
Thickleaf Tansyaster

Image of Dieteria canescens var. leucanthemifolia (Greene) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman


Dieteria canescens var. leucanthemifolia (syn. Machaeranthera canescens var. leucanthemifolia) growing mainly with weeds despite the fact that this area was not close to any developments at this time, and was accessible only via a bumpy dirt road.The species complex is also referred to as Hoary-aster or Hoary aster (but they are not true asters). This variety in Utah only occurs in mainly the central-southern and southwestern part of the state.Usually plants of this species would not start to bloom until later in the year, but this variety is known to bloom in June (even earlier however when this was taken)earlier) plus this is nearing its lowest elevation, and it had been as I recall dry.The area where this plant was growing was nowhere near any development in 2004, but now in 2012 is either within or on the fringe of a large business park.May 1, 2004, Price City Hills, Washington, County, Utah, elev. approx. 2870 ft. Growing with the ever present non-native weed in the area, Red Brome.

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Tony Frates
Tony Frates
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