

provided by Zookeys
Female (Fig. 1): Total length 6.00, Carapace 2.00 long, 1.68 wide. Carapace chestnut brown with grey striae radiating from fovea. Eyes AME area dark; anterior row recurved, posterior row straight. AME: 0.08; ALE: 0.11; PME: 0.08; PLE: 0.1; AME-AME: 0.08; AME-ALE: 0.02; PME-PME: 0.05; PME-PLE: 0.02. Chelicerae chestnut brown; with long bristles. Sternum brownish orange, with darker margins provided with some setae. Labium coloured brownish orange. Legs coloured as sternum, metatarsi III and IV with ventral preening comb at tip. Abdomen Dorsum dark grey, with dorsal scutum; tuft of bristles at anterior end; venter pale yellowish grey. Spinnerets pale yellowish grey. Epigyne (Figs 17, 27) with two long slits along lateral margin, opening towards the centre, extended to front; copulatory openings long lateral slits; copulatory ducts fairly long, sinuous, ending into the rear of fairly small, globular, adjacent spermathecae.
Male unknown.
bibliographic citation
An update of Zelotibia (Araneae, Gnaphosidae), a spider genus with a species swarm in the Albertine Rift
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partner site


provided by Zookeys
Holotype. Female. BURUNDI: Parc National de la Kibira, Mt Musumba, 2°52’S 29°30’E, 10.IV.2008, 2252m, ptifalls, forest with Carapa grandifl ora and Polyscias fulva, Nzigidahera Benoît (MRAC 226243). Paratypes. 1♀: 25.VI.2008, remainder as holotype (INECN); 1♀: 10.IV.2008, site 3, forest with Hagenia abyssinica, remainder as holotype (MRAC 226344); 1♀: 25.X.2008, site 3, forest with Hagenia abyssinica, remainder as previous (MRAC 226345)
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partner site