provided by AmphibiaWeb articles
Insuetophrynus acarpicus is a medium sized, robust-bodied frog with a snout-vent length range in adult males of 40.5 – 56.3 mm, young male range of 27.1 – 40.7 mm, newly metamorphosed male range of 19.1 – 28.1 mm, adult female range of 35.2 – 53.0 mm, young female range of 26.8 – 37.9, and newly metamorphosed female range of 20.8 – 26.5mm (Diaz et al. 1983). The head is wider than long with a short rounded snout that extends beyond the jaw. The nostrils are at the tip of the snout. The canthus rostralis is straight and well-developed. The loreal region is slightly depressed. The eye diameter is larger than the distance between the eye and nostril (Barrios 1970). The pupil is horizontal (Silva 2017). The upper eyelid width is greater than the interorbital space. The incomplete tympanic ring is barely visible. The supratympanic ridge extends from the posterior angle of the eye to the arm insertion. A row of glands starts behind the eyes and dorsally extend towards the posterior without crossing the midline and another, less distinct row can be found parallel to and under the first. In the holotype, there is a vocal sac on the right, but not on the left. In general, vocal sacs may be present, singular (to one side) or paired (Barrio 1970). The skin of the dorsum is granular with cornified pectoral plates (Barrio 1970, Rabanal and Nuñez 2012). The arms are short and thick. The palmar tubercles are distinct with the inner palmar tubercle having cornified horny spines on the inner edge and being larger than the outer palmar tubercle. The fingers are free of webbing and rounded at the tips. Characteristic of the species, the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the first finger in sexually mature adults have keratinized, conical tubercles that have further numerous spines. Similar, small, flat structures can be found on the inner edge of the second. The fingers have slight but evident subarticular tubercles (Barrio 1970). The legs are slimmer than the arms. When the leg is extended along the body, the tibiotarsal articulation reaches the posterior edge of the eye. The inner metatarsal tubercle is elongated and the outer metatarsal tubercle is small and round. The foot webbing reaches the first phalanx and the subarticular tubercles are well developed. The fifth toe is very well developed (Barrio 1970).Tadpoles have body lengths at stages 25 - 28 of 12.60 - 20.10 mm and total lengths between 36.10 – 56.10 mm. At stages 29 – 43 the body length ranges from 16.40 - 22.3 mm and total lengths ranging from 54.10 – 61.00 mm. The body is oval in the dorsal and lateral view, slightly vertically compressed at the snout, and twice as long as it is deep. The small, oval nostrils are closer to the eye than the snout, do not protrude, and have a thick cutaneous marginal fringe on the anterolateral side. The internarial distances are a quarter smaller than the interorbital distance. The eyes are small and anterodorsally directed. The eye diameter is half the size of the internarial distance. The pupil is round. The mouth is ventral with an oral disc that is not emarginated, larger than the interorbital distance, and approximately equal to the internarial distance. The disc is surrounded by a single row of marginal papillae with a rostral gap and lateral folds. There is no mental gap or intramarginal papillae. Both jaw sheaths are thin with the lower jaw being U-shaped. Both jaws have small, weak, keratinized serrations with rounded tips. The labial tooth formula is 2(2)/2(1-2) with the upper teeth being well developed and the lower teeth being scarce and small. The skin of the body is smooth with a few curved keratodonts that have blunt dorsal tips. The spiracle is sinstral, positioned posterolaterally at approximately 60° from the main axis of the body and attached at the inner wall all the way to the tip. The spiracle opening is half the size of the eye diameter. The short anal tube is dextral and ventral with an oval opening that is slightly more than half the internarial distance. The posterior edge of the vent connects with the margin of the ventral fin. The tail length is 1.7 times the body length (Formas et al. 1980, Rabanal and Formas 2009) and the tail width is about half the width of the body (Diaz and Valencia 1985). The tail has well developed caudal musculature and ends in a rounded tip. The low dorsal fin does not extend onto the body. The maximum tail height is at the posterior third of the tail (Formas et al. 1980, Rabanal and Formas 2009).Adult I. acarpicus are easily differentiated from all sympatric species by the cornifications on their first finger and pectoral plate, by their horizontal pupil in their prominent eyes, and by the dark canthus stripe (Silva 2017). Adults also have a firmisternal pectoral girdle (a derived characteristic in which the epicoracoid cartilages are fused both posteriorly and anteriorly) and lack carpal bone ossification (Rabanal and Nuñez, 2012).From Caudiverbera caudiverbera, and members of Telmatobius, and Alsodes, larval I. acarpicus can be differentiated by the absence of labial papillae, poorly developed mandibles, a tooth formula of 2/2, a spiracle closer to the snout than the vent, a wide tail base that is half the width of the body, and a dorsal fin that does not extend onto the body (Diaz and Valencia 1985). Additionally, in I. acarpicus, the buccal floor arena is rectangular versus “U-shaped” in Alsodes, Limnomedusa, Proceratophrys, and Odontophyrnus, narrowly ovoid-triangular in Macrogenioglotus, and elongated in Hylorina. Lastly, the pars alaris and pars corpora are dorsally and ventrally fused in I. acarpicus but not fused in Alsodes, Eupsophus, Limnomedusa, and Rhinoderma (Rabanal and Formas 2009). In life, the body of adults is grey (Barrios 1970) to greenish brown (Parda et al. 2017) and juveniles have greenish tones (Barrios 1970). There may be small, white granulations. The hind limbs have transverse dark bands (Parda et al. 2017). In alcohol, the dorsum is grey. The body and limbs have white granulations, and the transverse hind limb bands remain. The ventrum is light yellowish grey (Barrio 1970). In life, the tadpole dorsum is greenish-brown with irregular mottling. The tail and fin also have irregular, light-brown spots in the form of melanophores and guanophores (Formas et al. 1980, Rabanal and Formas 2009). The lateral line is visible in the dorsal and lateral view on the body and tail. The ventrum is transparent with the viscera visible (Formas et al. 1980). In preservative, the tadpoles are grey and the belly remains transparent (Rabanal and Formas 2009). Differing degrees of cornification are present depending on the life stage of the individual. Recent metamorphs do not have cornified skin. Despite earlier reports that only adult males have cornification, both adult sexes had cornification on fingers one and two as well as on the inner edge of the inner palmar tubercule and these structures are present year round (Diaz et al. 1983).The species authority is: Barrio, A. (1970). “Insuetophrynus acarpicus, un nuevo leptodactilido firmisterno sudamericano.” Physis 30(80): 331-341.Insuetophrynus acarpicus is a member of the family Rhinodermatidae, and based on Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood, and Baysian inference of 12S and 16S mitochondrial DNA, is most closely related to members of the genus Rhinoderma (Correa et al. 2006), however, Diaz et al. (1983) suggested that, based on karyotyping, liver hexokinase patterns, morphology, and clutch characteristics, I. acarpicus is related to members of the Alsodes genus. Insuetophrynus acarpicus is the only species of the genus Insuetophrynus. Genetic analysis of the three original population sites revealed that population divergence occurred during the Pleistocene epoch and led the researchers to suggest that the most ancestral population was the Queule population. The populations at Colegual Alto and Mehuin were closely related to each other, but it is unclear if they were derived from the Queule population. The closer relationship between the Colegual Alto and Mehuin populations could be a result of passive dispersion in streams connecting the populations (Méndez et al 2005). Several other sites have since been found, but relatedness studies has not yet been conducted (Rabanal and Nuñez 2012, Parda et al. 2017, Silva 2017).
- Barrio, A. (1970). ''Insuetophrynus acarpicus, un nuevo leptodactilido firmisterno sudamericano.'' Physis, 30(80), 331-341.
- Diaz, N. F., Valencia, J., Sallaberry, M. (1985). ''Life history and phylogenetic relationships of Insuetophrynus acarpicus (Anura: Leptodactylidae).'' Copeia, 1985(1), 30-37.
- Diaz, N. F., and Valencia, J. (1985). ''Larval morphology and phenetic relationships of the Chilean Alsodes, Telmatobius, Caudiverbera and Insuetophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae).'' Copeia, 1985(1), 175-181.
- Formas, J. R., Díaz, N. F., Valencia, J. (1980). ''The tadpole of the Chilean frog Insuetophrynus acarpicus.'' Herpetological, 36(4), 316-318.
- IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group 2018. ''Insuetophrynus acarpicus.'' The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T10832A79809262. Downloaded on 14 May 2019.
- Méndez, M. A., Torres-Pérez, F., Correa, C., Soto, E. R., Nuñez, J. J., Veloso, A., Armesto, J. (2006). ''Genetic divergence in the endangered frog Insuetophrynus acarpicus (Anura: Leptodactylidae).'' Herpetological, 16(1), 93-96.
- Parada, D.E., Fenolio, D., Olivares, A.P., Nuñez, J.J. (2017). ''Insuetophrynus acarpicus Barrio, 1970 (Anura: Rhinodermatidae): new distribution record at the edge of the Valdivian coastal range, southern Chile.'' Checklist, 13(1), 2034 .
- Rabanal, F. E., Formas, J. R. (2009). ''Complementary diagnosis of the genus Insuetophrynus (Anura, Cycloramphidae) based on larval characters.'' Zootaxa, 2116, 59-67.
- Rabanal, F. E., Nuñez, J. J. (2012). ''Discovery of a new population of the Critically Endangered frog Insuetophrynus acarpicus Barrio, 1970 (Anura: Cycloramphidae): Latitudinal and altitudinal extension in the Valdivian Coastal Range, Southern Chile.'' Checklist, 8(4), 810-812.
- Silva, B.S. (2017). ''New record of Insuetophrynus acarpicus Barrio, 1970 (Anura: Rhinodermatidae) in Chile: implications for its conservation.'' Checklist, 13(1), 2046 .
- Veloso, A., Núñez, H., Núñez, J., Formas, R. (2010). ''Insuetophrynus acarpicus.'' The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2010: e.T10832A3220550.
- author
- Mallory Clouse
- author
- Ann T. Chang
Distribution and Habitat
provided by AmphibiaWeb articles
Insuetophrynus acarpicus inhabit cold, clear mountain streams in temperate forests of the coastal range of Chile (Mendez et al. 2005) at an altitudinal range of 50 to 700 m above sea level (Rabanal and Nuñez 2012, Silvia 2017). For over 30 years, the species was only known from the vicinity of Mehuín, Valdivia Province, however new discoveries extended the range 3 km to the north and south to Alerce Costero National Park (Silvia 2017). During the day, adults are found hiding under semi-submerged rocks in cold, clear mountain streams with sandy and stony bottoms (Barrios 1970) and at night, around rocks on stream banks (Díaz et al. 1983, Rabanal and Nuñez 2012, Silva 1970). Tadpoles are also found under stream stones, but only in slow running streams with muddy bottoms (Rabanal and Nuñez, 2012).
- author
- Mallory Clouse
- author
- Ann T. Chang
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
provided by AmphibiaWeb articles
Insuetophrynus acarpicus is listed on the IUCN Red list as “Endangered” because of a decreasing population status from habitat destruction due to logging, cattle farming, and afforestation with pine plantations, which is compounded by the species’ limited range. The species is not tolerant of water pollution (Veloso et al. 2010, IUCN 2018). As of 2017, only one population could be found in a protected area, Alerce Costero National Park (Silva 2017), but their habitat is contaminated by people who bathe with soap in the stream (IUCN 2018). Lastly, the genetic diversity of at least three populations is low with the populations appearing to be in decline (Parda et al. 2017). The population at Chanchán in particular should be closely monitored (IUCN 2018). Evaluations are needed to determine the species’ extent in protected areas and their genetic diversity (Silva 2017, Parda et al. 2017).
- author
- Mallory Clouse
- author
- Ann T. Chang
Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors
provided by AmphibiaWeb articles
Insuetophrynus acarpicus is a predominantly aquatic frog (Díaz et al. 1983, Rabanal and Nuñez 2012, Silva 2017) but lack strong swimming ability (Dias et al. 1983). Adults can be found in clear, cold mountain streams with sandy and stony bottoms where they hide under semi-submerged stones (Barrios 1970) during the day and emerge onto the bank at night (Díaz et al. 1983, Rabanal and Nuñez 2012, Silva 1970) where they are presumed to feed along the water’s edge. When disturbed the adults can quickly jump in to the stream to find refuge under rocks (Diaz et al. 1983). No calls have been recorded in the wild, but captured male frogs make weak vocalizations (Diaz et al. 1983). Breeding in I. acarpicus occurs in the water (IUCN 2018) and is believed to occur between January and May, as females have been found with mature oocytes during that time (Formas et al. 1980, Diaz et al. 1983). The animal pole of the oocytes is grayish brown and the other pole is creamy white. Females can be found with oocytes and follicles in various stages of development. In 12 adult females, the average number of oocytes and follicles were 67 and 34 and their sizes were 2.33 mm and 1.25 mm respectively (Diaz et al. 1983). Tadpoles can be found in slow running streams with muddy bottoms under stones (Rabanal and Nuñez, 2012). The smallest tadpoles have been found in May with larvae presence from May to January indicating that reproduction may take 10-12 months (Formas et al. 1980, Diaz et al. 1983). Tadpoles have sucking-morphology mouthparts (Rabanal and Formas 2009) and feed on mud with organic debris (Diaz et al. 1983, Rabanal and Formas 2009). Metamorphs are abundant in January (Diaz et al. 1983) and have a snout-vent length of 20 – 22 mm (Formas et al. 1980).Vegetation along the stream banks consists of Luzuriaga radicans, Blechnum blechnoides, Hipopterigium sp.,Chusquea quila, Lophosoria quadripinnata, Hymenophyllum plicatum, H. caudiculatum, and various species of liverworts (Diaz et al. 1983) or in forests of Aextoxicum punctatum with an understory of ferns (Blechnum and Hymenophyllum), moss (Hypopterigium arbuscula), and hepatics (Marchantia polymorpha and Plagioschila heterodonta) (Formas et al. 1980). Relative humidity is lowest during the summer in January and highest in May, which is also around the highest rainfall and lowest temperature in July (Diaz et al. 1983). Insuetophrynus acarpicus can be found in the same habitat as the following amphibian species: Alsodes valdiviensis, A. vittatus, Batrachyla antartandica, B. leptopus, B. taeniata, Eupsophus migueli , E. roseus, E. vertebralis, Pleurodema thaul, Rhinoderma darwinii and Telmatobufo australis (Formas et al. 1980, Silvia 2017). Other animals found in the same habitat include anomuran crabs from the genus Aegla (Formas et al. 1980)
- author
- Mallory Clouse
- author
- Ann T. Chang
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
Known from two localities: vicinity of the type locality (Mehuin, Valdivia Provincia, Chile) and Rio Queule, about 100 km north of Mehuin), 50-200 m elevation.
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
Zona Oceanica
Diagnostic Description
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
Descripción del holotipo Macho adulto, longitud del cuerpo 50 mm. Habito robusto. Extremidades anteriores cortas y gruesas, posteriores más de1gadas. Cabeza más ancha que larga. Ojos no prominentes, pupila subcircular horizontal. Hocico corto y romo. Maxilar superior sobrepasa por delante la mandíbula. Cantos rostrales bien visibles que se prolongan por delante de las narinas en forma rectilínea, convergiendo ambos en el extremo del hocico. Región loreal algo deprimida. Narinas separadas y situadas detrás del extremo del hocico. Diámetro ocular mayor que la distancia ojo-narina. Espacio interocular menor que el ancho del párpado superior. Oído medio poco desarrollado, constituido por anillo timpánico incompleto dorsalmente, extracolumella cartilaginosa ocupando casi toda el área del tímpano, el que es apenas visible por estar profundamente situado, cubierto por el tegumento y músculos superficiales. Dientes vomerianos situados entre las coanas, dirigidos hacia afuera y adelante; dientes maxilares pequeños. Lengua subcircular, escotada posteriormente y libre. Extremos de los dedos redondeados. Dedos de la mano enteramente libres, parte dorsal y lateral del primer dedo cubierta por una tuberosidad cónica y queratinizada, sobre la que se implantan numerosas espinas a la altura del primer metacarpiano, y formaciones similares más reducidas y planas a nivel de la primera falange del primer de do y borde interno del segundo. Tubérculos subarticulares redondeados, poco evidentes. Dos tubérculos palmares muy desarrollados; el interno es mayor y en su parte interna están implantadas abundantes espinas córneas. Elementos del carpo no osificados en su totalidad. Membrana interdigital en el pie que llega hasta la primera falange. Pie con reborde externo del quinto dedo muy bien desarrollado y tubérculos subarticulares muy notorios. Tubérculo metatarsal interno alargado, el externo pequeño y redondeado. Extendida la pata hacia adelante, la articulación tibiotarsal llega al borde posterior del ojo. Un reborde alargado desde el ángulo posterior del ojo hasta el nacimiento del brazo. Una hilera de pequeñas glándulas de cada lado en la región dorsal, que partiendo por detrás del ojo, se dirige hacia atrás y adentro, sin llegar a unirse, entre si en la línea media; por debajo de esta, otra hilera paralela menos notoria. Piel de la región dorsal medianamente granulosa, de la región gular poco granulosa, de la región ventral y región postero-inferior del muslo fina y profusamente granulosa. Una placa pectoral a cada lado sustentando gruesas espinas corneas y negras. Color en alcohol: Superficie dorsal gris oscuro. Torso y miembros anteriores con algunas granulaciones blanquecinas, los miembros posteriores presentan bandas transversales más oscuras. Superficie ventral gris amarillento claro. Color en vida: Predominan los colores grises; en algunos juveniles pueden apreciarse tonalidades verdosas. Morfología larval En vista lateral el cuerpo es robusto y ligeramente comprimido, dorsalmente ovoide. La longitud total es de 44.0 ± 3.1 mm (estadio 26 de Gosner, 1960) y la longitude de la cola es 1.7 veces la longitude del cuerpo; ancho de la cola es 1.8 veces la distrancia interorbital. Las narinas son ovales y no salientes, rodeadas de un delgado margen cutaneo el cual está localizado anterolateralmente. Las narinas esgán más próximas del ojo que de la punta del hocico. La distancia internarial es 72% de la distancia interorbital. La pupila es circular y los ojos están situados anterolaterallmente, approximadamente 0.5 veces la distancia internarial. La distancia interorbital es 1.5 veces la distancia internarial. El disco oral es ventral y no emarginado, su máximo ancho es aproximadamente equivalente a la distancia internarial; una simple hilera de cortas papilas marginales rodeadn el disco oral, el claro rostral está presente y el claro mental y las papilas intramarginales están ausentes. El pico córneo inferior es en forma de U. Las vainas de los picos son delgados con débiles y pequeñas endentaduras queratinizadas con puntas redondeadas. La formula de dentículos labiales es 2(2)/2(1Â?2). Los escasos y curvados queratodontes presentan sus extremos porblemente digferenciados. El espiráculo es siniestro, corto, dirigido posteriormente en un ángulo de aproximadamente 60º del eje del cuerpo. El tubo espiracular no es libre, su pared interna estaá adherida al cuerpo, su extremo no es levantado y el diámetro de la abertura espiracular corresponde al 50% del diámetro del ojo. El tubo proctodeal tiene una abertura ovoide dextro-ventral ovoid, representando aproximadamente el 67% de la distancia internarial; su borde posterior es continuo con el margen ventral de la aleta caudal. La aleta dorsal no se extiende más allá de la unión cola-cuerpo. El máximo ancho de la cola se ubica en el tercio posterior y este corresponde a un 32% del largo de la cola. La punta de la cola es redondeada. Un cospicuo sistema de linea lateral es observado. Coloración en vida los miomeros y las aletas presentan manchas irregulares castaño claras, la superficie dorsal del cuerpo tiene tonalidades verdes. Coloración en líquido conservador son grises y el vientre transparente.
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
Conservation Status
Spanish; Castilian
provided by IABIN
CR. Critically Endangered
- author
- José A. Langone
- editor
- Diego Arrieta
provided by wikipedia EN
Insuetophrynus is a monotypic genus of frogs in the family Rhinodermatidae.[2] The sole species is Insuetophrynus acarpicus, also known as Barrio's frog.[3] It is endemic to Chile and only known from few localities on the Valdivian Coast Range between Chanchán in the Los Ríos Region in the south and Queule (southernmost Araucanía Region) and Colequal Alto in the north; the fourth locality is Mehuín, which is the type locality. The altitudinal range is 50–486 m (164–1,594 ft) asl.[3][4]
Adult males measure 41–56 mm (1.6–2.2 in) and females 35–53 mm (1.4–2.1 in) in snout–vent length.[5] The body is sturdy with muscular arms and legs (these frogs are powerful jumpers). The toes are partially webbed and thinner than the fingers which are short, thick, and unwebbed. The head is wider than long, with a broad, rounded snout. The eyes are large, and tympanum is visible but not large. The back is reddish brown with some whitish granulations. The hind legs have transverse, darker bands. The throat is pinkish yellow, and the stomach is pale. Skin is dorsally quite granular or warty. Also ventral region is also very granular, apart from the throat that is fairly smooth.[6]
Habitat and conservation
Insuetophrynus acarpicus inhabits coastal streams in temperate forest. Adults hide under stones during the day, emerging at night to feed along the stream margins. Tadpoles can be found under stones in muddy areas with slow current.[1][4]
The species has a small area of distribution (its known range extends only 33 km along the coast[4]) and its habitat is threatened by clear cutting and afforestation.[1]
^ a b c IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (2018). "Insuetophrynus acarpicus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2018: e.T10832A79809262. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T10832A79809262.en. Retrieved 16 November 2021.
^ Frost, Darrel R. (2015). "Insuetophrynus Barrio, 1970". Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0. American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 1 November 2015.
^ a b Frost, Darrel R. (2015). "Insuetophrynus acarpicus Barrio, 1970". Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0. American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 1 November 2015.
^ a b c Rabanal, F. E.; Nuñez, J. J. (2012). "Discovery of a new population of the Critically Endangered frog Insuetophrynus acarpicus Barrio, 1970 (Anura: Cycloramphidae): Latitudinal and altitudinal extension in the Valdivian Coastal Range, southern Chile". Check List. 8 (4): 810–812. doi:10.15560/8.4.810.
^ Diaz, Nelson F.; Valencia, Jose; Sallaberry, Michel (1983). "Life history and phylogenetic relationships of Insuetophrynus acarpicus (Anura: Leptodactylidae)". Copeia. 1983 (1): 30–37. doi:10.2307/1444695. JSTOR 1444695.
^ "Barrio's Frog (Insuetophrynus acarpicus)". EDGE of Existence programme (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered species). Zoological Society of London. Retrieved 1 November 2015.
[[Category:Amphibians ]]
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Insuetophrynus: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
Insuetophrynus is a monotypic genus of frogs in the family Rhinodermatidae. The sole species is Insuetophrynus acarpicus, also known as Barrio's frog. It is endemic to Chile and only known from few localities on the Valdivian Coast Range between Chanchán in the Los Ríos Region in the south and Queule (southernmost Araucanía Region) and Colequal Alto in the north; the fourth locality is Mehuín, which is the type locality. The altitudinal range is 50–486 m (164–1,594 ft) asl.
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Insuetophrynus acarpicus
Spanish; Castilian
provided by wikipedia ES
El sapo de Mehuín (Insuetophrynus acarpicus) es una especie de anfibio anuro perteneciente a la familia Rhinodermatidae, siendo el único representante de su género (género monotípico). Es endémico del sur de Chile, distribuyéndose entre la Región de La Araucanía y la Región de Los Ríos, en un par de localidades de la selva valdiviana de la cordillera de la Costa entre Queule y Chanchán, siendo Mehuín la localidad tipo. El rango altitudinal es de 50–486 msnm.[2]
Posee, como característica distintiva, un carpo no osificado y una cintura escapular firmisternia.[3] Presenta un largo de entre 4.5 y 5 cm (siendo su cabeza más ancha que larga) y una coloración gris. En la postura deposita menos de 100 huevos, exhibiendo un periodo larval de alrededor de un año.[4]
La especie está catalogada como en peligro crítico de extinción,[1] siendo las principales causas de su declive la pérdida de hábitat, en especial como consecuencia de las plantaciones de pinos, sumado a su restringida distribución y capacidad limitada de dispersión.
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- Autores y editores de Wikipedia
Insuetophrynus acarpicus: Brief Summary
Spanish; Castilian
provided by wikipedia ES
El sapo de Mehuín (Insuetophrynus acarpicus) es una especie de anfibio anuro perteneciente a la familia Rhinodermatidae, siendo el único representante de su género (género monotípico). Es endémico del sur de Chile, distribuyéndose entre la Región de La Araucanía y la Región de Los Ríos, en un par de localidades de la selva valdiviana de la cordillera de la Costa entre Queule y Chanchán, siendo Mehuín la localidad tipo. El rango altitudinal es de 50–486 msnm.
Posee, como característica distintiva, un carpo no osificado y una cintura escapular firmisternia. Presenta un largo de entre 4.5 y 5 cm (siendo su cabeza más ancha que larga) y una coloración gris. En la postura deposita menos de 100 huevos, exhibiendo un periodo larval de alrededor de un año.
La especie está catalogada como en peligro crítico de extinción, siendo las principales causas de su declive la pérdida de hábitat, en especial como consecuencia de las plantaciones de pinos, sumado a su restringida distribución y capacidad limitada de dispersión.
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- Autores y editores de Wikipedia
Insuetophrynus acarpicus
provided by wikipedia EU
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Insuetophrynus acarpicus: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EU
Insuetophrynus acarpicus Insuetophrynus generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Cycloramphidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.
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Insuetophrynus acarpicus
provided by wikipedia FR
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Insuetophrynus acarpicus: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia FR
Insuetophrynus acarpicus est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Rhinodermatidae endémique du Chili. Elle est l'unique représentant du genre Insuetophrynus,.
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Insuetophrynus acarpicus
provided by wikipedia IT
La rana di Barrio (Insuetophrynus acarpicus Barrio, 1970) è un anfibio dell'ordine degli Anuri appartenente alla famiglia Rhinodermatidae. È l'unica specie del genere Insuetophrynus.[2]
Distribuzione e habitat
Insuetophrynus acarpicus è endemica del Cile, ed è stata trovata solamente nella località di Mehuín della Provincia di Valdivia. Non è stata trovata altrove, nonostante svariate ricerche in altri territori vicini. Vive tra i 50 e i 200 metri slm.[1]
Anfibio che vive in piccoli corsi d'acqua e sotto le pietre della foresta temperata del Cile. Si nutre di notte ai margini dei corsi d'acqua. La riproduzione avviene sempre in corsi d'acqua e la specie è caratterizzata da girini che nuotano liberamente.
Insuetophrynus acarpicus è classificata dalla IUCN Red List come specie in pericolo critico di estinzione (Critically Endangered)[1].
^ a b c (EN) Alberto Veloso, Herman Núñez, Jose Núñez, Ramón Formas 2010, Insuetophrynus acarpicus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
^ (EN) Frost D.R. et al., Insuetophrynus acarpicus, in Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0, New York, American Museum of Natural History, 2014. URL consultato il 14 ottobre 2014.
- Barrio, A. 1970. Insuetophrynus acarpicus, un nuevo leptodactylido firmisternio sudamericano (Amphibia, Anura). Physis. Buenos Aires 30: 331-341.
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Insuetophrynus acarpicus: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia IT
La rana di Barrio (Insuetophrynus acarpicus Barrio, 1970) è un anfibio dell'ordine degli Anuri appartenente alla famiglia Rhinodermatidae. È l'unica specie del genere Insuetophrynus.
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- Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
Insuetophrynus acarpicus
Dutch; Flemish
provided by wikipedia NL
Herpetologie Insuetophrynus acarpicus is een kikker uit de familie Rhinodermatidae. De kikker werd eerder ingedeeld bij de families Cycloramphidae en nog eerder tot de fluitkikkers (Leptodactylidae). Er is nog geen Nederlandse naam voor deze soort, de enige uit het monotypische geslacht Insuetophrynus. De kikker werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door César L. Barrio Amorós in 1970.[2]
Er is weinig bekend over deze kikker, die ondanks zoektochten maar op één plaats op de wereld gevonden is; in de plaats Mehuín in de Chileense provincie Valdivia. Insuetophrynus acarpicus is een bodembewoner die leeft in bossen bij beekjes, de kikkervisjes zijn vrijzwemmend. Ontbossing is de grootste bedreiging voor de kikker.[3]
- Referenties
- Bronnen
(en) - Darrel R. Frost - Amphibian Species of the World: an online reference - Version 6.0 - American Museum of Natural History - Insuetophrynus acarpicus - Website Geconsulteerd 3 februari 2017
(en) - University of California - AmphibiaWeb - Insuetophrynus acarpicus - Website
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
Insuetophrynus acarpicus
provided by wikipedia PT
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Insuetophrynus acarpicus: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia PT
Insuetophrynus acarpicus é uma espécie de anura da família Rhinodermatidae. É um monotípico dentro do género Insuetophrynus.
É endémica do Chile.
Os seus habitats naturais são: florestas temperadas e rios.
Está ameaçada por perda de habitat.
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- Autores e editores de Wikipedia
Insuetophrynus acarpicus
provided by wikipedia VI
Insuetophrynus acarpicus là một loài ếch trong họ Leptodactylidae. Nó là đại diện duy nhất của chi Insuetophrynus. Chúng là loài đặc hữu của Chile. Các môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là các khu rừng ôn hòa và sông. Loài này đang bị đe dọa do mất môi trường sống.[2]
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Insuetophrynus acarpicus: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia VI
Insuetophrynus acarpicus là một loài ếch trong họ Leptodactylidae. Nó là đại diện duy nhất của chi Insuetophrynus. Chúng là loài đặc hữu của Chile. Các môi trường sống tự nhiên của chúng là các khu rừng ôn hòa và sông. Loài này đang bị đe dọa do mất môi trường sống.
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- Wikipedia tác giả và biên tập viên