Xenohyla és un gènere de granotes de la família Hylidae que es troba als estats de Bahia i Rio de Janeiro (Brasil).
Xenohyla is a genus of tree frogs in the family Hylidae that is endemic to xeric habitats of coastal Brazil, with Xenohyla eugenioi native to the State of Bahia[1] and the State of Sergipe,[2] and Xenohyla truncata native to the State of Rio de Janeiro.[3] This genus is characterized by a robust body, wide flat head, short snout, short forelimbs with muscular forearms, and a truncate-shaped body when viewed from above.[2] They are associated with bromeliads, where they hide during the day and eat the insects that also inhabit the plant.[4] They breed in temporary pools that are formed by rainwater. Both species are orange or brown with a white stripe going down their dorsal edges. X. truncata loses this stripe when it matures but X. eugenioi keeps it as an adult.[1]
Xenohyla truncata is unique in the fact that it is the only known frugivorous amphibian. It locates fruit and swallows it whole, and is known to defecate out viable seeds that help in the spread of the plant.[5] The arthropod to plant ratio in their diet depends on the month, with some months consisting mainly of fruits and other plant material, while other months when plants are not fruiting the frog mainly eats various types of arthropods.[4] It is currently unknown whether or not Xenohyla eugenioi is frugivorous as well.[1]
The genus name comes from Ancient Greek xeno (ξένος meaning "strange" or "alien") and hyla (ὕλη meaning "wood" or "forest") which is used for tree frogs, so the genus name means "strange tree frog." Xenohyla truncata means "strange truncated tree frog" after the shape of its body. Xenohyla eugenioi is named after Brazilian herpetologist Eugênio Izecksohn who described the genus and type species, and the name means "Eugênio's strange tree frog."
Only two species are recognized in this genus:
Xenohyla is a genus of tree frogs in the family Hylidae that is endemic to xeric habitats of coastal Brazil, with Xenohyla eugenioi native to the State of Bahia and the State of Sergipe, and Xenohyla truncata native to the State of Rio de Janeiro. This genus is characterized by a robust body, wide flat head, short snout, short forelimbs with muscular forearms, and a truncate-shaped body when viewed from above. They are associated with bromeliads, where they hide during the day and eat the insects that also inhabit the plant. They breed in temporary pools that are formed by rainwater. Both species are orange or brown with a white stripe going down their dorsal edges. X. truncata loses this stripe when it matures but X. eugenioi keeps it as an adult.
Xenohyla truncata is unique in the fact that it is the only known frugivorous amphibian. It locates fruit and swallows it whole, and is known to defecate out viable seeds that help in the spread of the plant. The arthropod to plant ratio in their diet depends on the month, with some months consisting mainly of fruits and other plant material, while other months when plants are not fruiting the frog mainly eats various types of arthropods. It is currently unknown whether or not Xenohyla eugenioi is frugivorous as well.
The genus name comes from Ancient Greek xeno (ξένος meaning "strange" or "alien") and hyla (ὕλη meaning "wood" or "forest") which is used for tree frogs, so the genus name means "strange tree frog." Xenohyla truncata means "strange truncated tree frog" after the shape of its body. Xenohyla eugenioi is named after Brazilian herpetologist Eugênio Izecksohn who described the genus and type species, and the name means "Eugênio's strange tree frog."
Xenohyla es un género de ranas de la familia Hylidae que se encuentran en los estados de Bahía y Río de Janeiro (Brasil).
Se reconocen las siguientes según ASW:[1]
Xenohyla es un género de ranas de la familia Hylidae que se encuentran en los estados de Bahía y Río de Janeiro (Brasil).
Xenohyla est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Hylidae[1].
Les deux espèces de ce genre sont endémiques du Brésil. Elles se rencontrent dans les États de Bahia, du Minas Gerais et de Rio de Janeiro[2].
Selon Amphibian Species of the World (20 mai 2015)[3] :
Xenohyla est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Hylidae.
Xenohyla is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie boomkikkers (Hylidae).[1] De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Eugenio Izecksohn in 1998.
Er zijn 2 soorten die voorkomen in Brazilië, in de staten Rio de Janeiro en Bahia.[2]
Geslacht Xenohyla
Xenohyla is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie boomkikkers (Hylidae). De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Eugenio Izecksohn in 1998.
Er zijn 2 soorten die voorkomen in Brazilië, in de staten Rio de Janeiro en Bahia.
Xenohyla – rodzaj płaza bezogonowego z podrodziny Dendropsophinae w rodzinie rzekotkowatych (Hylidae).
Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące w stanach Bahia i Rio de Janeiro w Brazylii[3].
Xenohyla: gr. ξενος xenos – obcy; rodzaj Hyla Laurenti, 1786[2]
Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[3]:
Xenohyla – rodzaj płaza bezogonowego z podrodziny Dendropsophinae w rodzinie rzekotkowatych (Hylidae).
Xenohyla é um gênero de anfíbios da família Hylidae.
As seguintes espécies são reconhecidas:[1]
Xenohyla é um gênero de anfíbios da família Hylidae.
As seguintes espécies são reconhecidas:
Xenohyla eugenioi Caramaschi, 1998 Xenohyla truncata (Izecksohn, 1959)
Xenohyla[1] är ett släkte av groddjur som ingår i familjen lövgrodor.[1]
Dessa groddjur förekommer i delstaterna Bahia, Minas Gerais och Rio de Janeiro i Brasilien.[2]
Arter enligt Catalogue of Life[1], utbredning enligt IUCN[3]:
Xenohyla är ett släkte av groddjur som ingår i familjen lövgrodor.
Dessa groddjur förekommer i delstaterna Bahia, Minas Gerais och Rio de Janeiro i Brasilien.
Arter enligt Catalogue of Life, utbredning enligt IUCN:
Xenohyla là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Nhái bén, thuộc bộ Anura. Chi này có 2 loài và không bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng.[1]
Xenohyla là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Nhái bén, thuộc bộ Anura. Chi này có 2 loài và không bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng.