Description: So, it turns out we did see a Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) in the Simien Mountains of Ethiopia after all. Here, the mighty Lammergeier, with his magnificent wing span of up to 110 inches, or about nine feet, is seen taking flight! If you look closely at his head, you'll see the so-called "mustache" that gives rise to the name "Bearded Vulture." Among vultures, the Lammergeier is unique in not having a bald head. And, as if a Lammergeier weren't enough, there's a White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus) in the lower left corner. This species has the snaky look we've come to expect from vultures, softened by an appealing day-into-evening neck ruff, so cozy on those chilly mountain mornings, yet equally at home in the boardroom. The third member of this trifecta is the as-yet unidentified raptor shown earlier in my photostream. For some wonderful reason, all three of these huge and powerful birds had converged on the same stretch of Ethiopian roadside shortly before we happened along in our bus. I'd like to think it was fate, but it was probably roadkill. Date: 29 October 2007, 11:20. Source:
Ethiopian Bird-Stravaganza Uploaded by
Elitre. Author:
A. Davey from Where I Live Now: Pacific Northwest.