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fruitbody of Ampulloclitocybe clavipes is associated with Pinus

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fruitbody of Ampulloclitocybe clavipes is associated with Pteridium aquilinum

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fruitbody of Ampulloclitocybe clavipes is associated with Trees


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Keulenfuß-Trichterling ( German )

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Der Keulenfuß-Trichterling oder Keulenfüßige Trichterling (Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, Syn. Clitocybe clavipes) ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Schnecklingsverwandten (Hygrophoraceae). Die Fruchtkörper erscheinen von Juli bis November in Nadelwäldern bei Kiefern und Fichten. Der Pilz gilt als giftverdächtig und soll bei gleichzeitigem Alkoholgenuss leichte Vergiftungserscheinungen hervorrufen.


Makroskopische Merkmale

Der Hut ist 4–6 (–10) cm breit, anfangs flach gewölbt, dann ausgebreitet und bisweilen schwach niedergedrückt. Die Hutmitte trägt stets einen schwammigen, stumpfen und eindrückbaren Buckel. Die glatte, trockene, mehr oder weniger seidig-faserige Oberfläche ist graubraun bis braun-oliv gefärbt. Der leicht gerippte Rand ist heller bis fast weißlich gefärbt.

Die weißlichen bis blassgelben, ziemlich breiten Lamellen laufen sichelförmig am Stiel herab. Sie sind teilweise gegabelt und untermischt, ihre Schneiden sind glatt. Das Sporenpulver ist weißlich bis blass cremefarben.

Der Stiel ist 4–7 (–10) cm lang und innen voll bis schwammig, im Alter auch hohl. Die Stieloberfläche ist längsfaserig und weißlich bis blassbräunlich und insgesamt etwas heller als der Hut gefärbt. Die weißfilzige Stielbasis ist auffallend keulig aufgetrieben und wird bis zu 3 cm breit. Das Fleisch ist weich, weißlich und schwammig und bei Regen meist mehr oder weniger vollgesogen. Es riecht schwach pilzartig-würzig bis mandelartig und schmeckt mild.[1][2][3]

Mikroskopische Merkmale

Die elliptischen, mehr oder weniger tränenformigen Sporen sind laut Laux 5–7 µm lang und 3–4 µm breit. Laut Bon messen sie 9–10 × 5 µm. Sie sind glatt und durchscheinend (hyalin).[1][2]

Ökologie und Verbreitung

Die Fruchtkörper des Keulenfuß-Trichterlings erscheinen von Juli bis November in vorwiegend bodensauren Nadelwäldern, seltener auch in Laubwäldern mit eingestreuten Fichten oder Kiefern. Der Keulenfuß-Trichterling ist in ganz Europa weit verbreitet und ziemlich häufig, aber gebietsweise rückläufig.[1][2][3]


Der Keulenfuß-Trichterling ist kein Speisepilz, da er mit Alkohol genossen unter Umständen giftig wirkt. 2002 konnten fünf Fettsäurederivate, darunter drei neue Verbindungen, aus dem Pilz isoliert werden, die die Aldehyddehydrogenase in vitro hemmten. Ihre Strukturen wurden durch Spektralanalysen aufgeklärt.[4]



  1. a b c Marcel Bon: Pareys Buch der Pilze. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-440-09970-9, S. 134 (englisch: The mushrooms and toadstools of Britain and Northwestern Europe. Übersetzt von Till R. Lohmeyer).
  2. a b c Hans E. Laux: Der neue Kosmos-Pilzatlas. 1. Auflage. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-440-07229-0, S. 56.
  3. a b Karin Montag: Keulenfuß-Trichterling Ampulloclitocybe clavipes Im virtuellen Pilzbuch. In: Tintling.com. Abgerufen am 25. September 2013.
  4. Kawagishi, T. Miyazawa, H. Kume, Y. Arimoto, und T. Inakuma, „Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Inhibitors from the Mushroom Clitocybe clavipes“, J. Nat. Prod., Bd. 65, Nr. 11, S. 1712–1714, Nov. 2002.
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Keulenfuß-Trichterling: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Der Keulenfuß-Trichterling oder Keulenfüßige Trichterling (Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, Syn. Clitocybe clavipes) ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Schnecklingsverwandten (Hygrophoraceae). Die Fruchtkörper erscheinen von Juli bis November in Nadelwäldern bei Kiefern und Fichten. Der Pilz gilt als giftverdächtig und soll bei gleichzeitigem Alkoholgenuss leichte Vergiftungserscheinungen hervorrufen.

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Ampulloclitocybe clavipes

provided by wikipedia EN

Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, commonly known as the club-foot or club-footed clitocybe, is a species of gilled mushroom from Europe and North America. The grey brown mushrooms have yellowish decurrent gills and a bulbous stalk, and are found in deciduous and conifer woodlands. Although considered edible, disulfiram-like reactions have been reported after consumption of alcohol after eating this mushroom.


The species was initially described as Agaricus clavipes by South African mycologist Christiaan Hendrik Persoon in 1801,[2] its specific epithet derived from the Latin terms clava "club", and pes "foot".[3] It was transferred to Clitocybe by German naturalist Paul Kummer in 1871 and was even designated, improperly, the type species by Howard E. Bigelow in 1965. French mycologist Lucien Quélet chose to place it in Omphalia (now Omphalina) in 1886.[4]

Scott Redhead and colleagues proposed the genus Ampulloclitocybe for it, as the species was only distantly related to other members of Clitocybe proper and more closely related instead to Rimbachia bryophila, Omphalina pyxidata and "Clitocybe" lateritia.[5] Around the same time, Finnish mycologist Harri Harmaja proposed the genus Clavicybe. However, as the former name was published on November 5, 2002, and the latter one on December 31, 2002, Harmaja conceded that Ampulloclitocybe had priority.[6]

English mycologist P. D. Orton described a Clitocybe squamulosoides in 1960, which he held to be a slender relative with large spores, though the differences are inconsistent and there are intermediate forms. hence it is considered indistinguishable from A. clavipes.[7]

Common names include club foot,[8] club-footed funnel cap,[9] club-footed clitocybe and clavate-stalked clitocybe.[10]


The cap of the mushroom is 4–8 centimetres (1+583+18 in) in diameter, convex with a small boss, becoming plane to depressed in shape.[8] It has a smooth surface[9] often covered in fibrils, and usually moist.[11] Cap colours are generally grey-brown, sometimes tinged olive, with a pale margin. The stem has a markedly bulbous base, and is 3–7 centimetres (1+182+34 in) tall by 1–1.5 centimetres (3858 in) wide. Its surface is covered in silky fibres,[8] and it is the same colour as the cap.[10] The thick flesh is white, but slightly yellow at the base.[8] In the stem, it is tough on the surface and spongy and soft in the centre.[10] It is watery with a slightly sweet smell that has been likened to bitter almond,[3] orange blossom,[9] cinnamon,[10] or even grape bubble gum.[11] The gills are strongly decurrent and cream-yellow in colour,[8] contrasting with the rest of the mushroom.[9] There are some smaller gills in between the regular gills, and the gills are occasionally forked near the stem. The gill edges are straight in younger mushrooms and sometimes wavy (undulate) in older ones.[10] The spore print is white. The round to oval spores are 4.5–5 by 3.5–4 microns.[8]

It resembles the clouded agaric (Clitocybe nebularis), but can be distinguished by its bulbous stem, deeply decurrent gills,[12] and overall darker colour.[3] In the western United States, it can be confused with Ampulloclitocybe avellaneialba, which is larger and has a darker cap and white gills.[13]

Distribution and habitat

It is widespread and abundant across Northern Europe and the British Isles,[3] and is becoming more common.[7] In North America, it is common under pine plantations in the east, and less common in the Pacific Northwest.[13]

It is found in conifer and deciduous forests,[3] particularly under beech,[8] the fruit bodies appearing from August to November in northern Europe.[7]


It has been described as edible,[3] though too unpalatable as eating it has been likened to eating wet cotton.[9] Others categorize it as inedible.[14] It contains toxins which make it dangerous when consumed with alcohol.[15]

Club foots collected from Stinchfield Woods, northwest of Dexter, Michigan, in 1974, 1976 and 1977 caused an Antabuse-like syndrome. Alcohol was consumed around seven hours after the mushrooms were eaten in each case, resulting in flushing of the face, throbbing of the head and neck and puffy hands around five to ten minutes afterwards. The symptoms were mild with vodka and gin, but worse with whiskey, which resulted in a pounding headache that lasted several hours. Rechallenging with alcohol the next day brought on the symptoms but not after that. The phenomenon has been reported at least one other time in the United States. Oddly, collection of club foots before 1974 did not reveal any symptoms.[16] The phenomenon has also been recorded in Japan.[17] Though similar to the symptoms experienced with Coprinopsis atramentaria, the aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor in this species is not known.[18] Experiments with club foot extract found that it inhibited the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in mouse livers.[10]


  1. ^ "Ampulloclitocybe clavipes (Pers.) Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys 2002". MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Retrieved 2011-06-16.
  2. ^ Persoon CH (1801). Synopsis Methodica Fungorum (in Latin). Göttingen, Sweden: H. Dietrich. OCLC 28329773.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Nilson S, Persson O (1977). Fungi of Northern Europe 2: Gill-Fungi. Penguin. p. 42. ISBN 0-14-063006-6.
  4. ^ Quélet L. Enchiridion Fungorum in Europa media et praesertim in Gallia Vigentium (in Latin). Lutetia: Octave Dion. p. 20.
  5. ^ Redhead, S.A.; et al. (2002a). "Phylogeny of agarics: partial systematics solutions for core omphalinoid genera in the Agaricales (euagarics)". Mycotaxon. 83: 19–57."Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-09-20. Retrieved 2009-03-09.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  6. ^ Harmaja, Harri (2003). "Notes on Clitocybe s. lato (Agaricales)" (PDF). Annales Botanici Fennici. 40: 213–18.
  7. ^ a b c Bas C, Kuyper TW, Noordeloos ME (1995). Flora Agaricina Neerlandica. Vol. 3. CRC Press. p. 50. ISBN 978-90-5410-616-6.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g Phillips R. (2006). Mushrooms. Pan MacMillan. p. 91. ISBN 0-330-44237-6.
  9. ^ a b c d e Lamaison J.-L, Polese J.-M. (2005). The Great Encyclopedia of Mushrooms. Cologne, Germany: Könemann. p. 73. ISBN 978-3-8331-1239-3.
  10. ^ a b c d e f Bresinsky, A.; Besl, H. (2004). A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Fungi: A Handbook for Pharmacists, Doctors, and Biologists. CRC Press x. pp. 124–25. ISBN 9780723415763.
  11. ^ a b Trudell, Steve; Ammirati, Joe (2009). Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press Field Guides. Portland, OR: Timber Press. pp. 90–91. ISBN 978-0-88192-935-5.
  12. ^ Haas H. (1969). The Young Specialist Looks at Fungi. London, UK: Burke. p. 205. ISBN 978-0-222-79409-3.
  13. ^ a b Arora D (1986). Mushrooms demystified: a comprehensive guide to the fleshy fungi (2nd ed.). Berkeley: Ten Speed Press. p. 160. ISBN 0-89815-169-4.
  14. ^ Phillips, Roger (2010). Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America. Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books. p. 61. ISBN 978-1-55407-651-2.
  15. ^ Miller Jr., Orson K.; Miller, Hope H. (2006). North American Mushrooms: A Field Guide to Edible and Inedible Fungi. Guilford, CN: FalconGuide. p. 185. ISBN 978-0-7627-3109-1.
  16. ^ Cochran KW, Cochran MW (1978). "Clitocybe clavipes: Antabuse-like Reaction to Alcohol". Mycologia. 70 (5): 1124–26. doi:10.2307/3759144. JSTOR 3759144. PMID 569766.
  17. ^ Romagnesi H (1964). "Champignons toxiques au Japon". Bull. Soc. Mycol. France (in French). 80: iv–v.
  18. ^ Benjamin DR (1995). Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas — a handbook for naturalists, mycologists and physicians. New York, New York: WH Freeman and Company. p. 284. ISBN 0-7167-2600-9.

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Ampulloclitocybe clavipes: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, commonly known as the club-foot or club-footed clitocybe, is a species of gilled mushroom from Europe and North America. The grey brown mushrooms have yellowish decurrent gills and a bulbous stalk, and are found in deciduous and conifer woodlands. Although considered edible, disulfiram-like reactions have been reported after consumption of alcohol after eating this mushroom.

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Nuijalg-lehtrik ( Estonian )

provided by wikipedia ET

Nuijalg-lehtrik (Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, sünonüüm Clitocybe clavipes) on kandseente hulka kuuluv seeneliik.

Seent on leitud ka Eestist.[1]

Seen on söödav, ent koos alkoholiga süües on mürgine.[1]


  1. 1,0 1,1 Gerrit J. Keizer. Seente entsüklopeedia. Tallinn: Sinisukk, 2006. Lk 176


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Nuijalg-lehtrik: Brief Summary ( Estonian )

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Nuijalg-lehtrik (Ampulloclitocybe clavipes, sünonüüm Clitocybe clavipes) on kandseente hulka kuuluv seeneliik.

Seent on leitud ka Eestist.

Seen on söödav, ent koos alkoholiga süües on mürgine.

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Drūtgalė tauriabudė ( Lithuanian )

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Binomas Clitocybe clavipes

Drūtgalė tauriabudė (lot. Clitocybe clavipes) – baltikinių (Tricholomataceae) šeimos, tauriabudžių (Clitocybe) genties grybų rūšis.

Vaisiakūniai vidutinio dydžio. Kepurėlė 5–8 cm skersmens, iš pradžių iškili, vėliau paplokščia, su buku gūbreliu, pilkai ruda, gelsvai ruda, lygi, pakraščiai ploni, šviesesni. Lakšteliai balsvi, kreminiai, gelsvi, nuaugtiniai. Kotas 5–7 cm ilgio, 1–2,5 cm storio, į pagrindą ryškiai storėjantis, plaušuotas, vagotas, gelsvai rusvas, pilkai rusvas, pagrindas balsvas. Trama sausa, balta, malonaus kvapo, skonio.

Auga lieposspalio mėn. mišriuose, spygliuočių miškuose, ypač pušynuose, krūmynuose. Labai dažna Lietuvos miškuose.


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Drūtgalė tauriabudė: Brief Summary ( Lithuanian )

provided by wikipedia LT

Drūtgalė tauriabudė (lot. Clitocybe clavipes) – baltikinių (Tricholomataceae) šeimos, tauriabudžių (Clitocybe) genties grybų rūšis.

Vaisiakūniai vidutinio dydžio. Kepurėlė 5–8 cm skersmens, iš pradžių iškili, vėliau paplokščia, su buku gūbreliu, pilkai ruda, gelsvai ruda, lygi, pakraščiai ploni, šviesesni. Lakšteliai balsvi, kreminiai, gelsvi, nuaugtiniai. Kotas 5–7 cm ilgio, 1–2,5 cm storio, į pagrindą ryškiai storėjantis, plaušuotas, vagotas, gelsvai rusvas, pilkai rusvas, pagrindas balsvas. Trama sausa, balta, malonaus kvapo, skonio.

Auga lieposspalio mėn. mišriuose, spygliuočių miškuose, ypač pušynuose, krūmynuose. Labai dažna Lietuvos miškuose.


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Clitocybe clavipes ( Pms )

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Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Capel fin a 8 cm, bassament a pupa o un pòch ancreus, bes brunastr (dle vire motobin sombr), mòl spongios an mes. Lamele s-ciasse, decorente, crema giaunastr ciàir. Gamba àuta fin a 7 cm e larga fin a 1,5 cm, a clava, dël midem color. Carn mòla.


A chërs ant ij bòsch.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

Clitocybe clavipes (Pers. : Fr.) Kummer

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Clitocybe clavipes: Brief Summary ( Pms )

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Capel fin a 8 cm, bassament a pupa o un pòch ancreus, bes brunastr (dle vire motobin sombr), mòl spongios an mes. Lamele s-ciasse, decorente, crema giaunastr ciàir. Gamba àuta fin a 7 cm e larga fin a 1,5 cm, a clava, dël midem color. Carn mòla.


A chërs ant ij bòsch.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!

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