Plectrohyla avia és una espècie de granota que es troba a Guatemala i Mèxic.
Es troba amenaçada d'extinció per la pèrdua del seu hàbitat natural.
Plectrohyla avia és una espècie de granota que es troba a Guatemala i Mèxic.
Es troba amenaçada d'extinció per la pèrdua del seu hàbitat natural.
Plectrohyla avia, also known as the greater spikethumb frog, is a species of frog in the family Hylidae. It occurs in Guatemala and Mexico and is found on the Pacific slopes of the Sierra Madre between southeastern Chiapas (Mexico) and southwestern Guatemala.[1][3]
Plectrohyla avia is the largest member of the genus Plectrohyla, with males reaching about 90 mm (3.5 in) and females about 70 mm (2.8 in) snout–vent length.[4] It was described by Laurence Cooper Stuart in 1952 based on a single specimen. This specimen—the holotype—is an adult male that measured 86 mm (3.4 in) SVL. The tympanum is small but very distinct. There is a heavy supratympanic fold that merges with the fold-like canthus (or in less technical terms, "lateral skin folds"[4]). The fingers have vestigial webbing whereas the toes are moderately webbed. The prepollex ("spikethumb") is simple and horny. Vocal slits are absent.[2] The teeth of the upper maxilla are long and protruding.[4]
Based on an observation from Chiapas, breeding takes place underwater and involves axillar amplexus. Male advertisement call is a brief and rapid trill. Males were observed calling underwater and from within small holes and crevices in the splash-zone of waterfalls.[4]
Natural habitats of Plectrohyla avia are cloud forests at elevations of 1,700–2,200 m (5,600–7,200 ft) above sea level. It typically occurs in vegetation along mountain streams.[1] Reproduction has been observed just at the start of the rainy season in a small pool.[4] The well-developed lateral skin folds might facilitate dermal respiration.[4]
It is an uncommon to rare species that is threatened by habitat loss (deforestation and transformation of forest to agricultural areas) as well as chytridiomycosis.[1] It might be, however, more common and widespread than currently thought, but with only a short period of activity at the beginning of the rainy season.[4]
Plectrohyla avia, also known as the greater spikethumb frog, is a species of frog in the family Hylidae. It occurs in Guatemala and Mexico and is found on the Pacific slopes of the Sierra Madre between southeastern Chiapas (Mexico) and southwestern Guatemala.
Plectrohyla avia es una especie de anfibios de la familia Hylidae. Habita en Guatemala y en Chiapas (México).[2] Sus hábitats naturales son los montanos secos y los ríos. Está amenazada de extinción por la destrucción de su hábitat natural.
Plectrohyla avia es una especie de anfibios de la familia Hylidae. Habita en Guatemala y en Chiapas (México). Sus hábitats naturales son los montanos secos y los ríos. Está amenazada de extinción por la destrucción de su hábitat natural.
Plectrohyla avia Plectrohyla generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Hylidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.
Plectrohyla avia Plectrohyla generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Hylidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.
Plectrohyla avia est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Hylidae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre entre 1 685 et 2 200 m d'altitude[1],[2] :
Plectrohyla avia est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Hylidae.
Plectrohyla avia is een kikker uit de familie boomkikkers (Hylidae). De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Laurence Cooper Stuart in 1952. Later werd de wetenschappelijke naam Hyla avia gebruikt.[1]
De soort komt voor in delen van Midden-Amerika en leeft in de landen Guatemala en Mexico. Het is een bewoner van nevelbossen en wordt vaak in de nabijheid van bergbeken aangetroffen. Plectrohyla avia komt voor op een hoogte van 1700 tot 2200 meter boven zeeniveau.[2] De kikker wordt door de natuurbeschermingsorganisatie IUCN beschouwd als ernstig bedreigd.[3]
Plectrohyla avia là một loài ếch thuộc họ Nhái bén. Loài này có ở Guatemala và México. Môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là vùng núi ẩm nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới và sông ngòi. Chúng hiện đang bị đe dọa vì mất môi trường sống.
Plectrohyla avia là một loài ếch thuộc họ Nhái bén. Loài này có ở Guatemala và México. Môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là vùng núi ẩm nhiệt đới hoặc cận nhiệt đới và sông ngòi. Chúng hiện đang bị đe dọa vì mất môi trường sống.