THALLUS: thick smooth central branch with variable color (whitish to yellowish to brownish to pinkish), abundant thin secondary branches
APOTHECIA: black mazaedia (powdery masses of spores) hidden in spherical gall-like growths
CHEMISTRY: various
Common Name: Coral Lichen
Coral-like fruticose lichen growing on mossy wet bark, wood or ground in humid coastal environments.
Humid mossy substrates (bark, wood, soil)
Pretty much nothing else anything like it, although S. globosus s. lato has been split up recently.
Sphaerophorus globosus is a species of lichen belonging to the family Sphaerophoraceae.[1]
It has cosmopolitan distribution.[1]
Sphaerophorus globosus is a species of lichen belonging to the family Sphaerophoraceae.
It has cosmopolitan distribution.