Oxydoras niger prefers large rivers (Sands,1997). Silvano, et. al., (2000) were able to catch them only in the main channel of the Jurua River, and not in tributaries or neighboring lakes. Here, they were only captured during the dry season and were not observed in the wet season. However, this finding contraticts the opinions of the local fishermen that were interviewed. They stated that O. niger was usually caught in the wet season as opposed to the dry season (Begossi,1999).
While many doradids were found to occupy either a blackwater or whitewater habitat exclusively, O. niger was found in both river types (Saint-Paul et. al., 2000). In this study, O. niger was observed as the ninth most common species caught in gill nets in white water (Lago do Prato of Rio Solimoes) out of 148 species. Out of 172 species caught in blackwater habitat, they were not among the fifty most common. In the whitewater habitat, they were caught with nearly equal frequency in flooded forests as in open lake habitat (adjacent to the main river channel).
Aquatic Biomes: benthic ; rivers and streams
The fish is found throughout South America (Sands, 1997), from the East coast to the base of the Andes: 3,000 feet above sea level (Burgess, 1989). Although no reports were found offering evidence of Oxydoras niger outside of the Amazon River system, Burgess (1989) states that the doradids' range includes the Orinoco and the Parana systems as well. Therefore, it is possible that this fish also exists there.
Biogeographic Regions: neotropical (Native )
These catfish eat crustaceans, snails, and other inverebrates, seeds, and fruits (Sands, 1997).
Lowe-McConnell (1987) has taken data from Marlier and classified O. niger as an insectivore. Indeed, chironomid midges, mayflies, and small crustaceans have been reported as stomach contents (Burgess, 1998). However, so have mud and decomposing leaves (Burgess, 1998), which would classify the fish as a detritivore.
In the aquarium, it has been observed eating boiled oatmeal, trout and koi pellets, rabbit pellets, frozen peas, flake foods, beef heart and liver, brine shrimp, tubificid worms, earthworms (Burgess, 1989).
Animal Foods: insects; mollusks; aquatic or marine worms; aquatic crustaceans
Plant Foods: seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit
Primary Diet: omnivore
Parasitism: O. niger is commonly host to parasitic nematodes. Five new species were recently described (Kritsky et. al, 1986), resulting from a revision of helminths. A new species living in its intestine was also described two years later (Ferraz, 1988).
Zaret (1984) lists O. niger as being a "main food fish species" in the Central Amazon, but not in the Orinoco, Guyana, Mogi Guacu, or Parana Rivers. They have been commonly observed in the fish markets of Santarem, a Brazilian city on the lower Amazon (Ferreira, 1996).
They are occasionally kept in aquariums by fish enthusiasts.
Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food
No negative effects on humans could be found regarding this fish.
CITES: no special status
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
This fish is also known as the mother of snails catfish (Sands, 1997), although Burgess (1989) states that this is the local's name for Megalodoras uranoscopus. It also is known as Oxydoras niger.
Physiology: Maximum temperature range tolerated is 18C to 30C, but appears to prefer 20C to 27C. They become lethargic at higher temperatures (Burgess, 1989).
Genetics: Oxydoras niger is known to have 58 chromosomes and recent work has been performed on it to identify nucleolus organizer regions (Fenocchio, et. al., 1993)
Pollution: Oxydoras niger and six other fish species found in the Rio Madeira were analyzed for selenium and mercury contamination. These chemicals were found in all specimens. Only herbivores showed significant ratios of selenium and mercury needed to be used as bio-indicators. In this study, O. niger was classified as an omnivore and is therefore not suitable to be used (Doria et. al., 1998).
According to Sands (1997), maximum total length is 600 mm (24 inches). However, I have personally observed specimens much larger than this: approximately 1 m total length. Similar large sizes have also been reported by Nomura (1m)(1984) and by Burgess (1.2 m)(1989).
The genus contains only one or two species besides O. niger, and can be differentiated by possessing a body width at the clavicles that is less than the head length. Eyes are located on the back half of the head and on the sides - not on the top. The adipose fin is a keel: long and very low and connected to the dorsal body surface throughout its length. It greatly resembles the genus Oxydoras and differs by possessing between 17 and 25 (Nomura, 1984) or between 16 and 23 (Burgess, 1989) scutes on each side, while Oxydoras has up to 40 (Burgess, 1989). In addition, Pseudodoras has fleshy appendages hanging from the roof of its mouth, presumably to taste food particles amoungst river muck (Burgess, 1989).
Color is variable and can range from jet black dorsally with a lighter underbelly to a uniform light gray.
Images of Pseudodoras: one, two.
Range length: 1.2 (high) m.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; bilateral symmetry
No information could be found regarding the breeding of this animal, except that inferred from its migration pattern (see 'Behavior').
Oxydoras niger és una espècie de peix de la família dels doràdids i de l'ordre dels siluriformes.
Menja detritus, crustacis i larves d'efemeròpters i quironòmids.[9]
És un peix d'aigua dolça i de clima tropical (21°C-24°C ).[8][10]
Es troba a Sud-amèrica: conques dels rius Amazones, São Francisco i Essequibo.[8][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]
Oxydoras niger, the ripsaw catfish or cuiu cuiu, is a species of thorny catfish[1] native to the Amazon, Essequibo and São Francisco basins in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela. This species grows to a length of 100 centimetres (39 in) SL and weights up to 13 kilograms (29 lb). This species is a minor component of local commercial fisheries.[2] It has lateral thorns that can damage any potential predator or handler. It feeds by shifting through sand and detecting eatable parts with the taste receptors in the roof and floor of its mouth.
Oxydoras niger occurs over mud in streams and lakes. It is known from temperatures ranging from 24–29.8 °C (75–85.6 °F), pH range of 5–9, and an alkalinity range of 42–142. It is known to form schools. This species feeds on detritus, chironomid and ephemeropteran larvae, and crustaceans.[2]
Oxydoras niger is a popular aquarium fish species. In the hobby, it goes by many names, including black talking catfish, razorback catfish, mother of snails catfish, ripsaw catfish and black doradid.[3] This species grows to a large size and are often bought by unsuspecting aquarists when small. They will rapidly outgrow smaller tanks, so the aquarium should be as large as possible.[3][4] O. niger is especially light shy and should be provided with sheltered areas to hide.[4] Although these fish are peaceful, very small tankmates are still at risk of being eaten.[3] This species readily accepts prepared foods.[3] O. niger has not been bred under aquarium conditions.[3]
Media related to Oxydoras niger at Wikimedia Commons
Oxydoras niger, the ripsaw catfish or cuiu cuiu, is a species of thorny catfish native to the Amazon, Essequibo and São Francisco basins in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela. This species grows to a length of 100 centimetres (39 in) SL and weights up to 13 kilograms (29 lb). This species is a minor component of local commercial fisheries. It has lateral thorns that can damage any potential predator or handler. It feeds by shifting through sand and detecting eatable parts with the taste receptors in the roof and floor of its mouth.
Oxydoras niger también conocidos como turushuqui, es una especie de peces de la familia Doradidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.
• Presenta un cuerpo robusto con una cabeza larga y punteada, siendo su boca subinferior con el hocico cónico. Es de color marrón oscuro uniforme y de aletas negrss. Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 100 cm de longitud total[1] y 11 kg de peso.[2][3]
Come detritus, crustáceos y larvas de Ephemeropteras y quironómidos.
Es un pez de agua dulce y de clima tropical (21°C-24°C ).
Se encuentran en Sudamérica: cuencas de los ríos Amazonas, São Francisco, cuenca del Orinoco y Esequibo.
Oxydoras niger también conocidos como turushuqui, es una especie de peces de la familia Doradidae en el orden de los Siluriformes.
O Oxydoras niger é unha especie de peixe Doradidae orixinario da conca do Amazonas, Essequibo e São Francisco en Bolivia, o Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Güiana, o Perú e Venezuela. Esta especie medra até os 100 cm e pode pesar uns 13 kg. Esta especie é importante na pesca comercial local.[1] Conta con espiñas laterais que poden danar potenciais depredadores. Aliméntase cribando area detectando alimentos cos receptores de sabor na parte superior e inferior da súa boca.
O Oxydoras niger é unha especie de peixe Doradidae orixinario da conca do Amazonas, Essequibo e São Francisco en Bolivia, o Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Güiana, o Perú e Venezuela. Esta especie medra até os 100 cm e pode pesar uns 13 kg. Esta especie é importante na pesca comercial local. Conta con espiñas laterais que poden danar potenciais depredadores. Aliméntase cribando area detectando alimentos cos receptores de sabor na parte superior e inferior da súa boca.
Oxydoras niger is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de doornmeervallen (Doradidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1821 door Valenciennes.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesOxydoras niger (o cuiú-cuiú ou cuiú-cuiú-branco) é uma espécie de peixe sul-americano de água doce.[1]
Oxydoras niger (o cuiú-cuiú ou cuiú-cuiú-branco) é uma espécie de peixe sul-americano de água doce.
Завдовжки досягає 1 м при вазі в 13 кг. У середньому завдовжки сягає 59 см. Голова велика, морда витягнута. Очі невеличкі. Вуса короткі й тоненькі. Тулуб великий, масивний та кремезний. Уздовж бічною лінії розташовано щитки з шипиками. Спинний плавець високий та широкий. Неподалік від нього розташовано невеличкий жировий плавець. Від останнього тягнеться спиною тоненький хребець. Грудні плавці помірного розміру. Черевні плавці крихітні. Анальний плавець помірно широкий. Хвостовий плавець витягнутий, вузько розділений. Верхня лопать ширше та довша за нижню.
Забарвлення переходить від темно-коричневого (з боків та на череві) до чорного (на спині). Усі плавці мають чорний колір.
Є демерсальною рибою. Воліє до прісної та чистої води. Зустрічається в річках та озерах з мулистим ґрунтом. Вдень ховається серед рослин. Активний у присмерку та вночі. Живиться ракоподібними, детритом, личинками хірономід і одноденок.
Зростає доволі швидко. Є об'єктом місцевого рибальства.
Мешкає в басейнах річок Амазонка, Сан-Франсіску, Ессекібо, можливо в Оріноко — в межах Бразилії, Перу, Венесуели, Колумбії, Еквадору, Болівії, Гаяни.
Оскільки риба досягає значних розмірів, акваріум повинен бути великим — від 1500 літрів. Миролюбна риба, проте дрібних риб може з'їсти. Параметри води: температура 21-25 °C, pH 6,0-7,0, твердість 2-20. Вживають у їжу всі види кормів, що тонуть на дно (пластівці, таблетки, гранули); обов'язково регулярно повинна додаватися рослинна їжа.[1]