Worker. - Length 2 lines. Black and shining; the head subovate, punctured; antennae pubescent, the apex testaceous; the mandibles and a small space between the antennae striated. Thorax oblong, deeply constricted at the base of the metathorax, which is longitudinally striated, deeply emarginate, and with two longish acute spines; the anterior portion of the thorax strongly longitudinally punctate-striate; the femora much attenuated at their base and swollen in the middle; the apical joints of the tarsi testaceous. Abdomen ovate, longitudinally striated at the base; the nodes of the peduncle deeply striated, the first narrower than the second, both sub-ovate. (Fig. 10, [[ worker ]]. Pl. XI.)
Hab. - Para.
This is very probably the worker of Meranoplus attenuatus ; both are from the same locality, and were received at the same time.