Image of Gottlebe's narrow-mouthed frog
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Gottlebe's Narrow Mouthed Frog

Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme 1992


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Scaphiophryne gottlebei is a small to medium conspicuously coloured frog, characterised by a typical white, reddish, greenish and black dorsal pattern, rounded morphology, and greyish belly. Borders between all colors very distinct. Typically, the females are bigger (30-40 mm), and also have a brighter and more contrasted colouration, than males. Males are smaller (20-30 mm), and are generally paler than females. Skin on the back smooth. Tympanum indistinct. The snout is very short, the mouth is small, the eyes are prominent, and the legs are relatively short. The hindlimbs are quite robust, and the underside of the foot displays a typical horny metatarsal tubercle, which is used by this frog to burrow. The hands also have typical claws, which permit the frog to cling to the vertical stony walls of the canyons within which it lives. Hands are characterised by the presence of large digital expansions. Tips of toes not enlarged. Fingers without webbing, toes with a well developed web. Scaphiophryne gottlebei is unique in colouration. The other Scaphiophryne species, except for S. marmorata and S. boribory, do not have enlarged fingertips. Scaphiophryne gottlebei is syntopic with S. brevis and S. calcarata. The tadpole has a robust, ovoid body with a flattened ventrum. The snout is trapezoidal with nares in a shallow, light-colored furrow and located closer to the eyes than to the tip of the snout. Nares do not open until stage 41. Dorsolateral eyes. Rounded oral disc surrounded by dense marginal and submarginal conical-shaped papillae, sometimes pigmented except for tips. Labial teeth lacking; well-developed jaw sheath, with lower jaw sheath partially pigmented underneath. Tail fins relatively high, with ventral fin higher than dorsal. Spiracle ventrolateral, opening to posterior, and vent tube ventrally directed with medial opening (Mercurio and Andreone 2006). The background color of tadpoles transforms from gray-brown at night to black in the daytime. All surfaces are scattered with melanophores which increase in density on the dorsal and lateral posterior surfaces. There is a translucent diamond-shaped area between the eyes. The tail fins are also transparent with dark edges. Tadpoles begin to take on the adult coloration pattern near metamorphosis. Metamorphs are 10-15mm long and less conspicuous than adults but with similar white, red, and black designs (Mercurio and Andreone 2006).NOTE: The study by F. Andreone, V. Mercurio, G. Aprea, and J. E. Randrianirina in January-February 2004 benefited from financial support by the Nando Peretti Foundation, the Declining Amphibian Population Task Force, and the National Amphibian Conservation Center. R. Rossi and the Istituto Oikos also greatly helped with financial support. Thanks also to Euan J. Edwards and Dodine Edwards (Antananarivo) for the help in gathering information about the pet-trade in this species.


  • Andreone, F. and Luiselli, L.M. (2003). ''Conservation priorities and potential threats influencing the hyper-diverse amphibians of Madagascar.'' Italian Journal of Zoology, 70, 53-63.
  • Andreone, F., Mattioli, F., and Mercurio, V. (2005). ''The call of Scaphiophryne gottlebei, a microhylid frog from the Isalo Massif, southcentral Madagascar.'' Current Herpetology, 24(1), 33-35.
  • Busse, K., and Böhme, W. (1992). ''Two remarkable frog discoveries of the genera Mantella (Ranidae: Mantellinae) and Scaphiophryne (Microhylidae: Scaphiophryninae) from the west coast of Madagascar.'' Revue Française d'Aquariologie, 19, 57-64.
  • Guibé, J. (1956). ''La position systématique des genres Pseudohemisus et Scaphiophryne (Batraciens).'' Bulletin du Muséum National d’histoire Naturelle, Série 2, 28(2), 180-182.
  • Mercurio, V. and Andreone, F. (2006). ''The tadpoles of Scaphiophryne gottlebei (Microhylidae: Scaphiophryninae) and Mantella expectata (Mantellidae: Mantellinae) from Isalo Massif, southcentral Madagascar.'' Alytes, 23(3-4), 81-95.
  • Vences, M., Aprea, G., Capriglione, T., Andreone, F., and Odierna, G. (2002). ''Ancient tetraploidy and slow molecular evolution in Scaphiophryne: ecological correlates of speciation mode in Malagasy relict amphibians.'' Chromosome Research, 10, 127-136.

Franco Andreone*
Vincenzo Mercurio*
Frank Glaw
Miguel Vences
Xi Zhai
UC Berkeley
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Distribution and Habitat

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Type locality: Isalo Massif (Vallée des Singes; actually known as Vallée des Makis), in south-central Madagascar. Also found in surrounding areas, including Ilalaka and the PN de Isalo. Within the rocky, montane part of the Isalo Massif, this species is found in narrow, sandy-bed canyons with vertical rock walls. The habitat is dark, cool (19-22 degrees C), and humid (close to 100%). Vegetation is absent or limited to occasional trees. Surprisingly until recently the species – although intensively collected for the pet trade - had a poorly known distribution. The recent survey work carried out by one of us (FA), in collaboration with V. Mercurio, Jasmin E. Randrianirina, and Gennaro Aprea, allowed to confirm the presence of the species in the Isalo Massif and nearby areas. There, we found it outside the protected area, in the Ilakaka surroundings, from which most of the animals are captured for the pet-trade. Furthermore, we also found it at several sites within the PN de l’Isalo. There, S. gottlebei was already known for the Canyon des Makis (from which the type series came). Surprisingly enough, it seems that within this canyon the species is very rare, or even not regularly present. The habitat appears not suitable for the species' reproduction, and we believe that its presence (if the collecting information provided within the description work were correct) was very casual, and possibly due to the occasional finding of erratic specimens. After our surveys carried out in 2004 (January-February and November-December), we are quite convinced that S. gottlebei is present almost anywhere in the rocky Isalo Massif. The preferred habitat is represented by typical narrow canyons. These canyons host a cool and wet atmosphere, which is quite stable in temperature, contrasted to the “external” savannas, which are subject to strong seasonal and day/night thermal excursions. During the rainy season (October to February) these canyons become temporary fast running streams. After the rainfall the water remains in small pools within the rocks. There S. gottlebei breeds and completes its larval development. We also found the species outside these canyons, where it is likely that it finds refuge under rocks and in deep crevices.
Franco Andreone*
Vincenzo Mercurio*
Frank Glaw
Miguel Vences
Xi Zhai
UC Berkeley
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors

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On the occasion of the 2004 survey (which was sponsored by the Nando Peretti Foundation), I had the chance to witness some peculiar behaviours and life history traits of this species. So far, it seems that it leads two kinds of life. First, it has a typical fossorial life style, which is shared by most of the species belonging to the genus Scaphiophryne. Using its robust hindlegs and horny metatarsal tubercle, S. gottlebei digs in the sand or other soft substrate available in its natural habitat. Second, it also has a scansorial life style, witnessed in this by the presence of largely expanded fingertips. We observed on several occasions overnight active specimens which jumped on the vertical canyon’s walls, and indeed were able to climb at several meters from the ground. This also allowed the frogs to find refuges in small holes present on the walls, and caused by the loss of chalks from the karstic matrix. Calling males were found swimming at the water surfaces of pools from recent rain, or clinging to rocky surfaces. The call itself consists of 20 seconds of short, discordant notes at constant intensity, similar to that of other Scaphiophryne species (Andreone, Mattioli and Mercurio 2005). The call ranges in frequency from 500-1400 Hz and has a note repetition rate of 32–36 notes/s (Andreone, Mattioli, and Mercurio 2005).Tadpoles live in the temporary rocky pools, and most likely have a very fast development. Indeed, the strong water course which forms after rainfalls literally wipes away any tadpole present there and excludes the possibility to have completed the metamorphosis. At Ilakaka and Isalo we found metamorphosing tadpoles (with only a portion of the tail, and already having contrasting back colouration) in late January. Taking into consideration the large number found also in a sub-optimal season, we believe that the species is very abundant during the rainy season. We also found many tadpoles in the pools during November-December. Metamorphosis appears to take about 2-3 months (Mercurio and Andreone 2006). The feeding behavior of the tadpoles is unique. During the day, they stay close to the pool bottom and often burrow into the sandy, muddy substrate, such that the head is almost buried in the substrate and the tail is projecting out at a 30-45° angle. This position allows the tadpoles to feed on substrate particles. In all collected tadpoles, the intestine was completely filled with detritus. At night, the tadpoles leave the bottom to swim around in the water column, apparently filter-feeding on suspended particles, and occasionally reaching the surface for air. Due to the unique feeding habits and physical characteristics of these tadpoles, a new ecomorphological category has been proposed, "psammonektonic." Psammonektonic tadpoles are active both by day and by night, have keratinized mouthparts and papillae, dorsolateral eyes, a ventrolateral spiracle, and have dual feeding modes: filter-feeding within the water column and direct substrate ingestion via active burrowing (Mercurio and Andreone 2006).
Franco Andreone*
Vincenzo Mercurio*
Frank Glaw
Miguel Vences
Xi Zhai
UC Berkeley
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors

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Scaphiophryne gottlebei was until recently actively collected for the pet-trade. Thousands of individuals are captured each year, especially during the breeding season. For this it is potentially threatened. According to recent evaluations it has been included in the IUCN category CR, “critically endangered”. Although the number collected is high, the species appears potentially widely distributed in the Isalo Massif, and its life history stresses the good capacity of recovery. The species is potentially able to breed in captivity: the high number of deposited eggs and the rapidity of larval development are positive factors for the realisation of captive stocks, which would therefore limit the capture from the wild environment. Thus although this species is included in CITES II, we have reasons to believe that S. gottlebei is not threatened by the capture activity. The pet-trade should be controlled, however, and for this an export quota number is urgently needed.On the other hand, it is probable that some small (sub)populations are threatened by mining activity, which occurs in the Ilaka area. As is the case for many other critically endangered species, more data are badly needed to complete a comprehensive conservation scenario. The inclusion in CITES II provides some protection.
Franco Andreone*
Vincenzo Mercurio*
Frank Glaw
Miguel Vences
Xi Zhai
UC Berkeley
visit source
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Relation to Humans

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Only pertinent to the interest for pet-trade and market demand. The species is tetraploid.
Franco Andreone*
Vincenzo Mercurio*
Frank Glaw
Miguel Vences
Xi Zhai
UC Berkeley
visit source
partner site
AmphibiaWeb articles


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With adaptations for two apparently distinct lifestyles, the painted burrowing frog is known mainly for its underground lifestyle, and is thought to climb only to escape drowning in flash floodwater by finding small holes to rest in within the canyon walls of its habitat. Despite its webbed hind feet, the painted burrowing frog is a poor swimmer. The tadpoles hatch in temporary rock pools and are thought to undergo metamorphosis relatively quickly since they must avoid being washed away by sudden heavy rains (2). Tadpoles feed upon the detritus they found in the sand of the small pools where they live. During the night they become very active, and occupy the whole water column (5). Adults consume insects (4).
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Several populations of the painted burrowing frog occur in the Isalo National Park where the habitat is protected, but habitat loss elsewhere is likely and potentially dangerous to the remaining unprotected populations (1). Carefully regulated trade with a capture quota will prevent further decline of this spectacular species (1).
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One of the most highly decorated of the Madagascan frogs, the painted burrowing frog is a small, roundish, brightly coloured species with a distinctive white, red, green and black pattern on the back. The skin of the back is very smooth, but the skin of the grey belly is a little bit rough. The ears are inconspicuous, but the eyes are prominent. Adapted for both the underground and climbing lifestyles, the painted burrowing frog has horny tubercles on the underside of the hind feet to help with burrowing, and claws on the forefeet for clinging to vertical canyon walls (2). The tadpoles are very conspicuous, quite big, and blackish.
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Inhabits open, rocky areas of dry forest, as well as hiding amongst stone crevices in canyons. It breeds in shallow, temporary pools within the canyons, although sometimes could be found in open areas (1).
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The painted burrowing frog is found at elevations of over 900 m in the Isalo Massif, either within the national park of the same name, or in external areas (1).
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The painted burrowing frog is classified as Critically Endangered (CR B2ab(iii,v)) on the IUCN Red List 2004 (1) and is listed on Appendix II of CITES (3).
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Thousands of painted burrowing frogs are captured for the pet trade each year, and although the species is considered to be critically endangered, this is mainly as a result of its small range. It locally abundant and has a high reproductive rate, most likely allowing fast recovery from minor reductions in population numbers. Sapphire mining operations near to the habitat of the painted burrowing frog are considered to be a threat to populations, and further potential threats include increasing tourist activity, and habitat loss from fire, wood extraction and over-grazing by livestock (1).
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Scaphiophryne gottlebei

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Scaphiophryne gottlebei, commonly known as the Malagasy rainbow frog, ornate hopper, rainbow burrowing frog, red rain frog or Gottlebe's narrow-mouthed frog, is one of the most highly decorated frogs from Madagascar. The primary threats to this endangered species are habitat loss and capture for the pet trade (now illegal).[1]


The Malagasy rainbow frog is a small, roundish, brightly coloured species with a distinctive white, orange–red, green and black pattern on the back, each area of which is clearly delineated. The skin on the back is very smooth, but that of the grey belly is a little bit rough. The snout is rounded, the eyes are prominent but the tympani are inconspicuous. The limbs are short and robust and the digits of the hand have large tips and the hind feet are webbed. Adapted for both underground and climbing lifestyles, the Malagasy rainbow frog has horny tubercles on the underside of the hind feet to help with burrowing, and claws on the forefeet for clinging to vertical canyon walls. With a snout–vent length of 2.6 to 4 cm (1.0–1.6 in), females average larger and reach a larger maximum size than males which measure 2 to 3.4 cm (0.8–1.3 in).[3][4]

Distribution and habitat

This frog often spends time in holes or crevices in rocks

The Malagasy rainbow frog is endemic to the Isalo Massif at an altitude of 700–1,000 m (2,300–3,300 ft) in the central part of southern Madagascar, including the Isalo National Park and areas south of it.[1][5] Its primary habitat is narrow canyons where the conditions tend to be cool for the tropics, relatively dark (resulting in little or no vegetation) and very humid.[6] The typical temperature in its habitat is 19–22 °C (66–72 °F),[6] but overall varies from about 13 to 35 °C (55–95 °F).[7] It shares its range with another colourful and endangered frog, the blue-legged mantella (Mantella expectata), which occurs in the same habitat but prefers more open, sun-exposed areas.[5][6] The Malagasy rainbow frog digs into the sandy areas bordering the streams or spends its time in small holes or crevices in the rock walls. At night it may climb on the rock walls, reaching several meters high.[3][4] Although rare outside its primary canyon habitat,[6] it can also be found in open rocky areas, mostly in dry forest.[1]


Tadpole with head in the sand, a typical position when feeding on detritus

The Malagasy rainbow frog is an explosive breeder (meaning that the breeding season is short and begins suddenly) that breeds in groups in November–December just after the first heavy rainfall in the early rainy season. A group often consists of a few tens of individuals and usually more males than females.[4][7] Males call from rock walls or the surface of temporary pools and it is in these that the eggs are laid, which already hatch into tadpoles after about three days.[4] The tadpoles have a stout oval body with flattened underside. They appear black in the daytime but turn brownish-grey at night. In the wild they are detritivores and filter feeders, although captives have been reared from Gosner stage 25 to near metamorphosis on fish food. They have the unusual habit of spending the day with their heads submerged in the sediment of the bottom, feeding on detritus, and their tails projecting at an angle. During the night the tadpoles swim around, apparently filter feeding particles from the open water.[6] Many tadpoles are swept away by torrents during the rainy season and may complete their metamorphosis elsewhere.[3] Recently metamorphosed young frogs are about half to one-third the size of adults, but otherwise similar.[6] In addition to inactive dispersal of the tadpoles by water currents, adults may actively disperse, especially during cold weather.[7] The species is quite short-lived, typically only reaching an age of 2 years.[8]

Conservation status

The IUCN lists the Malagasy rainbow frog as "Endangered"; it was formerly (from 2004 to 2008) "Critically Endangered", but this was reduced when it was found to be more widespread than previously thought and locally common. Although it is common in some areas, it has a restricted range and its population is believed to be decreasing. The major threats are habitat loss and over-collection for the pet trade. Primary threats to the habitat are wood extraction, fire, overgrazing by livestock, mining and possibly disturbance by tourists.[1] As recent as the 2000s (decade), thousands were captured every year for the pet trade.[1][9] When added to CITES Appendix II, an export quota was introduced. By 2014, it had been lowered to 0 (zero), making export of wild-caught individuals illegal.[1] There are indications that the snake Leioheterodon modestus possibly is an important natural predator of this frog.[10]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (2016). "Scaphiophryne gottlebei". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T57998A84182454. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T57998A84182454.en. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ a b c Franco Andreone; Vincenzo Mercurio; Frank Glaw; Miguel Vences; Xi Zhai (2010-07-19). "Scaphiophryne gottlebei ". AmphibiaWeb. Retrieved 2013-12-07.
  4. ^ a b c d Rosa, G.M.; V. Mercurio; A. Crottini; F. Andreone (2011). "Explosion into the canyon: an insight into the breeding aggregation of Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992". North-Western Journal of Zoology. 7 (2): 329–333.
  5. ^ a b Crottini, C.; Y. Chiari; V. Mercurio; A. Meyer; M. Vences; F. Andreone (2008). "Into the canyons: The phylogeography of the Malagasy frogs Mantella expectata and Scaphiophryne gottlebei in the arid Isalo Massif, and its significance for conservation (Amphibia: Mantellidae and Microhylidae)". Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 8 (5): 368–377. doi:10.1016/j.ode.2008.08.001.
  6. ^ a b c d e f Mercurio, V.; F. Andreone (2006). "The tadpoles of Scaphiophryne gottlebei (Microhylidae: Scaphiophryninae) and Mantella expectata (Mantellidae: Mantellinae) from Isalo Massif, south-central Madagascar". Alytes. 23 (3–4): 81–95.
  7. ^ a b c Andreone, F.; P.E. Bergò; V. Mercurio; G.M. Rosa (2013). "Spatial ecology of Scaphiophryne gottlebei in the canyons of the Isalo Massif, Madagascar". Herpetologica. 69 (1): 11–21. doi:10.1655/HERPETOLOGICA-D-12-00005. S2CID 86617480.
  8. ^ Guarino, Fabio M; Tessa, Giulia; Mercurio, Vincenzo; Andreone, Franco (December 2010). "Rapid sexual maturity and short life span in the blue-legged frog and the rainbow frog from the arid Isalo Massif, southern-central Madagascar". Zoology. 113 (6): 378–84. doi:10.1016/j.zool.2010.08.003. PMID 21051209.
  9. ^ Behler, John L.; Deborah A. Behler (2005). Frogs: A Chorus of Colors. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. p. 121. ISBN 1-4027-2814-X.
  10. ^ Rosa, G.M.; V. Mercurio; A. Crottini; F. Andreone (2010). "Predation of the snake Leioheterodon modestus (Günther, 1863) upon the rainbow frog Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse & Böhme, 1992 at Isalo, southern Madagascar". Herpetology Notes. 3: 259–261.

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Scaphiophryne gottlebei: Brief Summary

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Scaphiophryne gottlebei, commonly known as the Malagasy rainbow frog, ornate hopper, rainbow burrowing frog, red rain frog or Gottlebe's narrow-mouthed frog, is one of the most highly decorated frogs from Madagascar. The primary threats to this endangered species are habitat loss and capture for the pet trade (now illegal).

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