Appears to be widely distributed where spruce grow in the northern hemisphere. The name is originally for a European collection and the name is regularly applied (though often incorrectly) in the western US and other areas.
Cap brown with brown scales appearing to be outlined in white; disc always depressed to infundibuliform or hollow, scales in center pointed almost straight upwards, scales near margin can be large. Stalk is generally longer than the diameter of the cap giving it a long leggy appearance. The stalk is cylindrical or often slightly bulbous at the base and the apex is not paler than the rest of the stalk. The spines are not decurrent, long ( 5-15 mm) and brown in color. Context is dirty whitish-brownish and never darker in the base of the stalk. Odor is foul or disagreeable sour and the taste is slightly bitter. The habitat is with SPRUCE. Lacking water soluble blue pigments for dyeing wool, silk and other textiles. KOH not blackening flesh. Clamp connections on the hyphae.
The above description was provided by Darvin DeShazer in a small key he created to differentiate between Sarcodon imbricatus, S. squamosus and S. scabrosus based on Johannesson, Hanna, Svengunnar Ryman, Hjordis Lundmark and Eric Danell. 1999. Sarcodon imbricatus and S. squamosus – two confused species. Mycol. Res. 103 (11): 1447-1452.
Spruce forests.
S. squamosus and S. scabrosus.
Used for dyeing fabrics. Not considered edible due to the bitter taste.
Sarcodon imbricatus, commonly known as the shingled hedgehog or scaly hedgehog, is a species of tooth fungus in the order Thelephorales. The mushroom is edible. Many sources report it has a bitter taste, but others have found it delicious and suspect that the bitter specimens may be similar related species.[1] The mushroom has a large, brownish cap with large brown scales and may reach 30 cm (12 in) in diameter. On the underside it sports greyish, brittle teeth instead of gills, and has white flesh. Its spore print is brown. It is associated with spruce (Picea), appearing in autumn. It ranges throughout North America and Europe, although collections from the British Isles are now assigned to the similar species Sarcodon squamosus.
The Swedish botanist Olof Celsius reported in 1732 that Sarcodon imbricatus occurred in the vicinity of Uppsala, and Carl Linnaeus wrote of it in his 1737 work Flora lapponica.[2] It was one of the species initially described by Linnaeus, as Hydnum imbricatum, in the second volume of his Species Plantarum in 1753.[3] The specific epithet is the Latin imbricatus meaning "tiled" or "with overlapping tiles".[4] It was then placed in the genus Sarcodon by Finnish mycologist Petter Adolf Karsten in 1881.
For many years, Sarcodon imbricatus was described associated with both spruce and pine, although the latter forms were smaller and noted to be more palatable by mushroom hunters in Norway. Furthermore, the mushroom has been used as a source of pigment and collectors noted that fresh specimens collected under pine yielded pigment, but only old ones collected under spruce. Molecular analysis of the DNA revealed the two forms to be distinct genetically, and thus populations of what had been described as S. imbricatus were now assigned to Sarcodon squamosus, which includes collections in the British Isles and the Netherlands.[5]
The mushrooms, or fruiting bodies, can be quite large in size. The brownish or buff cap measures up to 30 cm (12 in) in diameter and is covered with coarse darker brown scales, becoming darker and upturned with age.[6] It is funnel-shaped. The underside bears soft, pale grey 'teeth' rather than gills. These are 0.5–1.5 cm long,[7] grayish brown (darkening with age),[6] and brittle. The pale grey or brown stipe may reach 10 cm (4 in) high and 4 cm (1+1⁄2 in) wide,[7] may be narrower at the base, and is sometimes eccentric.[2][5][8] The spores are brown.[7]
From above, it may be confused with the old man of the woods (Strobilomyces strobilaceus) as both have a similar shaggy cap.[8] The bitter and inedible Sarcodon amarascens can be distinguished by its bluish-black stripe.[9] S. scabrosus is also similar.[7]
The fruit bodies of Sarcodon imbricatus grow in association with firs (Abies), especially in hilly or mountainous areas,[9] and can appear on sandy or chalk soils in fairy rings.[8] The usual fruiting season in August to October.[2] It ranges throughout North America and Europe,[10] although collections from the British Isles are now assigned to another species, Sarcodon squamosus.[11]
Old mushrooms of Sarcodon imbricatus and related species contain blue-green pigments, which are used for dyeing wool in Norway.[12]
The fungus can be bitter, although this is less apparent in younger specimens. Submerging the mushrooms in boiling water will remove this.[8] It can be pickled or dried and used as flavouring.[9] In Bulgaria it is collected, dried and finely ground to be used as an aromatic mushroom flour.[13] It is reported as edible but of poor quality in the United States by some sources[10][6] but as deliciously edible by others.[1] It may cause gastrointestinal upsets.[7]
In Korea, mushroom tea is made from it.
Distinctive spicy aroma of fried younger specimens has made it an expensive delicacy on Japanese food market.
Sarcodon imbricatus, commonly known as the shingled hedgehog or scaly hedgehog, is a species of tooth fungus in the order Thelephorales. The mushroom is edible. Many sources report it has a bitter taste, but others have found it delicious and suspect that the bitter specimens may be similar related species. The mushroom has a large, brownish cap with large brown scales and may reach 30 cm (12 in) in diameter. On the underside it sports greyish, brittle teeth instead of gills, and has white flesh. Its spore print is brown. It is associated with spruce (Picea), appearing in autumn. It ranges throughout North America and Europe, although collections from the British Isles are now assigned to the similar species Sarcodon squamosus.