2005 The Regents of the University of California
Shows profile of deep soil under dense woodland of Interior live oak, Black oak, Douglas oak and Digger pine with occasional western yellow pine. This is a timber site, Site index 60 on north slope in near vicinity of chamise type areas of Photos Nos. 265634 and 265535., T 10 N R 9 E Quad name: Sacramento. Quad number: 57. Reference to map: 4.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Interior view of area logged 1869-71 by J. W. Bruce. Note occasional Quercus douglasii wislizenii, Pinus sabiniana and Toxicodendrondiversilobum (=Rhus diversiloba) in this former ponderosa pine area., T 17 N R 6 E Sec 19 Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Looking north through area logged by J. W. Bruce in 1869-71. Note invasion of P. sabiniana and Q. douglasii in this former pine site., T 17 N R 6 E Sec 19 Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50. Reference to map: 52.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
Butte County. Looking NE. Elevation 900 feet from point on Humboldt Road near Hog Springs. Grass and woodland-grass types. Trees are Quercus douglasii and Pinus sabiniana with occasional Quercus wislizeni. Occasional Frangula californica (=Rhamnus californica) and Rhamnus ilicifolia (=Rhamnus crocea var. ilicifolia)., Elevation 900 Quad name: Chico. Quad number: 40. Reference to map: 2.