Female. - Length 2 1 / 2 fines. Black and shining; the head rather strongly punctured; the ocelli distinct, placed in a triangle on the vertex; the apical joint of the antennae rufo-testaceous. Thorax oblong, longitudinally roughly striated; the metathorax deeply emarginate, forming two lateral stout teeth; wings wanting; femora much attenuated at the base, and swollen in the middle; the anterior tibiae and tarsi, and the apical joints of the two posterior pairs, rufo-testaceous. Abdomen oblong-ovate, striated at the base, the apex with scattered pale hairs; the first node of the peduncle with large punctures, and much narrower than the second, which is longitudinally striated. (Fig. 9, [[ queen ]]. Pl. XL)
Hab. - Para.