Antaresia perthensis, commonly referred to as the pygmy or anthill python, is native to the Pilbara region of northwest Australia and occasionally in northwest Queensland. This species is normally seen outside of Australia only as a part the lucrative reptile pet trade. However, outside its native range, A. perthensis appears to adapt easily to many different environments.
Biogeographic Regions: australian (Native )
Little is known about A. perthensis in the wild. While they are eaten by larger reptiles, mammals, and birds, they are not the primary prey of any known species.
Mutualist Species:
While there is no direct benefit to humans, A. perthensis does eat other small, sometimes pestilent reptiles and small mammals. In fact, they are generally docile snakes and are sought after as pets.
Positive Impacts: pet trade
There are no known adverse effects of A. perthensis on humans.
Ensuring that A. perthensis eggs are incubated at sufficient temperatures is essential to the success of the eggs. Python eggs are particularly temperature sensitive and, if incubated at insufficient temperatures, many young fail to develop or develop birth defects such as spinal kyphosis. Cooler incubation temperatures can also result in abnormalities in a darkening or color or the presence of a stripped pattern. To aid in the hatching process, A. perthensis have a small egg tooth on the end of their nose. The egg tooth helps the hatching snakes to break through their tough shells and will fall off within a few weeks of hatching.
Pygmy pythons are common throughout their natural habitat. The only significant threat to A. perthensis populations are cars and tourism, as they often cross roads during peak hours of the day. In addition, there have been increased attempts at smuggling this species out of Australia, an offense which is punishable by large fines and jail time.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
Pygmy pythons use scent to track their prey. They flick their forked tongues to collect airborne particles, then passing them to the vomeronasal or Jacobson's organ in the mouth. This fork in the tongue gives snakes a sort of directional sense of smell and taste simultaneously. Their tongues are kept it constant motion, sampling particles from the air, ground, and water, analyzing the chemicals found, and determining the presence of prey or predators in the local environment Pit vipers, pythons, and some species of boas have infrared-sensitive receptors in deep grooves between the nostril and eye. Also common in pythons are labial pits that are found on their upper lip just below the nostrils, these structures allows them to "see" the radiated heat of warm-blooded prey mammals. Pygmy python underbellies come in direct contact with the ground and are very sensitive to vibrations. This allows snakes to sense other animals approaching by detecting the faint vibrations in the air and on the ground. Research suggests that A. perthensis communicates like most other snake species, using mainly scent to find prey and communicate.
Communication Channels: tactile ; chemical
Other Communication Modes: pheromones ; vibrations
Perception Channels: visual ; infrared/heat ; tactile ; vibrations ; chemical
Pythons (Pythonidae) are considered "primitive" snakes, with features that link them to their four-legged lizard ancestors. These features include a rudimentary pelvic girdle in the form of cloacal spurs and two equal sized lungs.
Pygmy pythons kill prey by constriction. Though constriction appears to involve continuous squeezing, it actually occurs intermittently. Since muscles use large amounts of energy when they exert force, squeezing intermittently and only when necessary, the snakes conserve energy. Holding the constriction posture even when not squeezing allows a snake to squeeze again very quickly if the prey starts to move again.
Pygmy pythons are nocturnal hunters, hunting at night helps them to avoid the extreme temperatures experienced during the day in the Pilbara region. Their diet changes with age: young snakes generally eat small reptiles including geckos and skinks, at maturity their diet shifts to include small mammals, such as bats which it catches in an innovative way. The snake positions itself on ledges at cave entrances and strike at the bats as they fly in and out of the caves. Adult snakes also feed on amphibians. Digestion begins almost as the snake starts the swallowing process, because the saliva and stomach acids, which completely covers the prey, contains strong enzymes for breaking down food. The amount of time needed for digestion is heavily dependent on meal size and meal type, some meals can take extremely long, sometimes multiple days to digest.
Animal Foods: birds; mammals; amphibians; reptiles; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats terrestrial vertebrates, Insectivore )
Pygmy pythons are abundant and widespread throughout the Pilbara. The Pilbara region is south of the Kimberly Tropical Savanna ecoregion and includes some of the hottest and driest areas of Australia. Although this region is extremely arid and has no formal wet or dry season, the small amount of rainfall that occurs is typically concentrated in the summer season. This habitat is composed mostly of flat land with sparse vegetation, which is generally composed of either Spinifex bushes (small grassy bushes which cover small rocky hills) or stunted eucalyptus trees.
Herpetologists find pygmy pythons by burning spinifex bushes, where they often hide in the bushes during the day to escape the blazing Australian sun. This snake is most easily found in large termite mounds, where they spend almost all daylight hours. Normally, A. perthensis is found sharing the large mounds with other species, including Stimson's pythons (Antaresia stimsoni), black-headed pythons (Aspidites melanocephalus), king brown snakes (Pseudechis australis), moon snakes (Furina ornate), broad-banded sand swimmers (Eremiascincus richardsoni), Pilbara geckoes (Gehyra purpurascens), and depressed spiny skinks (Egernia depressa). It has been suggested that A. perthensis frequents these mounds because daytime temperatures in the mounds can reach up to 38 C, which are ideal conditions for these ectothermic pythons. While inside the mounds, A. perthensis and other snakes curl around each other into what looks like a large ball. Time spent in the mounds is normally used to rest and convert the heat around them into energy. In addition to spinifex bushes and termite mounds, A. perthensis can occasionally be found under rocks.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: desert or dune
Pygmy pythons are known to live more than 25 years. Although these snakes do not live as long in captivity, they still have a fairly long life span, up to 20 years.
Range lifespan
Status: wild: 25 (high) years.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 15 to 23 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 18 years.
Typical lifespan
Status: captivity: 18 to 25 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 20 years.
Pygmy pythons are the smallest pythons in the world, measuring only about 60 cm long and 200 g as an adult. At the time of hatching, this tiny snake is only about 17 cm long and 4 g. Females are slightly larger than males. The head is short and wedge shaped, while the neck and body are thick and muscular. The dorsal side is typically dark brick red and may be patterned. The pattern is made of approximately four regular black markings which give the impression of crossbars. Generally patterns and colors are brighter and more vivid in younger snakes, sometimes fading completely at maturity. On the ventral surface pygmy pythongs are creamy white. The scalation is as follows: 31-35 mid body rows, 205-255 ventral scales, a single anal scale, and 30-45 subcaudals.
All pythons, including A. perthensis, move by traveling forward in a straight line, known as rectilinear progression. This is accomplished by stiffening their ribs, to provide support, then lifting a set of ventral scales and moving them forward so the loose ends grip the surface of the ground, pushing the snake forward. This type of movement works on the ground as well as in trees.
Range mass: 180 to 210 g.
Average mass: 200 g.
Range length: 42 to 62 cm.
Average length: 55 cm.
Other Physical Features: heterothermic
Sexual Dimorphism: female larger
Pygmy python young are at high risk of predation. These snakes are eaten by a variety of birds, carnivorous mammals, large frogs, spiders, and other snakes. Though adult pygmy pythons are at a slightly lower risk, their small size still makes them easy prey. The dark red color of this species helps them to avoid capture somewhat, as it helps them to blend with their environment.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Like most small snakes, pygmy pythons exhibit a trait called pairing behavior, where multiple males and females move about together. It is believed that this behavior is a result of males following the females specifically to mate, in response to a release of pheromones by the female. The female snake releases these pheromones in response to a drop in the surrounding temperature. Males rub their bodies along the female’s cloacal spurs, which are used to initiate the breeding response in females. This helps to entice the female before begining coppulation.The reproductive organs of male snakes are paired, forked hemipenes, which are stored, inverted, in the male's tail. The hemipenes are often grooved, hooked, or spindled in order to grip the walls of the female's cloaca.
Mating System: polyandrous ; polygynous ; polygynandrous (promiscuous)
This species is oviparous and lay eggs that are encased in a thin parchment-like shell. The eggs take about 2 months to hatch, during which time the mother python will stay coiled around her eggs to provide protection and warmth.
Breeding season: eggs incubate for 2 to 3 months
Range number of offspring: 2 to 6.
Range gestation period: 2 to 3 months.
Range time to independence: 0 to 3 weeks.
Average time to independence: 2 weeks.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 (low) years.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 (low) years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; sexual ; fertilization ; oviparous
While there are no accounts of parental investment in the wild, female pythons generally stay coiled around their eggs to protect them while they develop, ensuring that the eggs do not get too cold. Once the eggs hatch, the young are independent.
Parental Investment: female parental care ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)
Die Perth-Zwergpython (Antaresia perthensis) ist eine Art aus der Gattung Antaresia in der Familie der Pythons (Pythonidae). Das Artepitheton perthensis wurde vergeben, da bei der Erstbeschreibung fälschlich angenommen wurde, das Typusexemplar wäre bei Perth gefangen worden, wo die Art allerdings nicht vorkommt. Die englischen Trivialnamen „Pygmy python“ („Zwergpython“) bzw. „Ant-hill python“ („Ameisenhügelpython“) beziehen sich auf die geringe Größe und den bevorzugten Unterschlupf der Tiere.
Mit einer Länge von 40 bis 70 cm ist der Perth-Zwergpython die kleinste Antaresia-Art. Der Kopf ist kurz und flach mit breiter abgerundeter Schnauze und nur geringfügig vom Hals abgesetzt. Die Augen sind groß und haben eine rotbraune Iris. Die Körperoberseite ist rötlich-braun mit verschieden großen, dunkel- bis rotbraunen Flecken; diese Musterung verblasst mit zunehmendem Alter. Die Bauchseite ist cremefarben bis weiß und ungemustert.
In der Regel sind ein vorderes, an das Internasalschildpaar angrenzendes, und zwei hintere Paare Präfrontalia vorhanden. Typisch sind nur ein Supraocularschild und meist ein Paar Parietalschilde. Es sind 4 bis 10 Lorealschilde, 9 bis 14 Supralabialschilde und 11 bis 15 Infralabialschilde vorhanden. Von letzteren tragen die hintersten drei, selten vier Wärmesinnesgruben. Der Rumpf weist 31 bis 35 schräge Reihen glatter Schuppen in der Mitte, 212 bis 250 Ventralschilde, 34 bis 45 Subkaudalschilde und einen ungeteilten Analschild auf.
Der Perth-Zwergpython kommt endemisch im mittleren Westen Westaustraliens in der Pilbara-Region sowie auf einigen küstennahen Inseln vor. Als Habitat bevorzugt er hügeliges Gelände mit Felsen, Höhlungen und Termitenbauten als Versteckmöglichkeiten. Als Beutetiere dienen Reptilien und kleine Säugetiere.
Die Paarung findet im australischen Winter statt. Das Gelege besteht aus zwei bis sechs großen Eiern, die Jungtiere schlüpfen nach etwa zwei Monaten.
Die Perth-Zwergpython (Antaresia perthensis) ist eine Art aus der Gattung Antaresia in der Familie der Pythons (Pythonidae). Das Artepitheton perthensis wurde vergeben, da bei der Erstbeschreibung fälschlich angenommen wurde, das Typusexemplar wäre bei Perth gefangen worden, wo die Art allerdings nicht vorkommt. Die englischen Trivialnamen „Pygmy python“ („Zwergpython“) bzw. „Ant-hill python“ („Ameisenhügelpython“) beziehen sich auf die geringe Größe und den bevorzugten Unterschlupf der Tiere.
The pygmy python (Antaresia perthensis), also known as the anthill python, is a species of snake found in Western Australia. Their common names refer to the fact that they are the smallest member of the family Pythonidae and are often found in termite mounds. The specific epithet is derived from the state capital, Perth, despite the fact that this place is not within the range of the species.[2] No subspecies are currently recognized.[3]
Adults grow to about 50 cm (19.5 in) in length and have a weight near 210 grams. Neonates are about 8 inches (20 cm) in length and about 4 grams in weight. After a year they average about 25 grams in weight. This makes them smaller than both the Children's python, A. childreni, and the spotted python, A. maculosa. A. perthensis usually has a redder background ground color than these other species and their spots fade, or become less distinct, as they mature. In contrast, the ground color is lighter in childreni and maculosa, while their spots stay better defined throughout their life.
Found in Australia in the northwest of Western Australia and on some coastal islands. The type locality given is "Perth, West Australia" (Western Australia); an erroneous assumption of the place where the specimen was collected. The unfamiliarity of Europeans with the place of a specimen's collection has given rise to other 'naming peculiarities'.[2] According to L.A. Smith (1985), the type locality is unknown.[1]
In captivity anthill pythons can be housed (and bred) in something as small as a 20 gallon tank. Although reptile specific enclosures are best, a simple fish tank may be used for short or long-term housing. They may be fed mice as part of their regular diet and supplemented with fuzzy rats. Anything larger is usually a stressor on their system even though they will still try to eat it. Once anthill pythons get started eating they rarely refuse a meal except for breeding season or during part of their shedding cycle.
After only about 6 months they still are measured in gram weight due to their small "pocket" size.
The pygmy python is oviparous, with 5-8 eggs per clutch. The females will stay coiled around the eggs (lifting them off the substrate) and incubate them until they hatch, which is usually after 50–60 days.
This snake is a popular exotic pet.
The pygmy python (Antaresia perthensis), also known as the anthill python, is a species of snake found in Western Australia. Their common names refer to the fact that they are the smallest member of the family Pythonidae and are often found in termite mounds. The specific epithet is derived from the state capital, Perth, despite the fact that this place is not within the range of the species. No subspecies are currently recognized.
Pitoi pigmeoa (Antaresia perthensis) Antaresia generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Pythonidae familian sailkatuta dago. 60 cm inguru luze da eta mendebaldeko Australian bizi da. Pitoietan txikiena da.[2]
Pitoi pigmeoa (Antaresia perthensis) Antaresia generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Pythonidae familian sailkatuta dago. 60 cm inguru luze da eta mendebaldeko Australian bizi da. Pitoietan txikiena da.
Le Python pygmée (Antaresia perthensis) est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Pythonidae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique du Nord-Ouest de l'Australie-Occidentale[1].
Adulte, il mesure de 50 cm pour un poids de 210 g, c'est le plus petit des pythonidés. C'est un serpent constricteur ovipare.
Son nom d'espèce, composé de perth et du suffixe latin -ensis, « qui vit dans, qui habite », lui a été donné en référence au lieu de sa découverte, la ville de Perth.
Le Python pygmée (Antaresia perthensis) est une espèce de serpents de la famille des Pythonidae.
Antaresia perthensis er en slangart som lever i Vest-Australia. Artens kallenavn, Pygmépyton og Maurtuepyton, kommer fra at de er den minste arten av Pytonslangene og ofte holder til i Termitthauger. Det vitenskapelige navnet er avledet fra delstatshovedstaden, Perth, til tross for at arten ikke finnes i byen.[1] Ingen underarter har ennå blitt beskevet.[2]
Antaresia perthensis er en slangart som lever i Vest-Australia. Artens kallenavn, Pygmépyton og Maurtuepyton, kommer fra at de er den minste arten av Pytonslangene og ofte holder til i Termitthauger. Det vitenskapelige navnet er avledet fra delstatshovedstaden, Perth, til tross for at arten ikke finnes i byen. Ingen underarter har ennå blitt beskevet.
Antaresia perthensis – gatunek węża z rodziny pytonów. Odkryty w zachodniej Australii. Jak sugeruje ich nazwa, są najmniejszym przedstawicielem swojej rodziny. Często można je znaleźć w kopcach termitów. [3] Nie rozpoznano jego żadnych podgatunków.[4]
Występuje w północno-zachodniej Australii[6] oraz na niektórych przybrzeżnych wyspach.[3]
Jest jajorodny. Jednorazowo samica znosi 7-8 jaj, po czym inkubuje je aż do wyklucia, co zwykle następuje po 50-60 dniach.
Często wykorzystywany jest jako egzotyczny pupil.
Antaresia perthensis – gatunek węża z rodziny pytonów. Odkryty w zachodniej Australii. Jak sugeruje ich nazwa, są najmniejszym przedstawicielem swojej rodziny. Często można je znaleźć w kopcach termitów. Nie rozpoznano jego żadnych podgatunków.
Antaresia perthensis là một loài rắn trong họ Pythonidae. Loài này được Stull mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1932.[2]
Antaresia perthensis là một loài rắn trong họ Pythonidae. Loài này được Stull mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1932.
珀茲星蟒(學名:Antaresia perthensis)是蛇亞目蟒科下的一個無毒蛇種,主要分布於澳洲的西澳大利亞州,是侏儒蟒屬以至整個蟒科中體型最小的品種。珀茲星蟒亦被稱為「蟻丘蟒」,這是因為牠們常出沒於白蟻所居住的蟻丘之中。珀茲星蟒的學名「Perthensis」源於其分布地西澳大利亞州的首都珀斯,可是珀斯當地卻並非珀茲星的實際分布地。[2]目前尚未有任何亞種被確認。[3]
珀茲星蟒主要分布於澳洲西澳大利亞州的西北部與及一些海岸地區。其標本產地為「西澳大利亞州,珀斯」。這裡有一點問題存在,因為珀斯並不是珀茲星蟒的主要分布區域,這個奇怪的產地命名習慣亦備受一些歐洲學者的抨擊。[2]而根據L.A. Smith的研究結論,珀茲星蟒的標本產地應是「不詳」。[1]
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