
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Alebion elegans Capart, 1953

MATERIAL.—Three collections from Sphyrna mokarran and one from S. lewini.
bibliographic citation
Cressey, Roger F. 1970. "Copepods parasites on sharks from the west coast of Florida." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-30. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.38

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Alebion elegans Capart, 1953:656.—Vaissière, 1959:541.—Yamaguti, 1963:100.—Cressey, 1967:5; 1970:5

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Four collections from Sarasota, Florida, and one collection from the Indian Ocean.

FEMALE.—Body form as in Figure 58. Total length 9.9 mm, greatest width 5.7 mm based on a single specimen. Genital segment (Figure 59) about as long as wide (2.3 mm × 2.5 mm); spinose area on lateral margin but not noticeably bulging. Abdomen first segment with prominent lateral alae, second segment narrow anteriorly. Spermatophores (Figure 60) oval, widest in anterior third and divergent when in place on genital segment. Caudal rami (Figure 61) longer than wide (410µ × 190µ).

First antenna as in A. carchariae. Second antenna (Figure 62) without prominent adhesion areas, last segment in form of claw and bearing a seta near midinner margin. Second maxilla short flagellum with serrations as shown in Figure 63. Adhesion pad lateral to mouth tube (Figure 64) with canaliculations forming rounded islands on surface (see detail). Maxilliped (Figure 65) in form of stout claw, without noticeable adhesion areas, a small patch of scales near outer distal corner of basal segment (on underside of maxilliped shown in Figure 65).

First leg exopod last segment as in Figure 66. Legs 2, 3, and 4 as in A. carchariae. Leg 5 (Figure 67) with 3 short plumose setae at tip in addition to stout spines; fifth leg extends well beyond caudal rami.

MALE.—Body form as in Figure 68. Total length 5.55 mm, greatest width 3.10 mm, based on a single specimen. Genital segment (Figure 69) longer than wide (1.3 X 0.9 mm) with scattered spinules on anterior lateral margins. Abdomen 2-segmented, segments measure 0.52 and 0.46 mm long respectively. Caudal ramus (Figure 70) about twice as long as wide (0.32 × 0.15 mm).

Appendages as in female except as noted below. Second antenna with conspicuous adhesion pads; claw with accessory process near midmargin, seta near base of process. Maxilliped (Figure 72) with bilobed, scale covered, raised area on inner margin opposing claw, claw with seta near midmargin.

Leg 2 exopod with modified spines (Figure 73) on last two segments, each spine with conspicuous papillae. Leg 5 represented by small process bearing 3 plumose setae near midmargin of genital segment. Leg 6 represented by 3 plumose setae at each distal corner of genital segment.
bibliographic citation
Cressey, Roger F. 1972. "Revision of the genus Alebion (Copepoda: Caligoida)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-29. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.123