:16 (infos) Batch 0/1...
  • 14:17:16 (infos) 21 Media to process (in 1 batches)
  • 14:17:16 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 14:17:16 (starts) MediaContentCreator for 1000 pages (starting with 47377629)...
  • 14:17:16 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:14 (starts) import 750 page contents...
  • 14:17:14 (infos) Batch 0/1...
  • 14:17:14 (infos) 39 Media to process (in 1 batches)
  • 14:17:14 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 14:17:14 (starts) MediaContentCreator for 1000 pages (starting with 47390774)...
  • 14:17:14 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:12 (starts) import 605 page contents...
  • 14:17:12 (infos) Batch 0/1...
  • 14:17:12 (infos) 29 Media to process (in 1 batches)
  • 14:17:12 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 14:17:12 (starts) MediaContentCreator for 1000 pages (starting with 47269412)...
  • 14:17:12 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:09 (starts) import 1047 page contents...
  • 14:17:08 (infos) Batch 0/1...
  • 14:17:08 (infos) 44 Media to process (in 1 batches)
  • 14:17:08 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 14:17:08 (starts) MediaContentCreator for 1000 pages (starting with 47380561)...
  • 14:17:08 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:07 (starts) import 326 page contents...
  • 14:17:07 (infos) Batch 0/1...
  • 14:17:07 (infos) 21 Media to process (in 1 batches)
  • 14:17:07 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 14:17:07 (starts) MediaContentCreator for 1000 pages (starting with 47364199)...
  • 14:17:07 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:06 (starts) import 524 page contents...
  • 14:17:05 (infos) Batch 0/1...
  • 14:17:05 (infos) 27 Media to process (in 1 batches)
  • 14:17:05 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 14:17:05 (starts) MediaContentCreator for 1000 pages (starting with 47281530)...
  • 14:17:05 (infos) 0 Articles to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:05 (infos) 0 Media to process (in 0 batches)
  • 14:17:05 (starts) MediaContentCreator#by_resource
  • 14:17:05 (starts) MediaContentCreator for 1000 pages (starting with 47381064)...