Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Eusarsiella culteri
ETYMOLOGY.—This species was named for James Culter, who collected specimens.
HOLOTYPE.—USNM 157972, ovigerous female on slide and in alcohol.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—West Florida continental shelf, BLM sta 4.
PARATYPES.—West Florida shelf: USNM 193082, 2 females from same station as holotype; 1 adult female, BLM sta 24.
DISTRIBUTION.—West Florida shelf. Known depth range 55.8–88.4 m (Figure 4, Table 1).
DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 109, 110).—Carapace oval in lateral view, with well developed caudal process (Figure 109).
Ornamentation (Figure 109): Each valve with numerous ribs and riblets; surface of ribs with numerous minute spines separated into polygons (detail in Figure 109); surface of valve with abundant short spines and fossae; spines pointing inward within edge of fossae (detail in Figure 109); minute processes forming row along ventral edge of valve and on caudal process; surface and margins with scattered bristles. Surface not coated by gelatinous substance.
Infold: Anterior infold with minute bristlc near middle of valve; infold of caudal process with 6 small bristles forming proximal row perpendicular to axis to caudal process; 2 setal bristles present on posterior infold near midheight of valve; several minute bristles present along inner edge of infold in vicinity of caudal process.
Selvage: Broad lamella prolongation with smooth edge present along free margin of each valve.
Central Adductor Muscle Attachments: Consisting of about 13 oval scars.
Size: USNM 157972, length 1.23 mm, height 0.98 mm; USNM 193082, 2 specimens, length 1.27 mm, height 1.18 mm, length 1.21 mm, height 1.12 mm.
First Antenna (Figure 110a): First joint bare. Second joint with 1 dorsal bristle. Third and fourth joints fused; third joint with 2 bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal); fourth joint with 3 bristles (2 ventral, 1 dorsal). Sensory bristle of long fifth joint with 2 indistinct short filaments (tip of bristle missing on illustrated limb). Sixth joint minute, fused to fifth joint, with small medial bristle. Seventh joint: a-bristle more than 3 times length of bristle of sixth joint; b-bristle slender, bare, longer than a-bristle; c-bristle long, with 3 indistinct, minute filaments. Eighth joint: d- and e-bristles slightly shorter than c-bristle, bare with blunt tips; f-bristle bare (tip missing on illustrated limb); g-bristle slightly shorter than c-bristle, with 2 or 3 indistinct, minute filaments.
Second Antenna (Figure 110b): Protopodite bare. Endopodite weakly 2-jointed: first joint with 2 or 3 short anterior bristles; second joint with long spinous terminal bristle. Exopodite: first joint with minute, recurved, terminal, medial bristle; bristle of second joint long, with 13 or 14 proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 with ventral spines and natatory hairs; ninth joint with 1 long ventral bristle with ventral spines and natatory hairs, and 1 short dorsal bristle with natatory hairs.
Mandible (Figure 110c); Coxale: endite represented by small spine; ventral margin with stiff spines. Basale: ventral margin with 2 small unringed bristles, and 2 longer ringed bristles; dorsal margin with small terminal bristle. First endopodial joint with numerous medial spines, spines forming row terminally on dorsal margin, and stout ventral claw with minute spines forming proximal row on dorsal margin. Second en- dopodial joint with small dorsal bristle and stout ventral claw. Third endopodial joint with stout terminal claw having 3 minute bristles at base (1 dorsal, 2 ventral).
Maxilla (Figure 110d): Three endites with pectinate claws and spinous ringed bristles. Coxale with small dorsal bristle and dorsal fringe of long hairs. Basale with bristle near exopodite. Exopodite small, with 2 bristles. First endopodial joint with spinous alpha- and beta-bristles, and indistinct distal spines along dorsal margin. Second endopodial joint with 2 small a-bristles, 1 small c-bristle, and 5 pectinate end bristles.
Fifth Limb (Figure 110e): Single endite with 1 small bristle. Exopodite: first joint with 2 spinous bristles; second joint with 2 spinous bristles; third to fifth joints fused, with total of 5 bristles.
Sixth Limb (Figure 110f): Single endite with 3 bristles. End joint with 11 bristles with short marginal spines followed by space and then 2 stout hirsute bristles.
Seventh Limb (Figure 110g): Two bristles in proximal group, 1 on each side, each bristle with 4 bells; 6 bristles in terminal group, 3 on each side, each bristle with up to 7 bells. Terminus consisting of opposing comb, each with 3–5 recurved teeth (not all teeth shown on illustrated limb).
Furca (Figure 110h): Each lamella with 5 slender pointed claws; claw 1 fused to lamella, remaining claws separated from lamella by suture; right lamella slightly anterior to left lamella; right lamella of USNM 157972 aberrant in having additional small claw following claw 5; each lamella with several spines following last claw; claws 1–4 with long teeth interspersed with shorter, more slender teeth.
Bellonci Organ (Figure 110i): Elongate, broadening distally, with rounded tip.
Eyes (Figure 110i): Medial eye bare with brown pigment; lateral eye smaller than medial eye, brown with 4 ommatidia.
Upper Lip (Figure 110i): Typical for genus.
Genitalia (Figure 110j): Oval sclerotized ring on each side of body anterior to furca.
Posterior of Body (Figure 110j): Bare.
Y-Sclerite (Figure 110j): Typical for genus.
Eggs: USNM 157972 with 4 eggs in marsupium; USNM 193082 with 3 eggs in marsupium.
COMPARISONS.—The placement of ribs and riblets on the carapace of E. culteri differs from that of previously described species. The polygonal surface of the ribs is unusual. The presence of a long terminal bristle on the endopodite of the second antenna of the female is not present on many species of Eusarsiella.
Eusarsiella species B
Sarsiella greyi Darby, 1965:38, pl. 27: fig. 10 [only paratype UMMP 48815].
MATERIAL.—UMMP 48815, adult female on 4 slides: 1, separated valves; 2, left first antenna; 3, left second antenna; 4, wholemount of remaining appendages.
DISTRIBUTION.—Off Georgia, depth 24.7 m.
DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figure 111a).—Carapace bulbose in posterodorsal part; caudal process shorter than that of Eusarsiella greyi (compare Figure 111a with Figure 49).
Infold: Infold of caudal process with 3 or 4 proximal bristles and 1 distal bristle; additional smaller bristles present along inner margin of infold in general vicinity of caudal process; 2 setal bristles on posterior infold; small bristle on anterior infold near inner margin.
Size: Length 0.90 mm, height 0.84 mm (Darby, 1965:39). My measurement of disarticulated right valve mounted in Turtox CMC-10 (nonresinous mounting medium): length including caudal process 0.97 mm, length without caudal process 0.90 mm, height 0.82 mm.
First Antenna: Second joint with dorsal spines forming rows, and 1 dorsal bristle about same length as fourth joint. Third joint with medial and dorsal spines and 2 bristles (1 dorsal bristle about longer than bristle of second joint, and 1 very small ventral bristle). Fourth joint fused to third, with abundant medial and dorsal spines and 3 or 4 bristles (1 spinous dorsal bristle about the same length as dorsal bristle of third joint, 2 ventral bristles about same length as dorsal bristle, and 1 ventral bristle about length of dorsal bristle, present only on left limb. Fifth joint with spines along dorsal margin and long ventral bristle with spine at tip. Sixth joint fused to fifth, with small bare medial bristle. Seventh joint: a- bristle more than twice length of bristle of sixth joint; b-bristle about length of bristle of fifth joint; c-bristle same length as bristle of fifth joint, without marginal filaments. Eighth joint: d- and e-bristles bare with blunt tips (d-bristle more than length of c-bristle; e-bristle about length of d-bristle); f- and g-bristles longer than d-bristle but shorter than c-bristle, without marginal filaments; c-, f-, and g-bristles with minute terminal spine.
Second Antenna: Protopodite bare. Endopodite single jointed, with 2 short, proximal, anterior bristles, and minute terminal spine. Exopodite: first joint with minute medial bristle on distal margin and spines along ventral margin; bristle of second joint with very slender, proximal, ventral spines, and distal natatory hairs; bristle of joints 3 and 4 with slender ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; bristles of joints 5–8 with only natatory hairs; ninth joint with 1 long bristle with few, faint, proximal spines and distal natatory hairs, and 1 short dorsal bristle (dorsal bristle not present on left limb).
Mandible: Coxale endite consisting of stout spine; ventral margin of coxale hirsute. Basale: 6 small bristles near or on ventral margin (1 bristle in proximal group about 3 times longer than others); dorsal margin with 1 small midbristle on left limb, none on right, and 2 small subterminal bristles. Exopodite absent. Endopodite: first joint with medial spines and stout ventral claw; second joint with 1 minute dorsal bristle, and 1 stout ventral claw longer than claw of first joint; third joint with stout ventral claw longer than claw of second joint and 2 minute bristles (1 ventral, 1 dorsal).
Maxilla, Fifth and Sixth Limbs: Similar to those of female Eusarsiella greyi.
Seventh Limb: Two cylindrical bristles in proximal group (1 on each side), each bristle with 3 bells, 6 cylindrical bristles in terminal group (3 on each side), each bristle with up to 5 bells. Terminus consisting of opposing combs, each with 5 or 6 faint teeth.
Furca: Each lamella with 5 slender claws with teeth along posterior margin; claws 2 and 3 with 5 or 6 stout proximal teeth followed by distal sets of long and short teeth; claw 5 with a few faint anterior spines; claw 1 fused to lamella, following claws separated from lamella by suture; lamellae following claws without stout spines like those on furca of Eusarsiella greyi (only a single faint spine following claws of left lamella).
Bellonci Organ: Missing from slides.
Eyes: Medial eye missing from slides. Lateral eye with black pigment and 4 divided ommatidia.
Genitalia: Oval process on each side of body anterior to anus.
Y-Sclerite: Typical for genus.
COMPARISONS.—The short caudal process on the unique specimen of Eusarsiella species B does not permit its inclusion in E. greyi. The appendages differ from those of E. greyi mainly in that the first antenna bears numerous spines on joints 4 and 5. The first antenna of Eusarsiella species B differs from that of E. vema, new species, in having a ventral bristle on the third joint.
Eusarsiella species C
Sarsiella greyi Darby, 1965:38, pl. 28 [only paratype UMMP 48816].
MATERIAL.—UMMP 48816, 14 slides including appendages and left valve.
DISTRIBUTION.—Off Georgia, depth 24.7 m.
DESCRIPTION OF JUVENILE MALE (instar IV; Figure 111b).—Carapace with large posterodorsal process; ribs extending anteriorly from central adductor muscle area, rib continuing posterodorsally onto posterodorsal process; latter rib without nodes.
Infold: Infold of caudal process with 2 proximal and 1 distal bristles; 2 similar bristles present on inner margin of infold near caudal process (1 of these between caudal process and 2 posterior setal bristles, but much closer to caudal process than to setal bristles).
Size: Length 1.09 mm, height 0.936 mm (Darby, 1965:39). My measurement of disarticulate left valve mounted in Turtox CMC-10: length including caudal process 1.15 mm, length without caudal process 1.08 mm; height 0.96 mm.
First Antenna (Darby, 1965, pl. 28: fig. 1): Second joint with numerous dorsal spines forming rows, few distal ventral spines, and I dorsal bristle about longer than fourth joint. Third joint with medial, dorsal and ventral spines and 2 bristles (1 dorsal bristle about same length as bristle of second joint, and 1 small ventral bristle). Fourth joint fused to third, with abundant medial, dorsal and ventral spines and 4 bristles (1 spinous dorsal bristle about length shorter than dorsal bristle of third joint, 2 ventral bristles about length of dorsal bristle, and 1 small ventral bristle (present only on left limb). Fifth joint with numerous spines along dorsal margin and 1 long ventral bristle with short filament near middle and spine at tip. Sixth joint fused to fifth with small bare medial bristle. Seventh joint: a-bristle bare, more than twice length of bristle of sixth joint; b-bristle slender, about length of bristle of fifth joint; c-bristle about same length as bristle of fifth joint, with small proximal filament. Eighth joint: d- and e-bristles bare with blunt tips (d-bristle more than length of c-bristle; e-bristle about length of c-bristle); f- bristle about same length as d-bristle; g-bristle slightly shorter than c-bristle, with 1 proximal filament; c-, f-, and g-bristles with minute terminal spine.
Second Antenna (Darby, 1965, pl. 28: fig. 6) Protopodite bare. Endopodite with 2 joints: first joint with medial spines forming rows near middle and 2 short, proximal, anterior bristles bearing faint marginal spines; second joint small, with 3 bristles (1 minute and 2 about length of bristles on first joint). Exopodite: first joint with faint ventral spines and small, terminal, medial bristle; bristle of second joint with proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–7 with natatory hairs; bristle of eighth joint with slender proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs; ninth joint with 2 bristles (1 long with slender proximal ventral spines and distal natatory hairs, 1 short, dorsal, with few slender spines).
Mandible (Darby, 1965, pl. 28: fig. 2): Morphology similar to that of Eusarsiella species B (UMMP 48815) except with considerably more medial spines on first endopodial joint, and with proximal ventral bristle of basale about longer.
Maxilla (Darby, 1965, pl. 28: fig. 1): Morphology similar to that of female E. greyi.
Fifth and Sixth Limbs: Similar to those of female E. greyi.
Seventh Limb: Not present according to Darby (1965:39).
Furca (Darby, 1965, pl. 28: fig. 7): Similar to that of female E. greyi, 4 or 5 stout spines and several smaller spines following claw 5 of each lamella.
Bellonci Organ: Elongate, broadening distally, with rounded tip.
Eyes: Medial eye bare, well developed. Lateral eye only slightly smaller than medial eye, with 5 divided ommatidia.
Copulatory Organ (Darby, 1965, pl. 28: fig. 7) Only partly developed, consisting of small lobes bearing 1–3 minute bristles.
Y-Sclerite: Typical for genus.
COMPARISONS.—Eusarsiella species C differs from E. greyi in having numerous spines on the fourth and fifth joints on the first antenna. It shares that character with Eusarsiella species B described herein. The single instar IV male of Eusarsiella species C is larger than the single ovigerous female of Eusarsiella species B, and has a longer caudal process. The endopodite of the second antenna of Eusarsiella species C resembles that of the male E. radiata but differs in having an additional proximal anterior bristle on the first joint. Ribs on carapace are similar to those of E. nodimarginis, except posterodorsal rib without nodes. When the adult male of E. nodimarginis is known, it may be possible to refer E. species C to that species.
- bibliographic citation
- Kornicker, Louis S. 1986. "Sarsiellidae of the Western Atlantic and Northern Gulf of Mexico, and Revision of the Sarsiellinae (Ostracoda: Myodocopina)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-217.